Make Butter At Home! START HERE (Easy Method)

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Probably the easiest method of making butter from scratch is to shake it in a mason jar. There is no extra equipment or ingredients necessary, just a few sets of hands and about 15 minutes.


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#homemadebutter #howtomakebutter #butter
Рекомендации по теме

I grew up churning butter. Great memories our spring house was near the spring . It ran into springhouse in a cement trough with overflow going out other end. This was where we stored our milk also food from garden in that cold mountain spring water. A creek running trickling by over rocks and craddads swimming . Growing up on farm was great we never went hungry during depression. I feel so fortunate to have those memories. Thsnks Carolyn and Josh for sharing your farm life.


What a wonderful and wholesome activity. You have such a delightful family. Thanks for sharing!


We made butter in elementary school this way, more than 50 years ago. We passed the jar from desk to desk, and everyone took turns shaking it. By the time it finished making the rounds, our butter was ready! Teacher asked who would like to drink the buttermilk, and I raised my hand. I’ve always loved buttermilk, but was disappointed by this 😉 Then, teacher broke out the saltine crackers, and we made short work of our homemade butter. I’ve never forgotten the experience, it tasted so delicious 😋


Everything is much better homemade! Unfortunately, most folks never have a chance to know this!! ❤️


Love how you involve your kidz! I ad some yoghurt from start and ad the salt from the begining. The buttermilk I bake with. I only press the buttermilk out of the butter. And shake again till there is no more buttermilk left. I do not rince it in water. Buttermilk makes a good taste on the bread. I liked to learn a new way of doing butter. Lot's of love from Sweden!


I just made this with my sons. They competed who could make butter first. It was delicious. It got warm by the time it was ready to wash. Used extra cold tap water to wash the butter and it firmed up.


It takes a village ❤️❤️ your village is adorable.


I never heard of washing your butter. We used to get butter from the Amish and let it sit on the table and it would get really strong (and it was delicious).


Great video. I am in my early 60's now and when i was in grade 1, there was a Dairy Farm 1/2 mile down the road. I remember the teacher took us for a walk down there and we learnt about cows and the farm. They also gave us a quart jar with cream in it so we could make butter. After the tour, we all walked back to school carrying the jar of cream. Back in the classroom, we all took turned shaking the jar until the butter was formed. It was something i will always remember.


My grandfather would give us a mason jar with cream and a marble in it. We loved going around shaking it while playing. Always made the best butter. A memory from my childhood that I have never forgotten.


How fun! Can't beat homemade butter. Culturing it (by leaving it at room temp. for a day or two) can really add another dimension of flavour!


My grandmother used to let her milk naturally sour before making her butter. She said you got more cream that way and thus more butter. They called it "sour" or "country" butter. It was an old fashioned thing that fell out of custom and people used to come from all over to buy her butter. That sour butter was the BEST thing to put in a bowl of beans (pintos, birdegg, etc.).


They made butter this way, for Pioneer Day, in my daughter’s school(3rdgrade). They gave them bread to put the butter on. I said we would try it at home, but we never did. It was neat to see forty little girls dressed like Laura from “Little House on the Prairie”. Thank you for this video.🙂


Absolutely love how you get your children involved! 🥰 doesn't seem like many families are instilling homemaking skills and work ethics into their kids least not many families that i daughters love making butter! And they love watching your videos with me!


I love pure and homemade. Our health and healing goes up notches when we use and eat what’s pure. Including the girls is awesome! It’s a foundation you’re giving them to appreciate the simple things and the best of what’s out there to consume. Thx for the excitement you have given me as I am anticipating the next video you and your family will share.


What a wonderful video this was! I had no idea it only took about 15 minutes to get it into butter. Boy, what an eye opener this was!


I made my first batch recently. I used a mixer. My goodness! The taste is amazing!!!!


I absolutely love your tutorials and I learn something new all the time from your videos!!! Such a beautiful family too!!! Your children are PRECIOUS!!! Thank you for this!!! :-)


I do this a lot! It's so fun to make. I also use baby food jars and show this to my prek kiddos


We used to make butter when my kids were young.
