How to Make Cultured Butter at Home | Chef Studio Basics

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Here's a recipe for making cultured butter at home. Once you've tried cultured butter, you'll wonder why you've been eating the flavourless stuff for so long. This recipe is a little time consuming but worth it.

Just a disclaimer, always be really careful when fermenting anything at home. Make sure your equipment is clean and sanitized and if anything smells or looks at all off, toss it and start over. Don't take any risks, be clean, and be safe.

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150 g yogurt
1 litre 1000 ml full fat (double) cream
1.7 percent salt

Calculation: weight of butter in grams x .017= amount in grams of salt to add


In a clean, sanitized container, combine 1 litre of double cream and 150 g yogurt with active probiotic culture in it. Live culture yogurt is really easy to find at the store so don’t skip this step as the butter needs these active cultures from the yogurt to properly develop.

Mix this all together then cover with a towel. Try to use a towel that’s really clean.
Set this aside at room temperature for between 24- 48 hours to ferment. This will depend heavily on how warm it is where you live, I live in Scotland and it’s cooler here so I can leave mine for a bit longer. You’ll want to check on this periodically and smell it to see how it’s doing, we want it to smell tangy, sweet and really intensely buttery.

Once it’s at this point, pop the cream into the fridge to chill for an hour. Then transfer it to a mixing bowl and whisk until the butter fat granules start to form and separate from the buttermilk.

Place a strainer over a bowl and line with cheese cloth or a large coffee filter and pour the mixture in to strain. Squeeze out any excess moisture and then you’ll be left with golden butter curds and fresh buttermilk. Keep the buttermilk in the fridge for other recipes.

Now, we are going to do a process called washing the butter. In ice cold water we are essentially were are forming all those curd together into one cohesive mass and squeezing out any remaining buttermilk.

We want to keep kneading the butter in cold water either with very clean hands or a spatula until the water is clear. So you can use two bowls switching back and forth, discarding the milky water each time you switch and replacing it with fresh water. Or the easiest way, after you’ve formed the butter into one cohesive mass is to just set the bowl under really cold running water and knead until the water runs clear.

After I’ve dumped off all the water, I’m going to salt my butter. For a nicely salted butter you want to aim for a 1.7 percent selenity. So to know how much salt to add, weigh out your butter, mine here is 445 grams. And take that number, multiply it by .017 and you’ll get the amount of salt by weight in grams to add. So according to my calculation I’ll add in 7.5 grams of salt.
I’m using some of this flakey salt from the isle of Skye sea salt company.

Stir this up, I’m just mixing mine in my stand mixer with the paddle attachment for a minute or two and your butter is done. You can serve the butter as is or if you want to store it lay out some cling film and gently form a little roll of butter twisting the ends like so to tighten the roll. Place that in the fridge to firm up. Once it’s chilled, unwrap it, slice it into rounds and serve.


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I’m Kristin, a professional chef and film maker, welcome to my test kitchen. If you like educational cooking tutorials, recipes and visual food blogs then this is the cooking channel for you. I wanted to create a cooking show that highlights my skills as a culinary chef and pastry cook. I’ve been inspired by star chefs and food publications like NY Times Cooking section, America’s test kitchen, Chef’s Table, and Chefsteps, just to name a few. Hope you enjoy our kitchen tested recipes.
Рекомендации по теме

I actually made my butter yesterday but instead of yogurt I use Kiefer. Came delicious just like I expected. This is only my third time of making cultured butter. It’s so easy I had no idea holy she is a waste of money on store-bought butter. And instead of a mixer, I use my KitchenAid food processor and it’s done faster than a stand mixer. Within a couple of minutes I have butter. And I use organic lightly pasteurized heavy whipping cream. I just thought I’d share that boy. Your bread looks delicious. I wish we had that in Florida. We don’t have such a good Brandon Florida. We don’t have good water.


Finally...someone who measures their salt via percentage of weight. I am not the only one.


Finally someone who actually makes cultured butter so that we can make real ghee.. thank you ❤


My local commercial butter producer stopped selling cultured butter & I really miss it. I had no idea it was so easy to make, thank you! Nicely produced video too, by the way.


You are a really good teacher! I truly enjoyed this little spot and immediately subscribed. Looking forward to diving into your other ones now. Cheers for your good work Chef


Really good video. Quality production, straight to the point. I'll be back for more 😁


Thank you very much for sharing the recipe! I'd heard of cultured butter before and was convinced it was a difficult and tedious process, but you have proven me wrong. Also the video quality and editing are amazing as always. Hope you have a nice day!


Just made this as my wife and I love cultured butter. I recently bought packs of buttermilk culture from New England Cheese Making Supply and used that in lieu of yogurt. It turned out great. I ran out of time after draining the butter from the buttermilk and popped the entire thing in the fridge until I came home from work. I took it out and began the washing part after the butter came to room temp with no issues. I salted with Fleur de Sel de Camargue (the fanciest salt I had in the pantry) and your ratio was perfect. Much bread will be consumed with this creamy gold!


Find a product called mexican sour cream or crema aciete i believe, use a spoonful per quart and it will also ferment your cream but tastes much better than yogurt cultures in my opinion


Beautiful ❤

First time seeing yoghurt being added to the cream. How to calculate for the salt useful too.

Inspired to try this🎉



Thanks for the info on how to add salt properl. I really prefer salted butter.


Joining a team of followers and admirers. Following your recipe. I’ve just started. Have no yogurt and heavy Scottish cream here in Montreal. Substituted it with 35% (really…?) from local store and Kefir. Will see. Many thanks for sharing!


wow!... just a wonderful video start to end... and what lovely looking the added yogurt to the starter and the roll in the wrap to store in fridge or freezer even... well done thank you!


How to add garlic to make garlic butter? Does the garlic need any processing?
Amazing video..very well explained .. thanks ☺


First, I am making this!! Second, that is a very fancy mixer!


Hi Chef! I just wondering how long the left over buttermilk can be stored in the fridge?


Making this tomorrow, a little nervous about it for so reason. All I have is a hand mixer so I'm hoping that works.


I shall definitely try your recipe...looks great! What mixer are you using please?


I shall try this over the weekend. Yum.


When you add the salt to the butter near the end, what else could you add? Some chopped up roasted garlic? Parsley? Chuli flakes?
