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➤Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi

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Its worthy of note to consider the reasons for the command. First, it was a command under law, not spirit. Second, there is continuous contention of superiority between man and woman based on fact Adam was created first( which God balanced when Eve- Mary- also produced second Adam), third, Eve was deceived and made Adam fall( now the table is turned that the man is now being deceived and making the woman fall) . Now, God has balanced all these in child bearing through the same woman producing a man that will set her free from the bondage of the law- that's Jesus. Jesus, liberated woman from this curse of the law and balanced the argument of equality to unite Male and female to the original plan of equality from the beginning before the fall. It was further asserted that, " in Christ Jesus there is neither superiority between Jew or Gentile, bond or free slave, MALE OR FEMALE all are equal when they both find Christ and accepted as such in him". The preaching of inequality between male and female is under law of Moses and not the spirit that gives life. It still applies to the fallen man and his wife as a curse or the spiritual man yet raising his bride to come up to level of equality by filling her with word of God to maturity( through love, endurance and servanthood). Any true believing man who truly understand leadership to mean servanthood, tendersness and not lordship, will be excited to have his wife attain equality with him, knowing that reduces his burden to lay down his life in humility as both equal parts now work towards contributing to each other through riches in Christ. This leadership in new testament was mainly emphasized to Spiritual men who are under leadership of Christ before they can lead a wife to spiritual maturity and not to all. The command from old law is for falling man to RULE over the woman as he pleases which was a curse to her for bringing him down to that state. That's why godly women who even made a mistake to marry fallen nature man strive to humble themselves to bring him up in Christ and when she succeeds, he often lives the rest of his life serving and striving to please her. I often tell people, its only an evil woman that should argue about a righteous man under christ being a leader over her when she knows its all about servanthood and not lordship. And if we all have this understanding, every regenerated man will be in a hurry to get the wife attain equality with him to make the leadership work easier. If a whole of God the trinity accept equality, oneness because they are united in purpose, why should mortals not come to this understanding and know God never intends any to rule over another except those under curse of law. Any who do not believe a matured believing wife is equal to her matured believing husband is not also and can never be a joint heir with Christ as his bride because marriage illustration is example of Christ and his church.


1corinthians 14:33-34 says God is not an author of confusion but of peace in all churches, 34 let your women keep silence in the churches fir it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as Also saith the law.


Thank you for this video I've been wanting to know this verse


on this one i will stand with the bible and william marrion branaham.


We are talking about preaching and teaching in a pulpit. Holding the office of authority over man in church. Not apostleship or a prophet or a seer.
Women are not allowed to preach or teach in the pulpit of a church. It is plain and simple.
In 1st Corinthians 14 Apostle Paul says it is not him but says the Lord.


Acts 21:8. The 4 daughters of Philip were teaching and prophesying. Was God to give them the gifts? Yet Paul was ranking the body of Christ and respect to our men.


The body of Christ continue to manipulates the authority of the Scriptures, for lack of revelation and boldness to declare the Word of God as it is. But we always find and choose some scriptures that we having not yet understood, even it is so simple their explaination.
In the New Testament we never saw a woman directing a ministry, having spiritual authority in a congration, but Jesus had them closer as they were helping with His minstry.
Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna they helped Jesus ministry with their substance. The Samaritan woman was used to bring revelation to Christ, but we dont hear her to teach the scriptures or direct a church ministry. She testify of the Messiah as all of us must do. But later we see Philip going to Samaria to bring the power of God by preaching and miracles that followed.
Jesus appointed the 12 disciples. 1 Cor 12:28 tells us clear the offices in the church. Mark 3:14 defines who were to be send as preachers, 12 apostles.

And He appointed twelve ones, and He called them apostles, that they might be with Him, and that He might send them to preach,

Peter said we will not leave the teaching of the Word and prayer for tables(charity ministry) again they appointed man filled with the Spirit and wisdom.

Paul said: Be imitators of me, as I also am of Christ. (1 Cor 11:1)
If anyone considers himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things I write to you are the commands of the Lord. (1 Cor 14:37)

To be decieved by considering Joice Meyer a teacher is not a small thing by the Aps Arome. The herecy of Joice M in regards to the person of Jesus Christ has no limits: e.i. Jesus stop being the Son of God, was the first to be born again, Jesus was tormented in hell, paid the price in hell, and more at 79 years old Joice M encourages women to get tattoos, while Lev 19:28 condemns such pagan rituals.

