The HARSH Truth About Dairy (5 Lies)

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The HARSH Truth About Dairy (5 Lies)

Today, Dr. Shawn Baker is discussing truths and lies about dairy! Is milk good for you? What are the downsides of consuming too much dairy? And much more.

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I drink a half gallon of raw milk a day. That's my breakfast and lunch, then I eat a nice big steak for dinner. I feel great!


No meat, no fish, no eggs, no nuts, no milk...a world full of sugar and diabetes, cancer, alzheimer...etc...


My grandparents and all his generation in that rural area were eating dairy literally daily. They all made it to over 90 . Milk and cheese from their own cows grass fed.


We raise dairy goats and haven’t bought milk from the store since. When I started drinking raw goats milk a couple years ago my allergies went away and my kids don’t get sick nearly as often as other kids at school.We make our own cheese and yogurt. After we make cheese I give some of the whey to the chickens and it keeps them healthy and laying more eggs. It’s a ton of work to milk twice a day but it’s worth it.


I'm 62 and have been consuming dairy my entire life with no issues concern lactose. I'm also a carnivore for the most part for over 6 years now and occasionally I stray off the reservation with no issues as long as it does not become a habit. I gave up alcohol 15 years ago as I saw that was a much bigger concern than drinking milk. The one thing I appreciate about milk is it helps retard my desire for something sweet after eating protein and fat. I don't think I will be giving up dairy anytime soon. Thanks Dr B ! Cheers...


My great grandmother lived to 107. Even in her 90’s she drank 2 gallons of whole milk a week. Along with double the meals delivered to her, that’s right she needed 2 times the food others in assisted living got. She also drank a 6 pack of Budweiser a week not the light stuff.


It irritates me when vilifying Dairy, that the quality of the milk is never mentioned. The milk from concentration-raised cows and pasture-raised cows is NOT the same. Also, the milk from cows that produce A1 protein and those that produce A2 protein is NOT the same.


I grew up on a dairy farm. I still drink around three gallons of milk a week. Plus cheese and butter


Damn it....this is the problem...most of us can not get access to these organic natural products and now most cannot not afford it😢


I was going to cry if you said milk was bad. I drank Lactaid for years until I discovered Sally Morell and started drinking raw milk. I now drink a 1.5L container of Alexandre Organic A2/A2 100% Grass-Fed milk every day bc it is too delicious. 😋


I have a glass of raw milk everyday I believe it to be very beneficial. Now pasteurized milk I think they have pretty much ruined it at that point and I believe that's where people run into problems with dairy.


I drink a cup of raw milk about 3 times per weak. I’ve done this for over a decade. All the cheese and butter I use is raw.


At 66, no problem w/ dairy. Luckily, I'm from Poland originally, in Canada since 1990.
One thing that I miss, is availability to buy raw milk to make own cheese, or heavy cream (over 40%) to make own butter.


I truly appreciate content creators who provide research and scientific evidence in your videos so i can go and confirm or deny the studies on my own.
I have lost 122lbs and lost 16in off my waist by going carnivore for 15 months.
I still see so many ppl spreading decietful lies about how keto/ carnivore lifestyles are.

I will forever feel endebted to you and others whom continue to provide us with priper knowledge.


From someone with real bowel issues and not just ibs, raw milk and wild salmon were the only foods that I could digest and got me back on track to reset my gut microbiome. Probiotics are a must, just throw in some fermented kimchi or sauerkraut a few times a week and you will feel better than eating just meat.


Dairy is an important calcium source for me as a post menopausaI woman. Locally available fresh full mik in a glass bottle from a local farm is my choice. It is wonderful even if not raw. I have a glass if my energy dips, otherwise it is in my tea (yep, classic Brit, runs on tea).


I have trouble with milk that I suspect is due to lactase deficiency, although I can tolerate it sometimes, but fermented dairy -- yogurt, kefir, cheese -- has been very beneficial for me in the context of a meat-heavy low carb omnivore diet.


I have just this week found raw milk and I am loving it! I can't drink pasteurized cow milk but so far raw cows milk is well digested.


I rarely drank milk while growing up. My brothers were big in it and we always had lots of it in the frig. When I had the wuhan flu back in Feb 2020, I craved high fat milk and I have been drinking it ever since. Strange.


Raw milk comes with its own lactase to help digest the lactose in it.

As soon as you pasteurize it you destroy the lactase and then some people have issues digesting it.

My wife and I and our 4 kids go through about a gallon of raw milk a day. But we both have northern European ancestry. We LOVE milk.

Raw milk fasts used to be prescribed by doctors to cure disease. 1-2 gallons a day for a month, nothing else but water.
