#1 Biggest Mistake Men Make When Meeting Women (Case Study)

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If you want to maintain attraction with a woman, right from the moment you first meet her all the way through to a long-term relationship, then I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction.

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Trust yourself and trust the process,

Chris Canwell
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When it comes to women don't think too much. Be calm, cool, confident and humorous. Don't take it too seriously.


Simon was to scare to make the move when he had the chance. Plus him showing up everyday makes him look needy.


Lesson :
Don't be afraid to make a move
Try anything, like anything but just don't stand like a mannequin in front of girls. They like efforts and confidence.


Remember guys: The longer you wait the harder it gets.
Even if you are 100% sure that she is flirting with you, some will still act like they have never seen you before when you approach them. So don’t let her facial expression or first reaction unsettle you. Act out of own interest, not out of „I want to be how she wants me“


Yeah some guys think too much when it comes to women, we shouldn't think too much , feel free and let thing work by it's own


Stage fright is SUCH a huge issue when talking to hot women. Great and UNDERRATED topic!


Don't waste your time beating around the bush. Just get strait to the point, and if she is not right for you, you'll know right away and save yourself a lot of time and energy


While everyone's busy trying to pick up Christy, I am that astronaut thriving on triple shot espresso


His biggest mistake?

He continues to contemplate the attraction he has for her, instead of improvising conversation based on the context. He’s stuck in strategy and self motivation mode (acceptable before and after the interaction) when he ought to be in tactics mode.

Meeting and pick up is a performance: if the actor is thinking about the scene and his lines, the scene is flat—the actor must let go and trust his prep work, the strategy. If the scene doesn’t go as intended, then go back and restrategize, don’t get deeper into contemplation when performing.

In this case, the actor was given multiple sets with adequate time to strategize, but kept doing the same things, while hoping for a improvement in the outcome —this is probably his greatest mistake.


"Simple Simon". "Dig Your Well, Before You're Thirsty" a book by Harvey McKay. A great companion to your book (which I own). Simon should have been practicing his networking skills long before he met "the girl of his dreams". In 10% of your life you will have great opportunities dropped into your lap. And in 10% of your life you will have great threats dropped into your lap. That leaves 80% of your life to prepare to take advantage of the great opportunities and to prepare to take action on the great threats. You should be spending part of that 80% studying "Atomic Attraction". Derek had practiced his networking and "pick up" skills successfully for years on many girls. That's why he knew exactly what to say and do (touch on the arm). It is unlikely that Derek will ever meet "the girl of his dreams", because he has so many dream girls now and will have so many more in the future.


So simple but so brilliant an example of 'right' vs 'wrong' when it comes to female seduction and interest!


Simon didn't employ the little bit of mental jiu jitsu Derek (the second guy) used so effectively. Don't sweat the small shit trying to dream up something incredibly witty to say, just be yourself and give a woman the chance to talk about herself. If she's interested, she'll snap at the opportunity. Derek provided a good example of an effective manner in which you can keep a woman talking while building rapport...keep the conversation light hearted and ask her equally light-hearted questions. Let her show off her job prowess, ask for her recommendations, her likes and dislikes (and why). Once that ball is rolling, leave. Let her start thinking about you and wondering when you'll visit the coffee shop (or whatever) again. That's a foundation that can be built upon.


Nice content as always, coach! Keep up with the great job.


I did this whole life. That's why never underestimate your self. Being perfect and fearful always take us to failures . Atleast try anything say something if nothing good response u got atleast we won't REGRET in life.


Yes, Simon, life's not fair. You have to go after what you want. It doesn't get handed to you.


Simple lesson....but effective. Attraction is built by conversation and communication back and forth.


I’m not sure they let you take those ceramic coffee cups out of the café.

On top of being inexperienced with women, he should be arrested for theft and destruction of company property.


In this video I've learnt that negotiation skill is highly required if you want to network with people.


No point trying to flirt with someone that is working. Just a waste of time.


I like the astronaut in the corner! Brazilian coffee everywhere...back to listen to a few of these. Great reminders 😊
