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These are 8 real tricks to lose weight effortlessly. If you're looking to lose weight fast these are the easiest psychological as well as physical weight loss hacks that actually work. Both men & women want to burn all their body fat in just a week without dieting working out or cardio. Unfortunately there is no magic pill to lose stomach fat, but there are tips & tricks that can really help you go from lazy to motivated.

You don't have to enjoy dieting & exercising in order to do it 1:10
Motivation Snowballs 4:59
Satisfy your hungry stomach before you satisfy your hungry mind 5:53
Incorporate foods that you actually enjoy 7:02
Incorporate daily activities that you enjoy 7:50
Treat your body like a temple 8:31
Feel successful and reward yourself 9:33
To have something to lose 10:13

If you've been looking for a way to lose weight effortlessly you've probably heard of things like drinking more water, eating smaller portions, taking fat burners, eating from smaller plates, using body wraps, chewing your food slower, & using the stairs instead of the elevator. But unfortunately the truth is that none of these tricks really work or at least they don't work to the degree that you need them to work to come any where close to making a noticeable difference. And the reason why these tricks don't work can be explained very easily with a quote from President Roosevelt that goes like this "nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort." The point is, no matter how hard you look you won't find the magic pill that lets you lose weight without putting any effort at all into diet & exercise. However, there are ways that you can change your mental disposition & your outlook to make weight loss a much more effortless process. Even though that doesn't sound as appealing as a magic pill, these methods are actually real & these psychological as well as physical tricks that I'm about to share with you in a second will really help you lose weight with less resistance from your mind & your body. Let's start with the very first one, you have to come to the understanding that you don't have to enjoy dieting & exercising in order to do it. And to prove this I'm about to tell you something that no other personal trainer has ever told you. After consistently working out for over 15 years, after being a personal trainer for over 10 of those years, after being a fitness model, & even after opening 3 of my own gyms I can admit that I never loved exercising. Ever. In fact most of the time I don't even enjoy it. Even now after all these years there are plenty of days where I absolutely hate working out. But I still do it, almost everyday regardless of how I think & feel about it. The reason why I bring this up is because realizing that you don't have to enjoy exercise to actually do it is a very very important distinction. It's important because so many people that struggle with weight loss believe that the other people that are in good shape are the types of people that love working out. Meanwhile theyyyy don't. So this creates a mental barrier that says I can never do what those "more athletic" people do because I'm different, I happen to hate exercise. The reality is that there are plenty of people in incredible shape that hate exercise just as much as you do. But the difference is that they realize that their thoughts & their feelings are not the same as the actions they take. So regardless of what you think or how you feel about exercising, I want you take this one action that can change your whole life.... just.... show... up. Now why would you just show up to something that you absolutely hate well there are two major reasons. The first one which is actually my next tip can be summed up with another quote... "the delay of gratification is exactly what leads to gratification." The point here is that sure eating a good diet & exercising might suck. I mean with exercise alone if you're doing it right you'll be covered in sweat, barely able to breath, while feeling sore all over your body...that sounds like torture, & in a sense it is... but something far worse than that feeling is the feeling you get from constantly reaching for instant gratification. Anyone that has spent a whole day giving into their urges & seeking convenience, as well as expediency has felt like absolute garbage by the end of the day. However, by delaying that feeling of gratification you're actually able to attain it. I'll give you a couple examples if you lay around eating junk food all day long by the end of the day you're just laying there mindlessly shoving cheese doodles in your mouth that no long..
Рекомендации по теме

am i the only one that feels better when my muscles hurt?


I hate to start workout!
When i finished 30% it’s getting better.
At the end of my workout i really enjoy it.
After workout i am happy and more relaxed for the whole day.


Drinking more water has definitely helped my fat loss, noticeably. Tricks you into feeling full.


I have been following you for a while and in 3 months lost 60 pounds! From 233 to 173! I combine many physical and mental habits and tips like these and I gotta thank you for it! You give the best most realistic advice!


That might be the best video on having the right mentality that I ever saw. Thanks!


The guy that edits these videos really goes to town with it lol


Your thoughts and your feelings are not the same as the actions you take. Love this.


Your channel is underrated asf bro..so much knowledge in every video. Preciate you keeping up the good content 💯


He’s right. JUST SHOW UP!!! How many people JUST SHOW UP to work. You want to get paid right??? Soooo JUST SHOW UP to the gym or changing your eating habits. You WILL see great results. It takes time. All you have to do is JUST SHOW UP.


From the day that I started working out I’ve watched at least one video from this dude every day. You’re great man.


Amen brother. I’ve lost 85lbs by eating better and working out. It’s all a mind game. Be comfortable in uncomfortable circumstance


This is probably one of the most helpful and meaningful videos I've ever seen on the day to day struggle of fat loss. Thank you.


1. Don't (have to) enjoy the workout
2. Show Up
3. Satisfy the stomach before mind.
4. Be Accountable
5. I must've missed it with all the rambling


Hey I recently started attending the gym again. Its been 2 months of me going every day I also listen and follow your tips as close to the details as possible. I have noticed a huge change in just 2 months. Im eating healthy and drinking lots of water. My lifting and cardio have grown a lot. My biggest goal that I have reached so far is the pounds of fat I have lost and replaced with muscle. I want to thank you for you motivational videos and tips. Thanks again.


I love your message so much. I hate working out but i force myself to do it because i look and feel great. I wanna eat doritos but I wait and load up on veggies and have protein and im fine. your so right. It a train of thought and you give your body what it needs instead of what it wants.


This is the best fitness advice channel I've seen. It's REAL fitness advice. Not claiming to have the holy Grail and saying "dieting doesn't work" "anabolic window" or "intermittent fasting". It's what actually works and you're not being scammed into buying a program from someone who labels themselves as an "influencer". If you follows the videos on this channel you WILL lose weight. Props man your channel is incredible


You literally just killed it.. I’ve never heard any other fitness youtuber preach this! Keep up the amazing job you’ve been doing.👍🏾👍🏾


I just want to say thanks a lot! Your vids really inspire me! In fact, just a few days ago I entered a gym for the first time in ten years thanks to your "the only 7 exercises men need to build muscle" vid. It was a great workout, and hopefully the start of something amazing. Please keep up your awesome work transforming lives! Thanks again! :)


Your channel is genuinely logical, factual and genuinely value add. Thank you!


I look forward to training daily and absolutely love it. Can't imagine hating it honestly. LET'S GET IT!💪
