Why Does Heartbreak Hurt So Much?

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Why does heartbreak hurt so much? According to the MRI study of heartbroken individuals, social rejection (heartbreak) and physical pain are rooted in exactly the same regions of the brain. Your brain registers emotional pain of heartbreak in the same way that it registers physical pain, which is why you may believe your heartbreak is causing physical discomfort. Watch this video to learn more.

Made in collaboration with @teenagertherapy

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It feels like mourning the death of someone that is still alive.


It’s like a knife in the chest, knowing you can’t be close with that person in your life the way you used to.


Saying goodbye is hard, but moving on is even harder.


Nothing is worse than being broken over someone you know doesn’t care enough to be broken over you :/


True... When you love that special person so deeply, it feels like the pain is never going to end.


My last heartbreak made me pretty much dead inside.
It's been years but I finally feel like I could try again.


When you deal with the sudden loss of a loved one whether they be a relative or a life partner or a friend, it can hurt like hell either way! I've been dealing with it multiple times through therapy and prayer. You CAN get through this. 🙏🏾❤️


Heartbreak is the same thing of grief, my friends. The death of a relationship is like the death of that person


It hurts only when you're invested in the relationship
Some people aren't invested, and so they aren't bothered


although it hurts deeply, it’s completely normal to feel heartbroken when leaving or loosing something. you’re feelings are valid but it’s important to learn when to let go and heal. <3


I had my heartbroken in 2021– till this day I still feel bitter and broken somewhat; it comes and goes. I just hate remembering that someone I loved could hurt me so much and not even care…


Love can be a double edged Such a sad fact of life 😔


What a coincidence just seconds ago got my hart broken and now this video comes up. Choose yourself first guys!❤


getting rejected and 3 years in the making of still trying to processing it. and I can't describe it but just the smell of her alone would literally be like inhaling peace and comfort. like when ever I smelled her hair after a hug I was like I never wanna let go of this smell ever in my life. it was intoxicating and I never understood the phrase getting weak in the knees till I met her. I had been in love many times before that but this time it was special... I really hope I am gonna meet someone like her some day. she was 95% perfect! and that is more than what I could ask for.


This came at a good time. I've both been trying to leave my girlfriend and dealing with breaking her heart, which is in itself a horrible feeling, and in my emotionally confused state I made some mistakes that have possibly lead to the loss of my best friend. I went so off the rails I'm now in a mental health support home for a few days. I feel more level headed about it now, but it hurts so much. I literally told them everything and now it feels so strange to not be able to share things. I can't tell them about the book I'm reading, show them the artwork I've seen, nor talk about how I've been doing and the healing process. It truly does feel like they are irreplacable and I will never get over it right now.


It’s worse when you love but can’t express….


I’ve had this guy like me for a long time. I never wanted a relationship for that time being, and he was really dedicated to sticking along with me throughout our journey. But recently he’s been hanging out with other people and telling me how much is happy. Some sort of unexplainable heartbreak seeing how easy it was for him to move on… maybe it’s my fault, but I didn’t want to lose contact with him. Now we barely talk…😭


NO WAY. The timing of this notification is actually insane. I got broken up with yesterday, and right now I was just laying here extremely sad and not knowing what to do and this is the notification I see


I have a crush on someone who I got close with a couple months after we met. She's like best friend to me, but I kept questioning to myself my feelings for her where it felt both platonic and also romantic. I realised I had romantic feelings for her, when i got extreme butterflies in my stomach after she touched my arm. I knew falling for her was just going to hurt me in the end. When I first grew feelings she was single, but now she's dating someone and it hurts to see her with someone else, but I knew I would never have a chance with her anyways because I knew she would never have the same feelings for me. I still want her in my life and keep our friendship, I love our friendship, but i don't know how to get over my romantic feelings for her. I broke my own heart and I don't know how to fix it.


Almost 2 years since last breakup. Still didnt get over it 100%
