How to Deal with Bossy Coworkers Who Think They're Your Boss | Communication Skills

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In this free online communication training, you'll learn How to Deal with Bossy Coworkers Who Think They're Your Boss. This professional communication skills training video is brought to you by communication coach Dan O'Connor. #bossycoworkers #difficultpeople #difficultcoworkers #professionalcommunicationtraining

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How to deal with bossy coworkers: Ignore them and move on. Don’t give them attention and eventually they’ll leave you alone. It worked for me


I find that bossy coworkers: 1) don't feel seen or heard. 2) want to show they are helping when they are not, and 3) they want to take part in your sum, they want to feel needed.


Nearly every toxic coworker or boss is still responding to the abuse they suffered at the hands of someone else, i.e. their parents, siblings, etc. I've found this to be the case nearly every time I get background info on someone acting like a jerk. I've been gracious to all of them even when they were flat out mean to me. In the end, I left or watched them leave because their toxicity is unsustainable in the long term. It costs employers a lot of money, down time, and productivity. If you have a toxic person on your staff do your employees a favor: fire the toxic


Very timely advice, my wife is being measured up in her new position as a manager. Simply because she started from the bottom and earned her way up there through sheer hard work and skills. Thank you, I appreciate your post. 🙏🏽


Great stuff, Dan. The point @4:15 about saying things in a loving way is really about who we are. That was a killer point! Every part of this was pure gold.


You are a better man than me. I go straight to the "PISS OFF."


Brilliant advice,

It’s okay to secretly feel initially irritated 😤, however it’s it not okay to snap back. It’s always best to reach down and choose a kinder way to say what you really want.


I love your videos so much! I struggle with sticking with assertiveness and sometimes let people walk over my boundaries


This helped me so much today; yesterday, I was fretting about always feeling bossed around at work. This video elevated my understanding of using kindness as a moment by moment goal; that has real relevance and meaning. Great tool that I can use and be mindful of in the Big Picture. Thanks so much!


She called me sweetie and I hated it. Thanks to this guy, I know next time it happens, I can say "Brooke, come here a second. My name is Kitara. You don't get to improvise."


Boy did I need this!! I've been struggling with a position I've been put in recently. Newest employee but the only one with actual training for the job. It's taken me a lot of work to find peace in myself and I've been struggling with how to communicate with them and not use words that come across wrongly abrasive.


Wow. Unexpected philosophical ending. I love it!👍👍👍👍👍
Not only you dissected the problem, possible solutions and which one is effective, you also gave the deeper reasoning why this problem is futile to solve in the first place!
Your channel deserves 10+ million subscribers 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you for your


This channel is super helpful, because it lets you find the right words for situations in which you probably won't have the time to think about what to say or how to say it. My intuitive responses are often overly aggressive or overly polite, so having small prepared phrases like "Thanks for the tip" or "I appreciate the advice" is really useful!


Spot on ! You are such an amazing person and your advice is absolutely right. Happened to me in my job and I had to learn through experience that it is much better to keep back your nerves from exploding and deal with these type of people in a loving way. You will be saving yourself a lot of trouble later 😊 Thank you so much and keep up your amazing personality and good work xxx


Your channel amazes me. You seem to know and address every problem I’ve ever dealt with in the workplace.


I am grateful to God for Dan and his teaching. Thanks Dan!!!


If you’re constantly professional, kind and respectful, and that is NOT working, now it’s plan B! Handle your business, and at that point do what’s best for your mental health no one else’s


Thanks Dan for another great piece of advice. This really came in at the exact time I needed to hear.


I tried this the other day, several people were bossing me, shouting at me in my face, make me carry things and run all over the place. One barked an instruction, I said " ok thanks for the tip sweetie, ill think about it " well that got my sergeant really mad and they kicked me out the army!
