Foot Strengthening Exercises

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Note to self: the first exercise starts at 02:01.


First TEST
1) toe press: 3-4 sets of 6-8 seconds
2) toe spread and compress: 10-15 reps
3) flex ion and extension waves: 5 reps
4) ball of foot walking: 6-8 sets of 20 seconds
5) heel walking: 6-8 sets of 20 seconds


I was in a no fault hit and run car accident while walking in April which resulted in multiple fractures in my foot. It’s been impossible to find a PT that services no fault without astronomical out of pocket charges (even with my no fault insurance) so I came to YouTube for an alternative. I have to say, these exercises are very helpful and I can feel the strength returning to my foot as I am able to walk more and more. Thank you so much for this video!


I have suffered with really uncomfortable extensor tendonitis for 6 months now. I genuinely thought I was going to have to give up running completely, however, I have been doing these exercises for 1 week and this morning I ran 2 miles on grass, with no pain whatsoever! I wish I had found this video 5 months ago.
I just want to say thank you


YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER I haven't been able to move my 4 baby toes on my left side the last decade (and im not even 20) I really hope this video helps me and I will report back in a month or so!!!!


Well, today I learned I have absolutely no strength or muscle control in my feet.


Thanks for this video. Started a new job that I love, BUT the 10 hour days started causing me to have foot problems. 8 hours was always just the right amount of time for my feet to be a little sore, but then be perfectly fine an hour after work. These 10 hour shifts have my feet bothering me even on this long holiday weekend, but these exercises already have my feet feeling better.


I can lift all this weight but I can barely move my toe with zero resistance lol. This is exactly what I was looking for, nicely done and illustrated so thank you.


Hi. only started doing this yesterday and already seeing an improvement, will continue to incorporate it in my daily routine with my ankle strengthening exercises, my feet and ankle feel so much better already, we take our feet and ankles for granted, but they need looking after, Thank you, feeling positive. J


Mind: These are very simple.
Body: Nah mate, I won't let you do this


These exercises are great. Been struggling with my left foot and therefore my walk for a year and a half. Turns out I didn't know how little control I had of my left foot compared to the right. These exercises will surely help :)


These exercises have really helped my achy flat feet! Thank you so much!! 🙂


Some exercises I never seen on other videos. A cast was removed from my foot 3 weeks ago and my foot is still stiff and weak so I really need to step up my foot exercises. THANK You for this, im sure I'll get results. I just want to walk normal again. I'm limping right now.


Recovering from a foot fracture and this has been very helpful. No strain on the foot but everyday I have seen improvement with these exercises. Thank you.


I had so much tension and pain in my left foot today. It was kind of a restless feeling. I looked this up and did a few of the exercises. It really helped! Thank you❤️


My ailment with my feet: nerve pain on the pads with my crowded toes. I found your video a few months ago and I did the exercises faithfully. They started to help after doing only once. Then, as time went on I stopped following your complete video, but was doing the exercises on my own. However, I couldn't remember all of the exercises and no longer could find your video. My foot pain returned. Luckilily I found your video again and am back to doing all the exercises (and the correct amount of repetitions!). After doing one time, my feet felt so much better. Anyway, now I have bookmarked your video. Thanks so much!


These have helped me more than any other foot exercises. Thanks!


I just watching the video today.It is very helpful for me. I am stroke victim. I cannot walk.My legs are weak.l cannot lift my feet to get into car or climb stairs.I exercise every day .Need some body to guide me what to do.God led me to this videos.I am normal every way except my mobility.


Hi, I met with accident due to which my thumb started to take form of bunion. I used to have pain after 6 months of accident. I watched your video and tried to do exercise which you advised. On the second day I have started to get relief. I am truly thankful to you. You are Rockstar. I wish someday I start wearing shoes and start running. Exercise no 3 was the most effective exercise for me.


Amazing exercises, Effective and tested.. Helping my foot rehaibilatation, after a crushing accident causing 4 fractures in my left foot 3 months back. Recommended ✌️
