9 Foods to Avoid to Lose Belly Fat FASTER

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If you want to lose weight or burn off that stubborn belly fat then make sure that you limit these 9 highly fattening foods. Some of these are even considered healthy, but they still make you gain weight due to their high caloric content. Don't be fooled, watch this video and learn exactly which foods are making you fatter and which ones are helping you get closer to that flat stomach.

Whenever you eat food the calories and nutrients that you take in are used to power your brain, repair broken down muscle tissue and provide energy for all your cells and organs to function. However, once your basic energy needs are met, all excess calories are then converted to fat that is stored around various places throughout the body especially around the stomach, love handles, and hips. while this whole process does follow the basic principles of calories in versus calories out, there are certain foods that are more likely to lead to the overconsumption of calories and in turn more fat storage. So I want to go over 9 of the most highly fattening foods that you should definitely limit if you want to maintain a flat stomach. 
And the number one food or beverage, I should say, that's highly fattening is soda. In fact, Soda is a much bigger problem than you might think. The average American consumes 270 calories of added sugars every day, and most of these extra calories come from drinking soda. These liquid sugars end up adding up to almost 1900 extra calories per week, which is about equivalent to the number of calories you would burn if you run 12 to 15 miles. So that's going to be tough to burn off to say the last. And the problem with sugary calories is that they're ineffective at satisfying hunger and so they typically end going on top of the calories people already consume. (1) That’s why people that drink soft drinks and other sugary beverages tend to weigh more than those who don’t, as shown by two systematic reviews. (2) So for that reason, I recommend that you replace soda with healthy beverages like (sparkling) water, tea, or coffee. You can also add some artificial sweeteners like stevia if you crave that sweet taste because Various studies show that substituting sugary foods and drinks with artificially sweetened alternatives lowers calorie intake and aids weight loss. (3) And most human studies indicate that artificial sweeteners are generally safe when the maximum recommended amount isn't exceeded. (4) So two to three packets of stevia per day should be okay, but don't go overboard as having too much can enhance sugar cravings. 
Next is beer. That's right the term "beer belly" exists for a reason - because beer is one of the beverages that are most likely to cause you to gain excess pounds. There are a number of reasons why beer is likely to make you pack on weight. First of all, alcohol is converted to acetate in the body, mostly in the liver, and as acetate enters your blood, fat burning becomes highly suppressed throughout your entire body. (5) As a result, the fatty acids that you eat are much more likely to be stored as body fat instead of being burned off. On top of that acetate itself can also be converted into fat. Another issue with drinking alcohol, in general, is that it's often paired with high-fat junk food like pizza, or late-night McDonald's trips. And the excess calories from drinking alcohol don't seem to fill you up at all. Contrary to protein, carbs, and fats, alcohol doesn’t suppress appetite, but instead, it may even increase it. For example, in a recent 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis, the researchers concluded that adults don't compensate properly for the number of alcohol calories they take in by eating less. On the contrary, a relatively small amount of alcohol can lead to an increase in food consumption (6). Now, when you compare alcoholic drinks, beer is one of the most likely alcoholic beverages to cause fat gain. That’s because, as a general rule, beer contains 150 calories per drink while wine contains 125 and hard clear liquors contain about 100 calories.
Moving on we have croissants. Now croissants are tricky because they don't look that bad calorie-wise. But back in 1995, a group of researchers wanted to see which foods are most satiating. (7) To do that, they evaluated 38 foods, separated into six categories (fruits, bakery products, snacks, carb-rich foods, protein-rich foods, and breakfast cereals. (8)  Each of the foods was fed to groups of people in portion size of about 240 calories. After that, the scientists took a satiety rating from the participants every 15 minutes over a total of 120 minutes. (9) Then, after 120 minutes, they were free to eat as much as they wanted from a standard range of foods and drinks. To evaluate how satiating each food was, the scientists calculated what they called the "satiety response curve" for each group, which...
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1. The problem with sugary calories is that they are ineffective at satiating hunger and thus typically end on top of the calories people already consume.

2. Individuals who drink soft drinks and other sugary beverages tend to weigh more than those who don’t, as shown by two systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

3. Various studies show substituting sugary foods and drinks with artificially sweetened alternatives like diet soda lowers calorie intake and aids weight loss.

4. Most human studies indicate artificial sweeteners are generally safe when the maximum recommended amount is not exceeded.

