How Narcissists Set Up a Gaslight

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A lot of people have been asking me why they feel crazy in a relationship with a narcissist. In this video, I'm going to give you the main reasons why narcissists make you feel like you're going crazy.





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Hi, I'm Kenny 👋

I specialize in helping you heal from emotional hurt so you can elevate your life by helping you get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

I am an advocate for truth and healing. So naturally, therefore, my emotional mastery method might initially feel a bit rough. But, when you start finding answers to the questions you ask yourself (even those you're afraid of), break free from self-destructing behaviors, and begin loving yourself and living your best life, you will feel powerful and empowered.

If you have looked everywhere, are desperate for a solution, and you're ready to stop being held hostage by your emotional misery, your journey to emotional mastery starts here.

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The behaviours that are intolerable to me are, lying, scheming, sabotaging, shaming, blaming, guilting, trying to cause pain, and things like that. It works for them.


My mother and my ex wife are both narcs, even my ex mother in law is full NPD. I discovered NPD during my split/divorce in 2020. It was life changing. I was 45 in 2020, a good age to I think to discover this and set myself free. I’ve gone no contact with the ex and her family, zero, never again. I also have very low contact with my family, Christmas and birthdays only, and when I’m there we talk about the weather. 45 years of gaslighting, minimising, discrediting, blaming and shaming, double standards and all the rest. If my mother can’t find something I’m doing wrong now, she’ll go back in time to when I was 5 years old and try and shame me for mistakes I made then. Fun times. Not anymore. I got up and went and got myself a life. I now have a beautiful caring partner, and we live in a beautiful coastal country beach town, taking on life’s challenges together as a team. I couldn’t be happier. I have no time for toxic scumbags.


Oh you are so right. At age 63 learned, realized narcissistic abuse, and, what a narcissist even is.. My WHOLE LIFE MADE SENCE! I WENT NO CONTACT. IT WAS MY MOM AND SISTER. It took 6 decades, but I got my self back. Never give up. Prepare to lose everything materialistic. If you get out with sanity, Then you won! stay clear.
I was so co- dependent on my mom, she passed 5 years ago. Don't give up.


I always knew when I was being gaslit, you do have to have a strong belief in yourself to know you're right in your recollections


I've sadly had numerous narcs and gaslighters in my life. But one of the best things that ever happened with one of them: It was New Year's Eve and a bunch of friends were gathered being silly and doing karaoke. The next day, I had a blow up with a gaslighter "friend" who in addition to other verbal assaults and accusations about me claimed that I had mocked her and sneered at her while she sang karaoke. I swore up and down that I did not- and I would not have, because I remembered us all having fun. Later it turned out someone recorded the whole thing, and in the video, I am clearly smiling, clapping and cheering her on as she sings.
I wish I had recordings of everyone who ever gaslit me.


My parents do this to me. I do not think I am mad but the INJUSTICE of the situation is what's driven me to a therapist.


I started therapy. Learned so much. I realized i had been gaslit for 14 years. My enfire relationship with covert husband. I became aware of what my covert spouse was doing. At first it was a shock as to how far he had taken it. I became more educated and it felt like then I was like an outsider, studying, listening and dissecting every word he said. His words were so his deceiving and manipulative over the phone. He always used work as an excuse for everything. I set boundaries and stood my ground. I then went total no contact . My thoughts became clear, my anxiety went away. My depression left. My self confidence soared. I was more energized. I became a pro at self care. I finally felt free. I am becoming an even better version of my genuine self.


My ex narcissist turned out to be the reason I lost myself for three years. His gaslighting was so convincing that I lost all my self-confidence. That's what I find hard to forget and forgive.


This right here. Worst 7 years of my life. Once I got out of their alternate reality bubble and my head cleared, it was obvious what was happening. But it was impossible to see the gaslighting for what it was when I was in it.


Yes, I need to record all these conversations. They blame shift and make you feel so wrong and apologize. I like your blue blazer. Good taste. 💙


I’ve taken many screenshots just to prove he send a nasty text so late at night. He denies sending them.


Gaslighting is lying and it is wrong. They know it is punishable and they don't care. # Narcissist Internment Camps. SOS


Making statements that assume we know what they are talking about is annoying. Word salad as a response to a question used to leave me second-guessing myself until i identified the pattern. A good education is watching romance scam videos. The manipulation is through emotions. NPD techniques have been monetized into an international tax-free business empire. Emotional manipulation is a profession.


Thanks for sharing this video !
I agree!!
It is so evil, so cruel...
It is a disgusting behavior!


I started by journaling everything. Then I went to asking friends for validation of what I was experiencing. Eventually it turned into recording conversations (took a while to remember to do so). I finally thought, “this is ridiculous if I have to have my phone at the ready to record interactions! How is this a normal or healthy relationship?!”


It’s true for me. Yup, This person creates chaos out of thin air, I have no idea where it came from, or how it’s an issue, but he says it’s my fault, when i don’t know what’s going on, or what I supposedly did, it’s mindbending, and YES, I feel crazy, and it keeps happening! No contact is the only answer when possible.


I've been serving an almost 21 year sentence with my person. I'm exhausted. I want to leave him today.


I used to write notes to myself to say “you did nothing wrong tonight” cause every time I woke up he would say “you were a bitch last night!” So I would just apologise convinced I had been!


My recent gf ex rarely took a stand on anything, except when I mentioned she and her friend were Gling me. She proclaimed with authority, "we are not GL you." She was childlike with her lying. So obvious.


I was raised this way. Scapegoated and confused. Always blaming myself. I remember wishing I could record life to replay it for proof. 😂
