How to Work Out Your Top 3 Personal Values

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Your personal values are important as they are the things that guide you in life, particularly when you make choices. Therefore, the better you understand your principles, the more effective you should be in decision-making and in leading yourself and others.

Here is an introduction to working out what your personal values are and how you prioritise them. For further information check out this post on the website:

Video, animation and script: Simon Ash

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Personal Values
Values are the degree of importance, and moral codes that guide us.

a) Personal stories
b) Priorities.. How we use resources an inulin time
c) Passions- what drives your actions


Great video! Very in depth but nice and short


(FACTS OVA FEELINGS). Wee r Taught tha Some Priorities r Values r Gud and Right Others r Bad and Wrong this makes it very Hard to Admit to hOUR very Personal Priorities and Values. Wee Feel like wee Can't bee Honest and sea yourselves bee seen by others az a gud person at the same time


Wonderful video. I would love to use this video with my church youth group (about 10-15 people) for an in-person session in September about determining values. Would that be okay?
