Do Narcissists every regret losing you or do they feel guilt for how things ended?

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Do Narcissists every regret losing you or do they feel guilt for how things ended?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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“Let them lose you, Glow up and leave them alone” I love how this ended. Thank you Lee. You’re not a demon. I want healing for us all, and thank you for doing the work and spreading self awareness.


Even if they regret, it is not because they love or care about us, it is simply because of the inconvenience. We protect people we love, and the sorrow of hurting them is heartbreaking when we truly love someone. When narcs lied to us, cheated on us, hurt us, they were not afraid of losing us. They would just continue as long as we allow them.


I think they regret losing the supply they had and not necessarily the person.
I know that my ex doesn't regret losing me, but regrets losing what I brought to the relationship (money, a house, etc).


Thank you for admitting that you have regretted losing people in your life.

While I was with my ex narc he lost friends because of behaviors that he exhibited. He has lost me as his girlfriend, but I have no idea if he regrets it because I imagine he put the blame on me for what happened in the fake relationship. I know I wasn't perfect but I was very good to him.


What gets me is the way they rationalize things in their mind and then come back to you later as though nothing ever happened. Do you know, l mean really know, what it's like to grieve for somebody who isn't even dead? My son and I are forever broken because of my sister's behavior and I'm not sure if we could ever be happy again.


God is saving you from a lifetime of misery and heartache when a narcissist discards you.


So, effectively - it's easier for someone with NPD to gaslight themselves than deal with reality..

Interesting perspective. Thanks for your honesty, Lee.


" you made me cheat on you!"

I'm sorry, I made you do that. Now get the heck out of my life forever


"Let me finish!" And NONBODY is stopping him from finishing...that is EXACTLY what my ex did when I wasn't even interrupting. His own thoughts were not letting him finish? 🤔


Thank you for this. He told me once when I left that he regret what he said and then months later I returned back. Then of course he double down on everything. So now that I have finally left, do I think he regrets it? Nope lol 😂 I think he blames me for leaving him. I can kind of tell in his mind, I possibly found somebody else or I’m in my feelings so it’s my fault. Which is perfectly fine with me. Let him blame me while I move on lol 😂 6 months no contact. Yes 🙌🏾 🥰


He denies any wrong doing for my leaving!! Im gone after 12 years and he claims its because I never loved him, I had this planned all along just to take his money in a divorce!! He is just a helpless victim!!!


This makes me feel so sad for narcissistic people. Yahuah help them. Pride is so toxic


They regret losing the perks nothing else.


The ex narc blamed me cuz I left and would no longer tolerate the MESS!!!! He actually wanted me 2 stay with him and just settle 4 how things were...I HAD 2 ASK HIM IF HE THOUGHT I WAS THAT NIEVE ...SMH I left and I'm not looking back...He can blame me all he wants...I'M HAPPY NOW AND MY FINANCES R 100 TIMES BETTER NOW!!!! LEAVE THAT CRAZY


I think I’ve been broken up more than 1000 times in 15 year even if it was small silent treatment but it was continuous cycle I didn’t know how to end it


She felt nothing when I was in her life and she felt even less when I left.


Wow to hear from an actual narcissistic person disorder. Would love a counselor chat to understand my ex who I share a daughter with and she is trapped in his lies. Thankyou for speaking out


My narcissist ex husband told me I made him did all he ever did 😢he actually blamed me for asking him to leave the house after he silent treated me for 4 months😅


I love watching these lol and when I can learn, AND laugh at these scenarios you described that relate to my life ?!?! 😭😂👏🏽 Wow I’ve grown so much. 💯😌 And oh, you’re absolutely correct. They play the blame game SO MUCH !!!! Every SINGLE TIME. Mmm mm. ☝🏽🤦🏽‍♀️ I absolutely love your videos & input and insight every time 👏🏽💯 SO SO helpful ! 🙌🏽👏🏽


You right Lee everything you explain here I see that 4 years evry day you words here is the same words he said to me 😔😔😔you right 💯. Some Narcisist believe them lias too sad 😔 but true. You are Amazing videos you have here for us . Thank u 🙏 so much. My Fav NPD 🤗🤗🤗😊God blessed u always
