Mindfulness - An introduction with Jon Kabat-Zinn

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This is a public talk that the mindfulness pioneer Jon Kabat-Zinn gave at Oslo University, Norway, in April 2011. Jon talks about the challenges and benefits with mindfulness practice, about research and how mindfulness can transform and heal both us as individuals and the society as a whole.

NEW APP with Jon's guided meditations out. Search for "JKZ Meditations" in your device's store.
Jon leads live sessions within the app.
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Funny thing is I really did just stumble into this lecture from a very different video, but was mindful enough to stick around and even come back. I admire your knowledge and your humor! I thank you for your footprint in our world you help make the world a better place!


Shocked by how this changed my life instantly. Am excited to watch other vids and books regarding mindfulness to even go further.


love how Jon kabbat zinn is so welcoming, compassionate, intutiive, TOLERANT and human!awesome! welcome! thank you!


What a warm, engaging, wonderful speaker. Such a rare being of light. Thank you for your work and the beauty that is you JKZ.


The poem got me so emotional. It's made me realize how I have been so busy and I neglected myself. In the process I have lost myself.


i'm learning SO much Everything Jon says is Fascinating !


For anyone who is confused. Mindfulness is basically coming to the senses and this leads to relaxation and peace because when your in your senses you cannot be stressed, because stress is a mental phenomenon. So just focus on what you see, smell, taste, hear, and feel.and don't judge what you are sensing. It's that simple. Mindfulness is good to do whenever thinking isn't needed. So much of human thinking is unnecessary. Being lost in thought is what stops allot of people from enjoying life. For example, lets say your eating some juicy delicious hamburger but in your head your stressing about this that and this, and it takes your focus away from eating that burger, And you don't get the full experience of eating that burger. but if you did mindfulness while eating that burger and really payed close attention to the taste and didn't judge the taste, you'd get the full experience of eating that burger, next time you do something like for example, taking a shower, or taking a walk, or eating something, etc. pay very close to sense perceptions, it will make what your doing a whole lot more enjoyable. I recommend you look up Echart Tolle btw, he's the greatest mindfulness teacher their is and that's a fact.


Jon has had a profound impact on my life having struggled with mental illness for over 20 years. Thank you for this talk, I would love to see him in person.


What an excellent talk. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. has helped me re-build my life as I live with Bipolar II.


He is a gift to anyone who kistens to him.


It amazes me that while I have listened to this talk several times, it just dawned on me how simple being here in the present moment really is. It is not a chore. It is just a different way to relate to life.


This is inspiring. This was what i was looking for, but didn't know it.


Amazing to realize how I felt so unconfortable in paying attention to breathing, because I have always thought I was breathing "wrong", too shallow and that would bring me even more thoughts of fear and the need of doing something to breath "better", always believing there is something wrong with me. The eternal need of doing...to become better than you already are! Thank you for this amazing video❤🙏


Thank you so much for generously providing this on the internet, I am grateful.


"Mindfulness should have been called MindLESSness" Eckart Tolle
"Mindfulness should have been called HEARTfulness" Jon Kabat Zin


Thank you. Time well spent and I will be watching this over again.


Best explanation of meditation and mindfulness I’ve come across and I’ve studied a lot of it this is done in step by step plain simple English thank you very much
Gerry Regan from Ireland


What a great lecturer. Enjoyed the talk. Thank you for posting this so that others can view it for free. =)


Interestingly enough I intended to be more present this year. I don’t ever make new year resolutions but this year, I decided to do this and your talk was extremely helpful.
Namaste 🙏🏻


This has helped me a lot. My friends when struggling a bit all end up responding to the same statements of mine, "I have an oppressive mind". But my friends do not sign up. That is up to them. The search is ongoing for them. My life is less stressful and a bit more productive. Really the things I thought were hardships are not so bad. In fact I have had a lot of luck and can make a lot more luck for myself.
