Do narcissists ever feel bad or remorseful for what they do to you?

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do narcissists ever feel bad or remorseful for what they do to you?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Currently dealing with a narcissist and it is very tiring. Emotionally draining and full of unnecessary stress...i need to let this go. I need the strength


None that I’ve encountered ever has!!! Not one apology from any! Family, spouses, friends or coworkers!!! Shame on all of them!!! I’ve felt bad and apologize even when it wasn’t my fault, just to keep the Peace!!! No Mo Tho!!!


I made that mistake the first time he left me! I forgave him, wiped the slate clean & started over again! It wasn't long before he started his crap all over again - cheating, lying, etc. That's when I had had enough & ended it for good! No turning back! 3 yrs narc free!


They don’t care if they hurt you to me that’s the bottom line


Projection to take the blame, and put it off them to release guilt


Sounds like my ex "best friend." She made feel like I deserved her talking behind my back. And that it was 100% my fault.


This makes so much sense. I would often ask my narcissist before going no contact "how could you?" & he would literally just be like "you deserve it "


Exactly they turn it onto you instead of taking accountability and be truly sorry. Enough. Enough. Enough. Remorse is not part of them. They’re motto is ask not for genuine apology ask what you can do for me.


The fact we are here getting advice from a Narcissist knowing the pain of one shows how desperate we are for help. wow this is looney😢 Respectfully Lee


Agreed. When I left my narsi, he ran me over with his truck, I was told at hospital I was lucky😢 to be alive. He died 3 years later and I told him about the permanent damage that incident did to me and blamed me for his violent behavior. Somehow it was my fault I got run over. He never apologized for hurting me. I cried and was depressed for over a year. I had to forgive him even though he never asked me to, so I wouldn't hate him.


Lol ex never apologized, never felt he was in the wrong.. he always had some excuse, tried to blame me or it was *teasing* when he straight up insulted me. Good vid, so accurate.


Lee, I gotta say - you have helped me overcome so much from my last relationship, with your insights. Last summer, after it ended, I damn near almost killed myself. Then I found you. I have learned so much about what I went through, these last 10 months being free from that narcissist. Some days are still hard. The bad memories and trauma still haunt me from time to time. But then I'll click on one of your videos, and I always feel better after. You're doing a really good thing with your channel. Wishing you all the best. Thank you.


Wow, so they think forgiveness wipes their slate clean, gives permission to hurt us again, AND THAT WE accept the blame?

Holy cow. Normal betrayal sets a relationship back with less trust than if you just met the person. And the betrayer needs to work extra hard trying to earn back trust.

To think that in a narcissist relationship the victim is handed the blame by the betrayer... that would make it easier for them to do it again. Like they've given themselves a free pass. No wonder they feel so entitled.


They feel about as bad for their actions as you or I would feel walking along a concrete's there for you to step on.


I think they feel bad only long enough to suck you back in but, that's just the ones I know


Dude just pick up his kid and was like I love u 😅 I said no u don't and slammed the door


This helps so much!! I have often wondered why he keeps doing the same patterns over and over even though he's been told it's unacceptable. The clean slate and my forgiveness thinking 🙃🙃


I've been listening to you for about 2 months now and I have gained so much insight on what kind of man that I am engaged to and we have a two almost three-year-old daughter as well. I have to say that I have learned so much to the point where when he starts acting up and whether it's saying mean things or trying to bash me I realized that it is his problem and not mine. I've been in this relationship for almost ten years now. Yes we are engaged but I have to protect my daughter at all cost. I know that I am trying to work this out and we are going to therapy, but in the end at least I know that I've done everything that is possible that I can do for our relationship, and if he doesn't change or see that he has issues himself instead of putting the full blame on me, well then that says a lot about him. Thank you so much for your videos, you are truly an inspiration !!!! I can't thank you enough for opening my eyes of what's really going on around me. It is so important for everyone to know and to find out who they are truly dating, both men and women, because if I didn't have this knowledge I would still be blaming myself to this day for everything. Now that I have more knowledge than ever before and I'm constantly learning from you. I believe that Jesus truly wanted me to see your page and to hear and see that not all of it is/was all my fault. God bless you and keep shining that light to people like me, who truly just didn't know what exactly they were dealing with.


That's logic. Why would someone take accountability for something you have already taken accountability for.


so true…my ex immediately spinned the facts and blamed me literally for his cheating and lying. Its mindblowing to watch and hear. He never could apologize for doing that. He never saw that as bad even. It was my fault, cause i looked at a guy or smiled or that i dated two guys at the same time years before i even met him lol he’ll bring up anything under the sun …the only “real”apology i got or that was close to an apology was that “im sorry i disappointed u but i cheated all those times on u because i was confused and thought u liked other guys in my mind lol note: i was a doting loyal gf and he knows that
