Avoid Dairy If You Have Hashimoto's

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One of the easiest things you can do to treat Hashimoto's is to remove dairy from your diet. Dairy products are one of the single worst foods that patients with Hashimoto's can consume for 2 reasons:

1. The first is because they contain a protein called casein.
2. The second is from a sugar called lactose.

The combination of this sugar and protein can lead to inflammation in the gut and symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and even symptoms like a runny nose.

Avoid dairy for 30 days to see if your thyroid function improves!

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This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
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This is so hard. People with Hashimoto l's are told to be low carb, gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free. What's left??


Now you tell me! Spent years with Rheumatoid arthritis before finally figuring it out that I and Casein don't do well together. Stopped all dairy and have started to recover from the Arthritis!


Thank you! My doctor never told me this, and it explains why I feel so awful after using cream in my coffee!


I found out for myself having already been diagnosed as a coeliac. Sinusitis a thing of the past, ad yes, I have auto immune thyroid issues. Big Pharma unfortunately use lactose in so many drugs and doctors ignore that fact when prescribing.


For some bizarre reason when I got off dairy I got super sick and bloated. Didn’t have a solid stool for a week, it was baaaad if you know what I mean. I’d love an explanation for that!!


Yes, with Hashimotos- but really, humans in general shouldn't consume it. It definitely causes inflammation and with time, this can cause some serious issues. Influencers love to push their carnivore and keto recipes that are packed full of cheese and cream. And will get BIG MAD if you try and state that (I've been blasted and blocked)- although you can lose weight this way, it's not healthy for you to continue that way of eating (regular, ongoing dairy consumption) long term as a way of eating for life. Shouldn't we want to improve our health, especially when we already have health issues? I think a lot of the hostility about dairy is because it's literally addicting. Seriously. I say this not just because it's factual, but as someone who is addicted to it myself. I used to easily eat several servings of various cheeses a day. I felt like I could give up basically everything but my dairy, especially my cheese. It causes dopamine to be released. The effects are most noticeable in people who have dopamine dysfunction - like those with ADHD (me), for just one of many examples. This subject is really deep, a lot of information can be found on it, but you have to extensively look for it. Even with me stating all this, I know that one bite can send me into a spiral where I binge and binge on dairy. I wish more health and diet influencers would educate themselves farther about dairy consumption, and use their platform to educate the public like you are! 👏👍🏻


I think we should differentiate the difference btw raw milk and pasteurized homogenized milk.

If it wasn’t for raw milk, raw milk kefir I would still have vitiligo, severe allergies.
Regular milk, I can’t even digest severe bloating and mucus producer.

The over pasteurization of dairy produces a substance that is completely different from raw living product.
Raw cheeses are also very healing.
Do your research on raw dairy products.


How about goat cheese and sheep cheese? I don’t use cow milk products except ghee and grass fed butter, but I eat goat and sheep cheese and use it in different recipes.


What about goat and sheep dairy products?


Dairy gives me joint pain so severe that I'm unable to walk properly


Stopped my nose running and got rid of my asthma. However went to goats milk instead and goats cheese. Is this ok?


Ok this is enough.. Even if it works this is absolutely ridiculous. No dairy, no gluten(70-80%) all snacks, meals any food, no sugars, no carbs. What are people supposed to eat? $100 "dairy free " Cookies? You have to have meals to sustain your body. What if someones losing unhealthy amount of weight, which people do in these cases.


I don’t eat any dairy, only sometimes 1 oz sheep Feta cheese. I don’t have lactose intolerance. Is that ok with H. Thanks for the answer!


What about bread ? Which includes dairy ingredients?


Hey Doc, do you have video's on probiotics and gut microbiome?


Why consuming carbs facing inflammation please suggest something


What about yogurt, kefir, and cheese?


I eat chesse and heavy cream and i am good i just eat keto way low carb and i fast sometimes so far -10kg


What about kefir made from raw A2 milk


Please make sure your parathyroid is not low before you do this