We are calling her a teacher? By which spirit?

Im sorry Aps Arome, regarding Junia to be one of the apostles such a view is based on less than adequate evidence. Andronicus and Junia were not apostles, but were known to the apostles, among the apostles as church leaders.

The divine order has already established by the Word of God, and not of any private interpretation:👇
The office in the church is already given, and women are to disciple and teach other women in relationship and fellowship, not taking a pulpit ministry.

Not a single time we see a woman as apostle because scripture CANNOT CONTRADICT itself, as verses below show:

The Bible said:
1 Timothy 3:2
Therefore, it is necessary for the bishop to be blameless, the husband of one wife, to be restrained, reasonable, prudent, hospitable, able to teach.

Bishop (Supervisor):
from Eng. "bishop", which "a point" (epi = "over", skopeo = "to look at or watch over"), has the same meaning, found in Acts 20:28; Phil 1:1; 1Ti 3:2; Thessalonians 1:7; 1Pe 2:25.

Titus 1:7
For the bishop, as a steward of the house of the body, must be blameless, not arrogant, not conceited, not given to wine, not violent, not a man who covets shameful gain,

Note: Presbuteros, "an elder, " is another term for a person like one or another bishop. See Acts 20:17 with verse 28. The term "elder" denotes the mature spiritual experience and hiddenness of those thus described; the term "bishop" or "overseer, " indicates the character of the single work.
This is what the church lacks…
By divine will and appointment, as in NT, there were to be "bishops" in every local church, Acts 14:23; 20:17; Philippians 1:1; Titus 1:5; James 5:14.

May the Lord give us understanding!


Emotions and teaching don't go together. Women are very emotional and this can affect their judgement of scriptures


Thank God for Apostle Arome.
Please let's have the link to the full message.
God bless you!


In the garden of Eden the devil said God did not really mean that you will die and it lead us to sin, and today our own time the devil is still saying God did not really mean that the woman can not reach or preach in the church, let us be wise women are not making heaven why ???


And the text of Romans 16:7, doesn't mean that Adronicus and Junia were apostles but that they were reputable among the apostles, definitely due to their involvement and support in the ministry especially toward the apostles.

Of course there exceptions, if God wants to use a woman in a certain way, He's not hindered for He's God but that doesn't mean it shall be so always.
If you read in Isaiah, when a woman or child rule it's a rebuke from the LORD to the men who have neglected their role of worship to the LORD


So this is about being monopolised Apostle's (general oversiers), not gifts or evangelist or interpreter's or teacher's under a ministry etc


Galatians 3 (KJV)
²⁶ For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
²⁷ For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
²⁸ There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
²⁹ And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.



You started well but where you missed it is by saying that the verse is not talking about women's physical appearance saying that if it is so they should not wear clothes too, I disagree with that.
Paul didn't talk about them not wearing clothes instead he talked about not going for costly/expensive apparel so my dear people do not let any pastor twist the scriptures remember Matthew24 vs 11


The problem is that men have set aside the plain word of the LORD and are gone in pursuit of complex doctrines which the scriptures Don't mean.... I love apostle Arome but I totally disagree with him over this matter.... 1 Corinthians 14:33-36 and 1 Timothy 2:11-15 sternly talk of a woman not to teach or usurp authority over the man in the Church of God.

Nonetheless, she is not hindered to make use of her spiritual gift in Church.


The Bible is clear!! It is respecter of no Joyce meyer or and Woman of God!! Tell us a woman in the Bible that heard Authority over men!!


He gave some and teachers NOT He gave some MEN....Any Woman God has called into the 5-fold ministry should do it gladly....but should do it under the covering of her husband (1 Cor 11:7)...the authority a man has over his wife in marriage is superior to the one the wife has over him in ministry/spiritually (1 Cor 11:3)


What I know is God cannot contradict his word. His word is yea and amen stop twisting the scriptures fake apostle


*1 Timothy 2 vs 12"
_".., suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence"_

Simple as ABC. Which part of this is not clear?


_"if God didn't want women to teach, God wouldnt have called Joyce Meyer and make her a teacher"_

No sir! Anybody can be a 'pastor' but not all 'pastors' are called.
The fact that one is a 'pastor' is no proof that he/she was called by Almighty God!
