Women should be silent in the church?

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In our last OPEN MAT Q&A a viewer asked about Paul's comments in 1Timothy and 1Corinthians...

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In chronological order:

1. Genesis 3:16
2. 1 Corinthians 14:33-35
3. 1 Timothy 2:11-15
4. Ephesians 5:20-33

Then you have to understand the differences & similarities between Teaching & Preaching . . . IF a woman is to preach/speak, it is by the authority of a male church leader. Pheobe was only able to deliver and preach what was taught due to the chain of command given by Paul. She was SENT by Paul to RECITE to others what HE TEACHES in HIS writings.

However, this does not mean that women cannot: give testimony, speak in tongues, prophesy, or minister. This just means that there must be permission given first. Women preach & minister in our church, but only because our male pastor has allowed them. They shall not usurp or assume authority over man in the church.
1 Corinthians 14 is interesting as far as the requirements of prophesying, speaking in tongues, and speaking.


As usual, extremely well presented. Grace and peace.


Andrew Bartlett and Terran Williams have responded comprehensively to Mike Winger at Terran's site.


I think 1 Tim 2:13-14 gives the reason women should not "teach or have authority" over a man in church. It doesn’t seem like something that was just for that church, it sounds universal.

1 Timothy 2:12-14 CSB
[12] I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; instead, she is to remain quiet. [13] For Adam was formed first, then Eve. [14] And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed.

And yeah Mike Winger's videos were great. I think in total his women in ministry series is right under 40 hours


There were female prophets in the bible.


I’m a complementarian but this is an excellent, informative and honest overview. You’re right—Voddie is exaggerating at the least, lying at the worst!


We read these passages and try to apply them to how we do church today. I wonder how church was done as these letters were being written for Paul to say what he said. Was it a open forum where people were free to ask questions or share thoughts, and maybe the women were taking up the time with many questions and comments. I don't know. I will check out the videos mentioned and see if they talk about this.


I wonder if Winger will ever make a response to all the pushback on his women in ministry series. He has responded to pretty much every other counterargument in good time in regards to other subjects, but strangely not this one, and it's been about 7 months since his most recent video on this. I really don't understand why its taken so long compared to the others when he usually responds more quickly. I don't want to accuse him of anything, but it makes him seem dishonest, especially when there have been countless responses to his own videos. I'm really saddened by this, because his other videos really helped me start taking a closer look at the bible and have led me to channels like this one.


context is key. what i understand is that the new covenant created equality between women and men in Christian ministry. i do not think this refers to marriage or being a pastor. that would have to be explicit for me. we all have a Christian walk. one Christian walk is not higher or stronger because it is held by a man. we need the perspectives of men, women, blacks, whites, poor, abused, etc. we all are the body with functions and we edify each other. Paul was saying for women to remain as they were, to progressively bring in the inclusion of women ministry under the new covenant. they couldn’t all tear off their veils and yell, “i’m going to jerusalem!” it was progressive and needed to be handled delicately, thus the “contradiction.”


There is a letter from Pliny the Younger a governor to the Emperor Trajan concerning Christians. He highlighted two female slaves that he tortured and confirmed they were deaconesses. Roman society was very rigid especially if you was a woman and worse a slave. That female slaves can be leaders in a church shows you the equality found in the gospel: whether free or slave, man or woman we are all equal before God.


~1960 years of church history disagrees with your brand new, modern interpretation. Is it a coincidence that we "discovered" that it was "contextual" to those churches during the rise of feminism?


1 Tim.2 uses "hesuchia." 1 Cor. 14 uses "sigao."


Anabaptists greet each other with a holy kiss if baptized into the church. Men to men and women to women. You won't be greeted with one at our church as a visitor. It's only for members.


Personally, I think Churches have the right to determine this level of behavior individually. Still, I do wonder, If we're to be dead to the world, and love our enemies, does it really matter?


-Answer given. Context matter. Yes, i've read the context of both sections. The overly liberal teaching is not accurate. In Corinthians he also talks about if you have several people who want to speak in tongues or to prophecy. Limit the how much of this is done, to maintain order. Essentially. If there is more than one speaker things become chaotic. If too many people want to fill a roll time start becoming wasted for all. The context in Corinthians is in line of a married woman. However. That is not limited in 1 Timothy. Rather the ruling takes its authority from Gods order. Should we go through all the verses that lay out men's responsibilities and start picking them apart? Making excuses for the ones that are inconvenient? Stop using tiny slivers of context to try to make your position, while ignoring the vast majority of the context from the Bible as a whole and the context within the very chapters that these verses are in. There will be a time when there is no difference between men and women, in these aspects. That time is not now.
-Answer given. Watch the videos. There hasn't not being one detail mention in either this podcast or what i have read in the comments. That give me any reason to consider there might be important reasons to watch the video. i have no problem looking into positions i disagree with. If i think there might be something interesting in what is being presented. A fresh perspective, a technical breakdown, a historical review, etc.
To put this in an appropriate example, using the dojo theme. If i read something talking about striking with the hand. It says. Keep you little finger in line with the purpose of you hand. Do not let you little finger hang out waywardly. Then i hear someone say. This means you should strike with you little finger. i'm going to remain unlikely to watch a video on the little finger striking technique.


The Bible doesn't actually mean what it says. Awesome.


It’s absolutely that simple. Paul does not say women in this particular church can’t teach . Just bc people don’t greet with a kiss does not equate that PAUL DOES NOT mean women can’t teach men


Have a Bible at hand. No shame in going to the Word instead of trying to go off memory. Where are your references to women preaching and teaching in church in the Old and/or New Testaments? I would guess in regards to women having authority over men we would look at the example of Deborah being a judge. It's unclear what kind of authority the judges had. It was certainly less than a monarch.
