3 Things EVERY Catholic Should Know✝️☝️

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3 Things EVERY Catholic Should Know✝️☝️

#christianity #catholic #catholicchurch #god #gospel #jesuschrist #scripture #bible #biblestudy #bibleverse #catholicism #christian
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I will convert to Catholicism as soon as I can


Ephesians 2:8-9
[8] For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

The Roman Catholic Church rejects this. The official position of the Roman Catholic Church is that a person must believe in Jesus Christ AND be baptized AND receive the Eucharist along with the other sacraments AND obey the decrees of the Roman Catholic Church AND perform meritorious works AND not die with any mortal sins AND etc., etc., etc. Catholic divergence from the Bible on this most crucial of issues, salvation, means that yes, Catholicism is a false religion. Any claim that works or rituals must be added to faith in order for salvation to be achieved is a claim that Jesus’ death was not sufficient to fully purchase our salvation.

Good works are something a Christian does because of their love and gratitude towards God for saving them. It’s not something you do to earn salvation. Salvation is a gift. It can’t be earned or purchased.

There are many Roman Catholics who have genuinely placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. However, these Catholic Christians are believers despite what the Catholic Church teaches, not because of what it teaches.

Mark 1:15
Repent and believe in the gospel.




In preparation for my son to receive the Holy Communion my life changed for the better! The Holy Spirit came to me, changed me inside and I’ve been doing so much better in all aspects of my life! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen 🙏🏼🤍🕊️


What happens when the Pope isn't representing Jesus Christ? You just stay on a sinking ship?


Love my faith it's the best cause Jesus left His Church for our salvation..❤️🙏 📿 pray for our lost sheep to come back home. 🙏🙏


Salvation comes through belief in Jesus Christs' sacrifice alone
Prayer and worship belong to God alone...Jesus
Divinity itself is Jesus alone... "do this in remberence"


Polish catholic here i personally don't know a single person who doesn't know that even the atheists are aware but i get that in the west it might be harder to learn all that without religion is schools


Spot on. I wasn’t taught none of that. And I went to Catholic schools, CCD, attended church weekly growing up. It took me with my own research as an adult to know


❤love ur videos brother God bless
I’m a proud catholic


No church is the head of salvation. What makes the Catholic church so special when they aren't even in the Bible as being call the head


I am a christian. I am convinced Christ our saviour cryes about what has become of his church


Orthodox also see The Church as the Ark whereby All of the congregants are saved Together.


I am a coptic catholic. My church has connections with room. Does that mean I am a member of the catholic church itself?


My fellow roman catholic brothers and sisters. Greatings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I was brought up in the catholic church and almost joined the seminary. I loved taking the holy communion and did my best to achieve all the sacraments but, For by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not of yourself. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.( Ephesians 2:8-9) The Holy communion and baptism are odinances which every Christian is suposed to do. However, this is only a good work. This does not save you or garantee you heaven. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Romans10:13. The only way that guarantees you'll get to go to heaven is by recieving Christ as Lord and savior. No other way. And this is the testinony, that God has given us eyernal life, and this life is in His son, he who has the Son, has life, he who does not have the Son of God, does not have this life.( 1 John 5:11-12).


Yup ❤❤❤ the only balanced beliefs, I'm blessed to be a Catholic


The Eucharist claims to be no such thing, many times Jesus spoke allegorically this was very clearly one of those times. Jesus was offered up once for salvation scriptures make that very clear in a literal sense Jesus said to do this in remembrance of him as in those things represent him in a spiritual way.


thank you Jesus for freeing me from the catholic heresy!


I have nothing against Catholics, some of my family are Catholic.

I would say please read the scripture again carefully and pay attention to the 10 commandments.

Please also look at the original Greek scripture, the actual handwritten ones.

Learn the abbreviations and look for yourself. You don't have to learn Greek, just learn the abbreviations used for God and He/Him and see for yourself.

Please don't take others' word about scripture. Please ask and know the answer if the scripture has been changed.

Remember pleanary indulgence. Remember Renne Le Chateau. Realize how much has been hidden by The Catholic Church.

Understand what magic is and how making masses do rituals from the heart, regardless of if it is right/wrong is powerful magic.

FYI, you would have known there is no land if you were with Noah... Suicide was and still is forbidden.

Please just look for yourself. If you have and still stay Catholic, that is ok too.

Just never take anyone's word for it when your soul is on the line, that's all.

"save people by snatching them from the fire" - Judas Thaddeus (St Jude)


The body of Christ was removed from us when He ascended and He gave us the helper, the holy spirit
