The Only Way To Make A Narcissist Regret What They Did | NPD | Narcissism | Behind The Science

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The Only Way To Make A Narcissist Regret What They Did | NPD | Narcissism | Behind The Science


Hey there! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like you're walking on eggshells, constantly second-guessing your every move, feeling like you're not good enough? These are all signs of narcissistic abuse, and it's important to be aware of the red flags that come with it.


If you're attracted to this video, chances are, you might be going through a tough time with someone who is controlling and manipulative. You might feel lost and confused, unable to trust your own thoughts and feelings. We are here to support you.


I understand how painful it can be, which is why I want to offer you a free course called "From Chaos to Calm," to help you cope with these difficult situations. This book is designed to provide you with the basic shielding technique that will help you avoid falling into the trap of negative people such as narcissists and emotional vampires. If you're in need of this course, don't hesitate to download them.

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder
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They don't apologize... say thank you, or feel anything. They don't even love their own kids. Don't think they will ever change. I know this now...but only after 50 yrs of my life wasted. Finally free for 6 years now. Living my best life finally.


I did it
No contact and silent treatment
It works


I can not be more passionate about this point: YOU DO NOT NEED TO MAKE THEM REGRET WHAT THEY'VE DONE. Friends, please hear my wish for you- That you would reach the point of indifference towards the narcissist. Total Apathy. If that person is still able to change your mental/emotional state (either good empotions, or, more likely, bad) then they still have power over you. You might think that you've processed enough of the abusive/toxic behavior or gained enough knowledge to be able to re-engage with the narcissist and this time come out on top. Nothing could be more foolish. Consider this as well - You could be the ultimate example of love for that person and give it to them unconditionally. You could be the ultimate example of hatred and actively plot their destruction. In each case, you will lose. Because you still care. Your emotions WILL be your downfall, because the narcissist has become very skilled at using whatever emotions are available to continue in their pathway of chaos and destruction... Process the pain, Feel the emotions, and continue on the Healing Path towards true freedom - Genuine indifference.


Dealing with a toxic person can make you suffer from anxiety and stress and heartbreak so never ever trust a dishonest person who keeps lying to you or anyone else who doesn't know them!


The two things are impossible to say
1. You’re right
2. I’m wrong
Never happens 🤦🏻‍♀️


Romans 12:19
Don't try to get revenge for yourself, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath. It is writen. Revenge belongs to me. I will pay it back, says the Lord


They will go to their grave without regret. Learned this from my mother.


Don't waste a moment of your life trying to get any morsel of remorse or admission of how evil they are. Your energy is too precious to waste on those waste-of-spaces.


can you be friends with a narcissist? Absolutely but you must be prepared to stick to no contact on any bad behaviour be it a few weeks months or years, they will get the message eventually as they have very few friends. you also must emotionally engage at all times. The main thing to watch out for is their playing the victim, dont get sucked into their self pity tell them straight that they should stop it and only talk to you about happy positive things, this may cause a slight narc injury but they will be well aware that you will cut them off with no contact at any time if they play up and mean it, getting them to talk positive and happy will be difficult for them but they will try for the most part however they will want to talk to you less and less but that is a good thing as you wont want them round all the time anyway, this is how i dealt with my ex it was hard very hard at first but the no contact is a very good healer still tries to win me back but knows its futile i still do care about this person to have in my life at a distance but i dont feel anything if i dont hear from them. can you be friends with a narc? yes but it also depends on the narc.this video pretty much nails it in how you need to be around them for this to work.


I’ve showed very little emotion to the narcissist that I am forced to deal with. She still hates me 😂


There are no regrets with a narcissist!for a narcissist or other narcissists they only have one regret that the truth came out and this is the end of their relationship with you or me who was their unwitting supply!


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I doing this, its like its not working, but i will ceep on doing it... being silent and heal of al the hurt


in order to answer your Ustinov: I always wish they could at least try empathizing with s;at least try explaining why they tell everyone &ther brother Wer awful as all hell in the middle &never done anything for them at all &at least try admit to their actions.. I’ve always needed closure.. in order tbh I always own up to their actions &theirs &take on everyone’s feelings as well as my own..


When I ignore her it tears her up, when I talk she calls her flying monkeys


its so fking frustrating, how can you treat somebody so messed up so nonchalantly. and the fake apologies dont even feel real. i told her if she apolgize i might think about forgiving her. then i ask the rrason why she was apologizing...crickets wtf is wrong with these people


I wish i could have listened this earlier... i wasted my few months explaininh him that something is wrong with him😅


Why do I want him to be remorseful? Because I have him the best years of my life … I need to know it wasn’t totally for nothing. I want him to have as m has he urt me and our daughters


How can I help my grandchildren deal with their narcissistic mother?


This is dumb. They don't give a crap.
