Narcissists want you to be bitter, not better #theroyalwe

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The Royal We has helped Millions to escape the grip of narcissistic abuse. Here’s a deeper look into what narcissistic abuse looks like and steps to heal from it:

Narcissistic abuse looks like:

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists often show little to no empathy for others, making it easy for them to manipulate and exploit. Narcissists use various tactics such as gaslighting, love bombing, and devaluation to control and dominate their victims.

Common Tactics Used in Narcissistic Abuse:

Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality and sanity.
Love Bombing: Showering the victim with excessive attention and affection to gain control.

Devaluation: Undermining the victim’s self-worth through criticism, belittling, and emotional neglect.

Isolation: Cutting the victim off from their support systems to increase dependency on the abuser.

Triangulation: Using others to create jealousy or competition, keeping the victim feeling insecure.
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

How to begin healing from narcissistic abuse:
Understand that you have been enduring narcissistic abuse. This awareness is the first step toward healing.

Get Help:

Establish No Contact or Low Contact:

Limit or completely cut off communication with the narcissistic abuser. This helps you gain emotional distance and begin your healing journey.
Rebuild Your Self-Esteem:

Engage in activities that boost your confidence and self-worth. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who value and respect you.
Educate Yourself:

Learn about narcissistic abuse and its effects. Knowledge is empowering and can help you recognize patterns and avoid future toxic relationships.
Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can all contribute to your recovery.
Set Boundaries:

Develop and maintain healthy boundaries in all your relationships.

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I totally agree, Kevin, it’s ok to be angry, but don’t let it destroy you. 💗🙏


NAW, that demon spirit will NEVER get the satisfaction of me being bitter,
I'm too BLESSED to be stressed ❤❤❤❤
I have PEACE and not pieces ❤❤❤❤❤


A hard message I needed to hear. Thank you sir.


Amen. I make the choice not to let it hold me, God gives me the grace to heal and move forward.


Don't let them rent space in your head. The greatest way to rise above them is to show them they can't bring you down


Not bitter but better.
I will keep my assignment.
Leave em behind.
It will be alright.


It’s several stages of healing to return to Self❤


Psalm 34: 18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


I have anger at myself for always putting them first . I missed a lot because I did that. God I'm sorry 😢


For All my gifts they are many .. were also my curses .. I WANT TO LIVE IN MY PURPOSE.. 😭 royal we is fantastic thank you 💞 🙏 guide for so many of us


Thank you for all the works that you do. I always watch your videos as you also put biblical scriptures to back up on how to do and not to.


My narcissistic mother honestly just told me the other day that my bitterness is going to kill me. I’m everything you say but I’m not going to be bitter. I love the term righteous indignation


Quite! Brilliant Kevin. As you always are. From Bess in UK


The narc derailed me from my path. I was healthy, in great shape, I was very close to being the most successful I have been in my life, until I met him and bought into his lies.


Thank you for this timing is always right


Beautiful! I will take this advice, and also pass it on to those that need it. Definitely!


Better not bitter I find comfort in whom I’ve grown into… I’m more aware of the dangers in this world now. 🙏🏾😀


You are correct in everything that you say.
I forgave me evil wicked ex-abuser ex-husband even though he still harassing me, but I choose to forgive him. Because the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS will punish him because he continues to do evil against me.
I always ask the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS to grant me the strength to let go of all anger, bitterness, resentment, and everything that my enemies do against me. Because I do not want my LORD JESUS to call me a wicked servant.
This is what ask my LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS to help me let go of everything so that I can stand in his presence without any guilt. Because after all the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS will judge him still in the end.


Interesting video.... Agreed, one must leave their partner if they won't let them grow. Fantastic video actually


I pray that all forms of bitterness towards those that take advantage of my kindness will leave in Jesus name Amen
