What Every Catholic Home Should Have

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Every Catholic Home should have these 5 things in there home! Hope you enjoy!

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Hello thanks for stopping by my channel! I'm Heather and I'm a Catholic wife and mom of 3 boys and a baby girl! I hope my channel will inspire others to grow more in love with God! I will be sharing all kind of videos from faith, mommy tips and tricks, testimonies, NFP, lifestyle, family and even some Catholic vlogs here and there. Hope you enjoy! God bless you!

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I Hope you enjoyed😊. LETS CONNECT!
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My daughter was watching this with me and she is now planning a dinner with our priest. She wants to cook the dinner and invite him over to bless our house! She us so excited!!


Thank you so much for your channel! I was not born Catholic. By God's grace & mercy He led me to the Catholic Church. For the first time in my life I actually have a home.

Your channel helps me learn my new " culture, " as it were.


I'm from Indonesia and I was converted to Catholic Church in 2009. I Proud to being Catholic.


I used to be very fearful in my apartment, until I decided to get some holy water and sprinkle it around while praying.
I also try to pray the rosary before falling asleep. I feel more peaceful and very seldom feel fearful now 😊
Your channel is really lovely, thank you for your thoughtful and well informed videos 💞


I just went on the Catholic store you have with the discount code and got everything you suggested. Me and the kids just started praying the Rosary in my bed but I really want an alter. Thank you I’m so happy for my family!


Every Catholic house hold should have those 5 things.
1. Holy Water
2. A Crucifix
3. A Holy Rosary.
4. Picture of the Divine mercy image of Jesus.
5. Picture of the Virgin Mary.
But other things such as a statue of your Patron Saint. Take mine for example, Saint Michael the Archangel.
And invite your Catholic Priest for a house blessing.


One thing I have noticed is the holy water fonts sold for homes tend to soak up the holy water. I used poly acrylic to seal mine and now my holy water does not disappear. One thing as a new convert I was taught was to have a prayer table/altar because it is important to make our homes the domestic church. Also to have a little area outside of the home like a bench outside with a statue of Mary or Jesus to sit outside to have prayer time.


I love that you brought this to YouTube! I’ve had the flu this week, and my youngest hopped up on the counter to reach the Holy water, blessed me and prayed for my healing.💕


I was a Protestant but I’ve been attending mass, and have beautiful catholic relics decorated in my room and ever since then, it’s like i magically became super clean and organized and my room is always spotless


The catechism of the Catholic Church is also very good to have!


Your faith is EXTREMELY encouraging! Wow! I'm protestant but I feel Christ would be moved by your faith! Huaah!!!


Every Catholic home should have an Altar, last supper picture in the dining room, and statue of Mother Mary :)


I’ve never really had anyone else to share my catholic views with so it’s really nice to come to this channel and this comments section. Thanks so much!!!!


here in the Philippines, all Catholic homes have an altar,


I am so thankful you have made these videos as I am transitioning from my Protestant upbringing to the Catholic faith.


Thank you for this video. My family stopped going to the church when I was a child. So now as an adult your videos have help me so much with delving more into my faith and how to have my home centered in Christ.


Because I watched your channel, I became interested in the Divine Mercy Chaplet and prayed almost everyday in Lent. Thank you for following your calling. Yep I have that bible.


This video was in my feed today! Great reminders to keep the faith foremost in our lives! I put a Divine Mercy picture in the front door window. I get blessed candles from the altar at church when they're ready to change them. I keep a scapular over my bed. And, don't forget to put flowers by your picture/statue of Our Blessed Mother.
Bless you - you're a lovely testimony of what a godly woman should be!


You are so adorable (in a good way) and brave, it takes guts to let people know about your faith in this day and age but you even post it on internet wow you are very inspirational to me this is how all catholics should be, unapologetic for believing and knowing the TRUTH.

Im just letting you know that these videos do inspire people whether thats your intention or not i love it!

Keep making these videos, your faith and love and the holy spirit shine through you, i wish a lot more women were like you

Sorry if this was a bit long but we should encourage and love each other :)

Also ignore the trolls, unfortunately its trendy and fashionable to criticize the Catholic church nowadays while knowing absolutely nothing about it
