Everyday mindfulness

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This video explains what everyday mindfulness is, and how being aware of what is going on around you and inside of you can help make life more enjoyable and less stressful.

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Everyday mindfulness
What is mindfulness?
Often when people think about mindfulness they imagine someone sitting on a cushion alone in a room with their eyes closed. Sometimes that IS what mindfulness practice looks like, and sitting with your eyes closed in this way has great benefits… but mindfulness is also so much more.
Mindfulness is a way to approach everyday life that makes living more enjoyable and less stressful.
You can apply mindfulness to everything you do, whether you are eating, walking, or sitting in class.
Mindfulness is a choice that you can make at any moment.
Mindfulness can help you better understand how you feel and what you are experiencing.
It is about being aware of the present moment, instead of replaying the past or worrying about the future.
Mindful awareness means being aware, with kindness.
It’s about being engaged in everyday life. Choosing to be nice to yourself and others in the present moment, and bringing an open awareness to all moments, whether those moments are pleasant, neutral, or maybe even unpleasant. Bringing to that awareness some curiosity and kindness, instead of judgement and criticism. You may be surprised at what you learn if you are curious and kind.

This does not mean that you need to be meditating. You just need to be paying attention on purpose, with a little friendliness.
This can help you with stress, or anxiety, or even sadness. It helps you focus on what is happening right now, because worrying about the future, or the past all the time can be exhausting.
Practicing paying attention, in a kind way, to little things, can help train your mind so you can develop more ease across your life. Anything can be levelled up with mindfulness.
Here are some examples of ways you can be mindful in everyday life.
Right now, you might be sitting in a chair watching this video on your phone – how heavy does your phone feel in your hand? What parts of your hand is the phone touching? Is your phone hot? Warm? Or maybe cool? Are you sitting down? What parts of your body are being supported by the chair? If you are standing can you feel which parts of your feet are connected to the ground, Or where you are placing the weight of your body on your feet? This is all mindfulness!
Or maybe, when you are talking with someone, instead of listening to them so that you can give them a response, or answer them, listen with the goal of understanding them better. This is a little change that can make a big difference in a conversation.
The trick is not to automatically react to what you are paying attention to. Just notice what body sensations and emotions come up. Notice your reactions or judgement because there will be judgement, just try not to judge how judgmental you might be!
There is no right or wrong, just noticing what is happening in the moment – this can be noticing what is going on around you, or inside of you.
Let any and all things that you notice … be there.
You can practice this type of mindfulness anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstance. Simply be aware of what is happening in that moment. Like this moment; what are you noticing right now?
Рекомендации по теме

I've been struggling with overthinking, replaying the past moments, sometimes worrying about the future as well, but mostly it was about the past. I saw a post on social media about "Mindfulness" and the benefits of it, so I searched about it on YouTube and I saw this video in the search results, and I can say, it's beautifully presented video, explaining all the main points without any confusion, I'll definitely practice mindfulness in my daily life. Thank you. <3


I finally got into Yoga and Meditation as part of my daily routines. Now it's an important part of my schedule. Peace love and respect!


I watched this a while ago when one of my old teachers recomonded this, now my new teacher is telling me to do it.


I'm an adult and I like a refresher course here and there. I try to remember 2 things: 1) Be in the moment and 2) Observe without judging.


Mindfulness isn't just a trend; it's a necessity in our fast-paced world.


I believe that mindfulness helped me get through school.


My health teacher told be to Watch this :, )


I was looking for a simple video to teach mindfulness to my Community College Students that they can relate to their lives


It helps my daughter to understand. Just don't be worried about the past or future. Just enjoy what's happening right now😊


My teacher gave me this video for Mindfulness Monday


I watched this because I read that It can help me to lower my stress


I’m just watching this for school online virtual day 😂


I do this all the time n just live in the moment, can relate to ur video


The earlier young people can learn this the better! Thank you for this video!


This help me Alot because I use to be angry and hard and now I have some colmness and even doe sometimes I complaine that I feel weaker it actually makes me have a good heartland more kindest for people


This was such an insightful and encouraging video. Thank you for this content; it's made an efficacious mark on my life.


Thanks Mrs. Hoffmaster if you ever see this


It's my first day in mindfulness and I saw a lot of changes!
Thanks for the great video.


My teacher told me to wach this it's awesome thx for helping me..


literally learned a new skill right now thanks youtuber