7 Verses Every Catholic Should Know | Dr. John Bergsma

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In this video, Dr. Bergsma- a convert who was led to the Church through the Scriptures- gives us seven Bible verses that prove that Catholicism is indeed biblical and even more biblically grounded than what some of our Protestant brethren initially think.

In each of these seven verses, Dr. Bergsma breaks it down by giving us the context of the passage, providing us with original translations, sharing with us his own personal testimony, and much more!

Some of the topics these verses cover are:
- the meaning of "the church"
- tradition vs. teaching
- Sola Scripture & the interpretation of the Scripture
- the Sacraments
- Mary
- relics

00:00-01:59 Introduction
02:00-09:30 First Verse: 1 Timothy 3:15
09:31-16:22 Second Verse: 2 Thessalonians 2:15
16:23-25:56 Third Verse: 2 Peter 1:20
25:57-31:59 Fourth Verse: John 20:23
32:00-40:33 Fifth Verse: Revelation 12:1-2, 5
40:34-42:58 Sixth Verse: 2 Kings 13:20
42:59-50:33 Seventh Verse: John 6:53
50:34-51:02 Conclusion
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Small correction: at 15:16, instead of 2 Timothy 3:6, the verse is actually 2 Thessalonians 3:6.


I was a former protestant pastor who preached the Gospel of John chapter six along with the church fathers while teaching on Holy Communion. Church members who were former Catholics confronted me that I sounded Catholic. Within nine months, I left my position and was received into Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church.✝️⚪🍷💕


Really good presentation, I took notes! I became a Catholic this year after 45 years as a Baptist! Best decision of my life.


I was a fallen away Catholic for 26 years and attended non-denominational churches. After coming across Catholic apologetics, I came back to the Catholic Church about 15 years ago. ❤


I’m a Protestant but I’ve been listening to Catholics speak of the true church and I have to say I want to know more. I enjoying listening to both Catholics and Protestant guides us to Christ. And we have many things alike but also difference but I know to be wise and listen to both. I know we are all brother and sisters of Christ and ask that you pray for me. Thank you for sharing this video will definitely read on it!


When I met a person I hadnt seen for 25 years they were surprised that I had converted to the Catholic Faith. They asked me what inspired me to do that. I replied "You guys told me to read the Sacred Scriptures so I did".


Im Orthodox but I enjoy learning about catholics too, God bless you brothers ❤️


This is one of the most important videos from an experienced former Calvanist pastor who gives all his experience of what really the Protestants' scripture alone mindset is. It really helps Catholics to prepare in advance of any encounter with any of them. Thank you, Dr. John Bergsma, for this useful video. I'm looking forward to more. You and Dr Scott Hahn are doing a wonderful job at the University. GOD BLESS


A Catholic who is extremely well-read on Scripture is often a powerful weapon for the Church. I grew up in Southern Baptist churches doing a program called Awana where we memorized tons of Bible verses, which was immensely helpful. I want to start something similar for Catholic kids one day.


Hahaha I was a Protestant and after reading the Bible I became Catholic ❤


I'm a new Catholic of less than two years. But the more I learn and practice the faith, the more it's truth seems obvious to me. What seemed complicated from the outside is actually so simple l.


Excellent walk through. Very helpful. I was raised Assemblies of God, attended many Protestant churches, just this year was confirmed was Catholic at 53 years old. Praise God!


As a staunch catholic I commend you for explaining the catholic faith so beautifully and humbly. Thank you very much. May the Holy Spirit of God lead you to the fullness of the truth. Merlyn


Luther created a whole host of man made traditions, and the numerous Protestant churches continue to build on that . Former Protestant who converted at 65 and came home to the Catholic Church .I praise my Lord Jesus for calling me home .


It has been two years since I was brought into the Catholic Church! The proverbial scales began to fall off my eyes with Matthew 16:18, the entirety of John 6, John 20:21-23, and Acts 2: where Mattathias is appointed to replace Judas. This is the first time that I’ve seen these other verses in a Catholic apologetic perspective and I must say it was fascinating how I had missed the implications of these verses as well during my time as a Protestant. This is a phenomenal video and I hope to share it with loved ones.


Fellow convert to Catholicism here. When I was growing up Protestant, I hardly ever heard any preaching from the whole book of Acts. I get it now—that’s all about the early Church, which was Catholic. I don’t think any pastors were intentionally omitting it; they just didn’t vibe with it.


I read the NT cover to cover age 50 and converted from Episcopalian to Catholic. “Henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.” Yes beloved BVM, Catholics do 💖


Thank you Dr Bergma.
Former baptised Catholic, former Baptist, now Catholic... The Virgin Mary, Mother of God-in-the flesh, Jesus Christ, and the Eucharist brought me back from a spiritually sterile environment to " The Church ", DEO GRATIA...


Don't stop doing this work sir. The world needs you. May God bless you and yours always. 🙏


I credit Dr.Bergsma to my conversion to Catholicism.
