The Biggest Mistake Wives can Make! | Biblical Womanhood, Traditional Wife & Marriage, HOMEMAKING

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ABOUT THIS CHANNEL | I am a wife to an exceptional man, a mother to beloved daughters, a diligent homemaker, and a businesswoman. But before all these roles I am a woman who belongs to The Lord. A daughter to the God of The Bible through the work of my savior Jesus Christ. On this channel, you will enjoy content designed to cultivate a rich experience of biblical womanhood. You will be encouraged to place your true hope and faith in the Lord. You will also hear hard discussions about accountability and personal responsibility for your life and what it produces. We embrace real character and integrity as much as we do physical beauty and femininity. We are called to be women of our Father's Kingdom and to honor Him with our speech, actions, and our modest yet feminine dress. I would love to have you along for the ride as we embrace a manner of life that brings honor to the name of our Father and get to the work of accomplishing our mission.

#HOUSEWIFE #Proverbs31 #ChristianWomen
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How do I say this politely? Women, it is important to care for your temple but do not let the concept of “outward beauty/attractiveness/ anti-aging/ cultural beauty standards/etc” become an idol to you.

May the Lord grace us all to steward our bodies well while focusing on what’s truly important in this life.


This goes both ways for husband and wife.


Eh I love my wife for more than just her looks. She works hard and keeps my house in order. If she did let herself go, I would probably go to her and ask her what I could do to help. But I would still love her because she is an amazing woman with a beautiful soul


This was so convicting for me. I never thought of it that way, and it does mean so much to my husband & I see his eyes light up when I take the time to style my hair (as opposed to my mom bun), and put even just a little makeup on.

Also, I know he worries about my health, and as someone said in another comment—why would I want to mistreat my body just so I’ll be a burden to him later in life because of my poor choices regarding my health? That isn’t fair. Slothfulness & gluttony are sins, and they don’t only hurt me, they hurt my husband. I am so grateful I saw this.


Yeah as a woman whose neen married 27 years all I have to say is this is an extremely shallow take on love and marriage. It also makes men look like superficial little boys.
Its a good thing for both to stay in shape. But guess what? Looks fade, weight is gained naturally as we age, the sex drive decreases. You'd best have more ways of communicating love than just these examples.


It is imperative for both parties to be personal hygiene and care conscious, it tells alot about you and your state of mind. However true beauty comes from within than superficial. As a wife your nature as a nuturer makes you care more for your partner and children


Girl please stop!!! If a woman is not taking care of herself and rather than the man finding out if she is depressed, stretched too thin with responsibilities that cause her to neglect herself. Rather than show concern for her, he makes it about himself. He makes it all about how he deserves an attractive wife and she didn't love him enough to be attractive. That it the most selfish and self centered thing I have ever heard. If a man ever said that to me I would ask him if he doesn't love me enough to make more money and provide me with nicer things.


This is a pain point to me. I do believe a husband enjoys his wife to look good ( and vice Verda) Not always dolled up to the nines or with fake nails and eyelashes everyday. But beautiful and presentable, for example clean hair and nails, glowing skin etc. I try and be this way everyday for him as well as myself. I put in a small amount of makeup and make my hair look nice and some natural perfume like grapefruit essential oil. I believe my husband truly appreciates it. I know he loves me for who I am.
I am overweight, I am trying to loose it after having our 4 kids but I’m not getting very far. My sweet husband has never said one negative thing about my appearance and always compliments me but I would like to loose some weight for myself as well as him. I have several health conditions that are making it even harder to get in shape. I know my husband loves me but I would like to present myself in a better way. Im working on it.


I feel the same way, especially as a woman a lot of us go through so much to be presentable to our man but yet the same is not always returned.


There are two people in the marriage, it's not all about the woman.


Men percieve love by how a woman respect him. Love to men is respect, in terms of coming from a woman.


Sorry sis…sometimes there isn’t just enough time in the day to put yourself first. Let’s be real, not every woman on here is a cared for woman, hence stay at home wife with no kids. So that means that there might not be enough time in a day to put yourself first and if that man looks at his wife who has a full time job, helps pays the bills and takes care of not only home and the kids..him too. If that guy looks at his wife and say dang you don’t care about me enough to care for yourself, he obviously doesn’t need a wife. Just saying


“Dang, you don’t love me enough to provide for me so that I can take optimal care of myself to present you with a cared for and cared about wife?” ..there.. fixed it.


That's not true. People are gonna be who they are no matter what you do. Fit beautiful women get cheated on. Fit beautiful women get divorced. Your choices are yours, and if he loves her and she loves him, they will stay loyal. Period.


If only men understood that if she was doing gor herself before marriage and afterward "let herself go" there is usually underlying cause, poor treatment, exhaustion, lack of finances etc. So often women lose themselves in being a wife and it shows physically.


I take care of myself because while it says “ Better or Worse, in Sickness and in Health” to me means you do everything you can to be as healthy as possible. I believe it would be incredibly selfish to allow my Husband to have to take care of me especially something which might have been prevented. I also believe the way you present yourself is a reflection of the love you have for your family & as a Christian.


Especially with children, working full time and taking care of the household duties the Husband has to help his Wife have time and resources to take care of herself. As women we want to feel good about ourselves and take care of our bodies. If a woman " lets herself go" her Husband should look into why that is instead of taking it personally. If a Wife is fully supported and able to take work or some household chores off the table then that is a different story. Most women are not in that position especially in the West.


Wow, just wow. I'm fighting to keep my body in shape still for myself and my husband, and I'm 64. This is truth spoken! I gained weight trying to eat with him what he ate and always gained weight. Women can't eat like men. I learned that. Now I eat what is good and healthy, I stay fit and trim! Thanks for all your talks. They are awesome 👌


I love you Bindi
Holy Spirit please help me to always look after myself amen


You make sense to me. I knew from the moment you talked about a wife not being presentable to her husband that you were going to get these comments. God bless you, girl.