5. Alcohol is converted to acetate in the body, particularly in the liver. And as acetate enters your blood, fat burning is majorly suppressed, not just in your liver, but throughout your entire body.

6. “Adults do not compensate appropriately for alcohol energy by eating less, and a relatively modest alcohol dose may lead to an increase in food consumption.”

7. Back in 1995, a group of researchers from the University of Sydney, Australia, wanted to see which foods are most satiating.

8. “38 foods separated into six food categories (fruits, bakery products, snack foods, carbohydrate-rich foods, protein-rich foods, breakfast cereals)”

9. "Groups of 11-13 subjects" and "Isoenergetic 1000 kJ (240 kcal) servings"

10. See Figure 3 for “croissant” satiety value

11. See Figure 3 for “potatoes” satiety value

12. If overweight people eat 2 cups of watermelon daily, they generally end up consuming fewer calories than they were before and over time they’ll lose fat… But if people consume the same number of calories in the form of cookies, they tend to overeat and gain fat.

13. “Cookie consumption significantly increased blood pressure and body fat.”

14. “Salted Food Addi[c]tion Hypothesis”

15. Studies link peanut consumption to reduced weight and improved health

16. Over 1986, scientists from the Harvard Medical School assessed 120, 877 US men and women who were free of chronic diseases and not obese at baseline

17. “4-year weight change was most strongly associated with the intake of potato chips (1.69 lb"


0:42 Soda
2:01 Beer
3:24 Croissants
4:48 Cookies
5:39 Cooking Oil
6:58 French Fries
8:15 Pizza
9:13 Peanut Butter
10:26 Potato Chips
12:48 Go training


This is a great channel- no petty gossip, no skits, no BS. Straight business and factual information. I’ve learned so much here, I hit that bell thank you!! 👊💪


Difference between you and other people making videos on these subjects: you have a scientific approach, you cite sources, and you offer helpful replacement suggestions. This is why anyone who sincerely wants to improve their diet needs to be subscribed. Thank you.


I'm on a whiskey diet; so far I've lost three days.


Cooking Oil
Peanut butter
Potato chips


Great list, I'll try to avoid these for sure! I never had problems with my weight. I could eat whatever I wanted and still maintain normal weight, but a lot of junk food really affected my health. Diet plan from Dietarize contains delicious and nutritionally rich foods your body, brain and heart will love. It's definitely worth trying.


I am amazed by your video editing skills, mad respect for nailing it!


The editing, the content and the presentation of your videos is outstanding


Whole foods, Intermittent Fasting and daily excercise is an easy way to get healthy fast!


Thank you for sharing, I firmly believe that nutritional and financial education should be mandatory in public schools.


Simple changes that create big results 🔥💪😁 Great content!


October 2020, I discovered that I had high cholesterol. So I changed my diet & found that I lost belly fat along the way. This video has contains most of what I applied. I look back at videos & pics of myself in early 2020, going back, & I see the difference.


Thank you for your informative information, I am disabled and I can't do 80% of what you require IN YOUR WORKOUTS. I am over weight and am working on changing the way I eat and every thing you pointed out I already know are trouble foods. Have a great life.


I've been on a pizza and beer diet for ages no wonder my 6 pack is playing hide and seek with me


2 tablespoons of peanut butter is only 200 calories. I eat that with an apple for breakfast and I’ve lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks. Peanut butter is great in moderation because it’s filling


I've lost 30 lbs since Jan. I shut down the pizza every weekend, sugar free ice cream and cookies, weekly lunch at the Golden Corral and started walking 2 miles a day 5x's a wk. Portion control has been a key for me. Stick with whole wheat when doing carbs.I drink diet pop a little... plenty water. A party day is cool long as it's not a week long. You still wanna have fun and eat the good stuff...my bad...the bad stuff sometime.


Great video. Solid content, well produced. No BS.
Thanks for posting


Thanks to you and ur videos, in just a month i lost 6kg and actually gained 8kg of muscles, drop to 15% body fat from 28% body fat, doing intermited fasting with a low calorie high protein diet, i did measure my calories and macros for every single meal, and i never ate quite healthy like this ever before, i cant believe my results its insane, results came from tests i did, i hope ur videos can help other people as well


In short: eat nothing that brings you joy. 😊😊😊
