How to Lean for the Finish Line | Conventional vs Superman Lean

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Leaning to the the line is on the least important skills in Athletics but it can be the one that can make you a winner in a tight race.

The reason for the lean two the line is because in athletics we stop the clock when the chest has crosses the finish line.

In this video we look at two main type of leans or dips as they are known as that are commonly knowns as, in track and field athletics. The first of these is known as the tradition or conventional lean. This involves you to thrust ones chest out as you lean throwing the arms behind you to help emphasise the chest and to push it further.

The second technique is more recent introduction to track and field athletics as is the least text book. It is called the Superman lean and it requires you to throw your arm out in front so as the rotator cuff and pectorals minor muscle groups crosses the line first and thusly extends the point of which the chest crosses the line beyond the body, although it dies have it's weakness.

note you also dod not want to lean to early as this will effect your sprint mechanics and can make you finish your dip before then line and thusly you may end up coming up to early and not getting the full benefit of the lean.
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From a logical standpoint, I doubt that ant type of leaning or positioning helps win a race. Any additional effort will actually push the rest of the body backwards. This cannot mathematically result in any net gain, and can only result in wasteful overall positioning in the end.
