Why Do You Have Pain Below Belly Button?

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Рекомендации по теме

I once had a random pain in my belly button when I woke up for school in the morning. I have never felt so uncomfortable.


The question in the video helped me out more than the video itself


I have pain usually when I workout below my bellybutton and it’s feels like a sharp pain like a line from my bellybutton. I’ve had this pain pop up here and then for a while now


My belly button and around my belly button hurts when I pee or stretch why is this?


Before day I trained my abs and after my dinner meal it was all fine. But, next day morning while urinating I was feeling pain


Why do i have stomake pain and as i bend or as i work out my upper abdomen hurt and shortness of breath ive had 4 endoscopy and 2 colonoscopy and American doctors cant figure out wats going on.time to fly to mexico in n out found a better doctor .


When I something gets touched little bit of my belly button it hurts like a sharp thing is touching it and it feel way to painful


All my tests are normal but I have no appetite steel. What can be cause of this problem please try to say something about how can I get appetite back.Thank you.


It happens to me so rarely, I normally pass urine without any problem for months, but sometimes randomly it starts hurting my lower abdomen when I pee. Once i even started vomiting.
Most of the times it happens when I pee after doing physical activities like cycling or running.
I want to know if this is normal or should I take precautions?


It's like a sharp pain in naval nerve and connecting it to clitoral nerve. I don't know how to explain but the pain goes away by changing my posture and it doesn't last more than a minute or few seconds. But I must change the body posture else it won't go. Now I don't know what it is!!! But man it is sharp n painful like different kinds painful 😢


, আমার 6মাস হলো নাভির উপরে বেথা খাবার হজম হয়না নাভি লাফাই এখানে ডাক্তার দেখিয়েছি কিছু ধরা পরছেনা আপনি কি কিছু বলতে পারবেন
