1 Timothy 2 - Should Women be SILENT in Church?? [Daily Bible Study]

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Today we read 1 Timothy 2, when Paul encourages Timothy with how to deal with some issues in Ephesus. The issues of women in ministry, or even women in a church setting is a debated issue in churches today. We look at the 3 primary ways to interpret this and encourage all Christians to live charitably with each other.

Branch Together brings Christians together to read the Bible every day. We know as Christians that we are called to "branch out" and reach the world around us, but first we must come "together" and develop habits that help us grow to be more like the people Jesus is calling us to be. So before we Branch Out, we Branch Together. Some people might call this Daily Devotions, or Quiet Time...whatever you call it, our videos kickstart your most important daily habit.

Scripture quotations have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
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May God give us more discernment on this. Unfortunately, women these days, like myself, have been conditioned by society and culture not by the unchanging word of God. I feel strongly God led me to read this chapter because He wants to show me that He indeed wants women to be submissive in the church to men because that is the designed order from the beginning. As a women I can straight up admit I have been easily deceived about many things but God is always willing to show me because I am open for correction. I noticed my husband, a very casual believer, has been given much more wisdom than I and most other women I know. He is not easily deceived. When I am submitting to Him my children follow suit and are submissive to him and me. They see the order in our home and because we are united in this we have more peace and control of our kids. Could it be order is necessary for peace and wisdom. Just some thoughts. Thank you for discussing.


hello! I'm from Brazil, and I would like to say how I feel thankful for this work to read and explain the word of God. It's so important and valuable to me, God bless all of you.


Thank you so much for explaining this chapter. God bless you all brothers and sisters 🙏


Great reminder of the context of this book and how we need to read the Bible in light of the entire Bible.


As a Christian woman, this saddens me. Why am I made to seem as though I am prone to being deceit because I have a uterus and breast? And I will be saved through childbearing? I have never and will never bear a child. Am I suddenly not saved because of this? Should I instead become a man for my salvation? I stood up for the Bible when others called it sexist. What am I supposed to do now? Agree that it is sexist? Someone tell me this can’t be true. Jesus said do unto others what you would like them to do unto you. He didn’t say do unto men what you would want him to do unto you while you treat women like servants. Help me please I want to understand Gods word while also not feeling like I am a second class citizen because I don’t have the ‘correct’ body part.


1 Corinthians 11
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.


The scripture is clear. It's when we are afraid to accept it and perverse it to fit the times that we become victims of the times. All of this will pass. Scripture is timeless.


When the words are clear and simple, , no one should make their own rambling interpretation....


While you were hesitant to take a stance, I applaud you for tackling it. It is a very difficult text for 2020. I was listening to the Bible with my daughters and I was really struggling with an explanation when it got to this point. So now I am praying for discernment regarding how to explain it to them. I need to be truthful regarding the Bible while hopefully encouraging for them to stay faithful always in the Word.


Howdy from the Philippines! I am an American missionary serving in the Philippines for the past 32 years. I am grateful for your ministry via Youtube and your brief chapter-by-chapter explanations. I have found them very helpful. Thank you and may GOD continue to bless you and Jared.


Loved this message! I also think it's really cool that you're doing daily bible studies! Subscribed and excited to hear more :)


God in 100 quadrillion years will be the same God as He was 10973 quadrillion years ago. God does not change and neither does His Word. That is a great comfort.


Roman 16:1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the Saints, and help her in whatever she may needs from you, for she has been a Patron of many and of myself as well. Also, Romans 16:3 "  my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus.


If this teaching would have been for just Ephesus, it would have said so.


Honestly I feel you danced a bit around the topic and sort of avoided your own question. Sure the statement could be cultural and and specific to that time and place. But was it? And if it was, then why and if it wasn’t, then why? What are the two arguments?


I will forever be thankful for all the videos ..


As one who has been long in ministry. Yes 60 years old is a wise cut off…. I have have lived it. The church/ ministry has limited resources as well. The “list” is talking about consistent support and not a one time bag of groceries. If there is no age cut off then most of not all will take advantage and miss out on trusting God for creativity and open doors. They have to work… period! Again the list mentioned is beyond the obvious assistance we would give anyone in need…. Including anyone who lost a spouse. I also agree that another qualification ia that the Person has to have life filled with evidence of faithfulness.

We cannot think we are smarter than God. These standards are in place for a reason. Reasons we do realize until we see the fruit of obedience over many years.


My Brother if one was to do an in-depth study of why Paul wrote this letter knowing the exact flash doctrine he was combating each line of this letter would come alive and speak to our hearts in ways unimaginable context context context Keep up the good work


Paul is saying people should not "interrupt the speaker". All his rules apply to both men and women.



5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
