Lazy Parents Are Harming Their Babies More Than They Know

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A new study shows that parents who let their infants spend time using screens are actually hurting their kids development.

#MattWalsh #TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #WhatIsAWoman
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You know what's even more disgusting? When the kids don't want to do anything else other than use their phone/tablet because they're basically addicted to it, their so-called "parents" will *BLAME THE KIDS*


The problem is the parent is also spending all that time on screens. To prevent the kids from intruding on their screen time, they give the kids their own screen.


YES! Before our daughter was even born, my husband and I decided she would not be allowed to have any kind of smart device of her own and isn’t allowed to play with them. I still have to get onto my MIL constantly to stop allowing our daughter to play with her cell phone. Pisses me off. I had friends who said I would give in if my daughter had a meltdown in the car, especially on a long trip. Nope, still didn’t. She was allowed to scream and rage as long as she stayed in het car seat. If our daughter gets bored, she can just be bored. And at age 4, her pediatrician has said developmentally she’s far ahead of her peers. Hmmm, wonder why?


As a teacher, THANK YOU for addressing this!!! First year teaching kindergarten after homeschooling my own 6. I cannot believe how immature and delayed most of the kids are. Many little hands are weak and flacid and can barely hold a crayon and little minds cannot comprehend simple directions. I asked them what do they do at home. Are they excited to get home and play? "No, we just go on our tablets. " and they watch a lot of horror content. Kindergarten!! I am genuinely worried about the future of our nation when more than half of kids are being raised by YouTube and dopamine rushes from a screen. It never occurred to me as a mom to parent this way. It makes me so sad.


I’m not a parent but I’ve worked with kids for over 10 years. I have a hard time when parents say “Ruby’s here to play with you!” No. Ruby is here to take care of you and keep you safe, and maybe play a little too. It seems our culture expects that it’s your job to entertain the kids, which is completely unsustainable. Have you ever sat and tried to play with a kid for more than 30 minutes straight?? It’s HARD. Not because you don’t love them, or because they’re boring, it’s just not stimulating as an adult to sit and play candy land, so it’s hard. It’s possible for a short time, but not an entire day. Our culture needs to bring back the idea that boredom is not bad, and that parents are not play-mates. It’s completely fine to tell your kid to go find something to do while you do this or that. They’ll be bored, but they should have access to materials that allow them to create! We think we have to entertain them along with everything else we do for them, and that’s not True!! Some screen time can be a good way to have a break, but not if it’s the only way your kids will play by themselves. I truly believe it’s okay to let your kid sit around, they’ll find something to do.


An excellent comment, Matt; "Love your child enough to pay attention to them".

Recently I took my grand daughter (12) and two smaller children (7m & 5M - my partner's grandchildren) to the animal park. We had a FANTASTIC day, the boys going from animal to animal, asking questions, watching and observing, asking the staff questions. We stopped for lunch at the picnic area and, as I looked around, I realised I was the only guardian/parent NOT tapping away or scrolling their phone. Little voices saying and being ignored. As we walked around, adults were glued to their screens and the opportunity to interact with their children was totally wasted. On the drive home we talked about the animals we had seen until the boys fell asleep, no doubt dreaming of lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!

If you can't have open communication with your 4 year old, how do you expect to have open communication with your 14 year old when they REALLY need it?

Love your child enough to understand the damage you are doing because you are lazy and selfish.


I'm a former K-2 teacher, and I can 100% validate this. A lot of young kids have huge difficulties with communication & social skills, and they don't know how to handle not being constantly bombarded by external stimuli. It broke my heart because I knew it wasn't the kids' fault; their brains were trained before they even started school (and not in a good way). Unfortunately, kids with this issue are often put on ADHD/ADD medicine at a super young age, too.


I have to point out these people are NOT full time parents. These people are the equivalent of that co worker that dumps all his work off on everybody else and puts his feet up all day then complains to people he's so exhausted because he "works full time."


Some parents are lazy, but there also needs to be more talk about how/why millennial and younger feel desperately overwhelmed, exhausted, and completely unprepared for parenthood. I knew it'd be hard but I was shocked at how hard - like frequently breaking down in tears hard. I still managed to keep my daughter off screens until her sister came at almost 2 years old, and still I try to use screens as little as possible. But my generation and younger have a lot of difficulities - our moms were the "liberated" women going to work, families are separated by 100s of miles, many parents are living in apartments. Our society today is terrible for parents and kids. I think most parents aren't even aware of this - they either think it's normal or they think they are crazy.


She had it backwards. You don't give kids screens because they're annoying, but they're annoying because you give them screens. As a parent of 4 under 6, I can tell you that a couple years ago, when we went down to one movie per week (from an hour+ of watching per day), the kids got WAY better. Like it only took a few days for our house to become so peaceful.


It’s shocking that we have to explain this to parents.


These are the same kind of parents who when they finally do give their kids a sliver of attention they make sure to post it all over social media.


I’ve been a childcare provider for 35 years and it’s worse than you can imagine.


As a therapist, I’ve experienced so many parents come in who allow their kids to spend 8-10 hours screen time per day, sometimes reporting that they couldn’t get their kids off their devices at 2-3am in the morning. Then they’d bring them to me expecting me to “fix them” in a 1 hour a week session. This drove me NUTS. I stopped doing therapy 2 years ago.


I cannot believe we need a study to tell us this. THIS 👏🏼 IS 👏🏼 COMMON 👏🏼 SENSE.
People want to be parents, but don’t want to do actually do the parenting.


When the older generations fail to teach the proper values to the newer generations, society will always suffer.


A large group of our family went out to eat. My parents-in-law, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law with their 4 boys (ages 11, 9, and 7 year old twins), my husband, my two year old, and me. We had two different people come up and tell us how well behaved the kids were and that they were impressed there were no screens at the table. I told them we taught our kids basic table manners and the dinner table is for conversation.


My kid is only 3 and the look I get from some parents when I tell them she isn't allowed a tablet until she's at least 10 you'd think I just told them I lock her in a cage and only feed her stale bread.


My dad noticed that my kids “actually play”, and after initial doubt of me homeschooling them, he actually seems to completely understand this. I watch my screen time in front of them. Last night my 6 yr old daughter wanted to play with me on the tire swing, and I wanted to watch a show. I thought how short of a time this will be. We played on the swing.


The worst part to me is that they KNOW it’s bad, they know it’s harmful, they KNOW the studies prove it, but they don’t care because it’s easier to ignore it and just use screens.
