Is baptism required for salvation? Ep. 67

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Baptism is a controversial subject in the world of Christianity. Some faiths believe it is essential for salvation. Some believe it’s an important sign of faith, but really not strictly required. But what do Latter-day Saints believe, and why? In this episode, Dave explains some of the history behind the evolution of baptism, and why Latter-day Saints believe what they believe.

In the video, Dave mentions that the “earliest Christians clearly taught that” John 3:5 was referring to baptism. Here are a few quotes supporting that statement:

“[Scripture] says, ‘And he dipped himself seven times in the Jordan.’ It was not for nothing that Naaman of old, when suffering from leprosy, was purified upon his being baptized. Rather, this was a symbol for us. For as we are lepers in sin, we are made clean from our old transgressions by means of the sacred water and the invocation of the Lord. We are spiritually regenerated as new-born babes, just as the Lord has declared: ‘Unless a man is born again through water and the Spirit, he will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.’” --Irenaeus, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, pg 52.

“‘Unless a man has been born again of water and Spirit, he will not enter into the kingdom of the heavens.’ These words have tied faith to the necessity of baptism. Accordingly, all there-after who became believers were baptized. So it was, too, that Paul, when he believed, was baptized.” -Tertullian, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, pg 53.

“Unless a man has been baptized and born again he cannot attain unto the kingdom of God. In the Gospel according to John: ‘Unless a man is born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’” -Cyprian, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, pg 55.

Yet those who back into the “Baptism is great but not necessary” corner are forced to deny this straightforward interpretation of scripture, in favor of other verses which favor salvation by faith alone. This quote exhibits this behavior nicely:

Latter-day Saints, on the other hand, find no contradiction between salvation by faith in addition to required baptism.


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Great video! You explained it perfectly and the clips were entertaining. Funnily enough, I just finished rewatching ATLA and thought of the spirit world during the episode you pulled the clip.


I think we need to have a vote in general conference to accept The Princess Bride into the scriptural canon.


I really loved the example of Naman at the end. Whether or not baptism is required for salvation is a hot topic in the Christian world! Much to my surprise (since I grew up LDS and interacted mostly with Christians who believed in the importance of baptism) I was really surprised when I met baptists who ardently believed baptism was not essential for salvation. I think this video does a great job of explaining why members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believe it is essential.


Thanks for the Labyrinth clip. It made my day.


This was great! Thank you. Yes, a “baptisms for the dead” episode would be greatly appreciated!!! ❤️


Couple of things:
1) PLEASE do an episode on Baptism for the Dead. I’m not a member and this just doesn’t make sense to me. Albeit, I’ll admit, I also don’t believe in a second chance at salvation nor in a spirit world. 😬😅
2) Whoever has started dressing David is doing a great job! 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


The reason grace has become so popular in mainstream Christianity in the US is because of religious freedom and the free market. When trying to attract converts to a church it’s harder to sell works than grace. The Bible says both are needed for salvation.


4:12 who comes up with these clips?! This is AMAZING!


Excellent. Also, the stuff linked by Robert Boylan below is great.


This is so awesome and explains it so well. Thanks for making this!!


4:00. The works denounced by Apostle Paul are works of The Law of Moses, not good works or ordinances in general.


If we have the opportunity to accept the Gospel in the spirit world, what is the point of our earthly existence?


"IF" Baptism is an essential ritual, why Jesus himself didn't baptize anybody during his preaching years... (Not sure if in the BOM mentioned anything about Him baptizing in America)... As a LDS how do you understand this? Thanks in advance :)


What are your thoughts about what's going on with the virus compared to the second coming?


If your doctrine is correct concerning the method of salvation - that baptism is not the method of conversion, and that all you need to do is believe to be saved - then those that believe that baptism is necessary for salvation meet the requirements of your doctrine and they are saved! These people are not in jeopardy.

However, if they are correct - and baptism is the method of conversion and necessary for salvation - then all those that have taught and believed otherwise will be eternally lost.

Therefore, those that teach and believe that baptism is necessary for salvation are safe either way, whether their doctrine is true or not.
Yet those that believe baptism is not necessary for salvation are completely dependent upon their interpretation of scripture and doctrine to be true, otherwise they will be damned.
I dont know about you, but I would rather err on the side of caution!

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:"

Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."


Can you guys do a video about Mormons view on Catholics?


In order to enter into the Celestial kingdom which is the highest and the Terrestrial kingdom which is the next you must be baptized. But to inherit the Telestiel kingdom you need no baptism. Read D&C 76. It's the most beautiful vision recorded.


faith comes by hearing the word not anything we can do


Water Baptism. No.
Fire Baptism. Yes.


The Old Testament is silent about baptism.
