Silent Narcissists: Dealing with Covert Narcissism and Silent Rage

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Tune in to hear the perspective of a self aware narcissist. That’s me - Ben Taylor a narcissist in recovery trying to promote awareness, healing, growth and change. I do that by these videos on here, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

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My ex showed a lot of the covert narcissism traits especially the silent treatment, shutting down conversations, defensiveness, anger and darvo. I didn’t understand what was going on as I thought there was only one type of narcissism. It’s why I was so confused the first year and then I did some research and discovered the covert and he fits it. I learned lessons from this experience and don’t want to ever be in another relationship with a narc.


My ex boyfriend Anthony, that I left and went no contact with on 4/2/22, was 100% a covert narcissist and used silent rage(silent treatment, perpetual victim, stonewalling, gaslighting, belittling, all of it!) all of the time! So grateful for the freedom from toxicity, peace, healing, and growth I’ve had since leaving. Also grateful for counseling(EMDR and other faith-based healing program for this specific healing) realizing my part in why I was in a relationship like that, several times in the past, and healing at the root. And yes, self-love, self-care is key!!! Thank you for all your content!💯♥️♥️♥️


This was my husband. If I would call him out on his abusive behavior - he would claim the victim card - oh he was abused, his dad abandoned him, he was cheated on - and how he's a monster and I should just leave him - until I felt so guilty, that I would comfort him and tell him we would put aside my hurt until we worked through his trauma....I was so confused I even comforted him after he would violate me - bc he convinced me it wasn't his fault he did that.
We are separated now - and since he sees I'm not groveling to him anymore and standing my ground on his ill treatment - he's just ghosting his daughter and me now. But with him not in our lives anymore, I'm starting to realize how ridiculous the whole situation was.


The subtlety of their passive aggressive, belittling insults enables plausible deniability.


Thank you the silent treatment is where I am. I see it as a form of manipulation. I’m actually happier making decisions without him.
Plow through no drama.


Yes, I find the categories are blurred, there's a grandiose side and a neglecting uncaring side and a victim side. They are chameleons, except there's a constant - they always take advantage exploit and abuse.


The closest this man came to yelling was through text. He would spare me talking when he went into a rage. But he would say ' If this is how you think I am then you do not understand me at all ! I'm going back to work ! ' After saying I felt he was lying to me, cheating, playing games, Of course it all proved to be true. But the emotional development he has is childlike in the extreme. He is 45


Silent treatment I know about for years he didn't care. Omg what a guy 👦


This happened to me last night. I was sad all day from his constant belittling and put downs and I feel hopeless. I'm also suffering from adrenal fatigue. He could see I was sad so he was in a good mood all day.
In the evening I started to perk up because we planned on watching a movie I really love and was excited about watching it together. I was becoming chatty and happy and all of a sudden it was like a switch was flipped. He had a nasty look on his face that I would describe as pure hatred. His body language was clearly angry. I asked him what was wrong and he denied he was mad until I pressed the issue some more. He finally confessed that he was just irritated that I did something minor that he's never complained about before. I actually did nothing wrong. It infuriates him when I'm happy. More belittling comments by the end of the night. I cannot express happiness because it sends him into a silent rage. I'm at my wits end and I'm completely depressed. 😢


He’s quiet. Passive/aggressive this is a nightmare.


My ex who was a narcissist gave me the silent treatment and when I attempted to reciprocate that he didn't care... 😅

His silent rage got worse toward the end.

My husband's SIL only talks AT me when she has "great ideas/things" to share. Other than that she gives me the silent treatment. But I ignore her no matter what because it's her insecurities trying to step on me to prop herself up, so I keep her down by not acknowledging her presence.


3 yrs of this and now that he has someone else, the 1-2 dozen daily crank calls stopped. I know they were him. They only happened when I was getting the silent treatment and refused to be blamed for something I didn’t do.


My mother is giving me the silent treatment because, I didn't act and respond the way she wanted me too


I am experiencing this right now.Jekyl and Hyde.


Talk about the key to the rollerskates. This video would easily be akin to the Germans voluntarily giving up a working operating WW2 "Enigma" machine, its blueprints, instruction manual, and an 11:28 tutorial video on how to not be intimidated or perplexed by it but rather on how to master the legendary machine... On par with or above anything Sam Vaknin, Lee Hammock, or Kanika Batra ever released...


All of this, wow. When I would ask if he was pulling away I got told it was in my head etc, eventually he only gave me breadcrumbs. When I stepped away he played the victim, woe is me and as last it was my fault he wanted to get rid of me bc I asked questions and made him feel bad 🙄 he ghosted me after and that's a month ago now. wh had been friends for 5 years!!


Mine loves to use the silent treatment on me. I know he's being passive aggressive as hell. This normally happens when I tell him how I feel and especially if I'm telling the truth. Other then going no contact. What are some other ways to break that with them? Any suggestions? It does make me feel guilty and like I'm to awful to talk to. Like he's trying to behave like he's the victim.


Can they be nice during this time but drag out responses a day or two, trying to trigger you? Lying about not getting messages and calling you crazy when you react, but then act virtuous later, sending you love but taking forever to respond? I’m so confused. I reacted to it asking “I feel like you blocked me and it’s disrespectful. Is this right?”. She then feigned ignorance and laughed it off and I stated I don’t like lies. It all went downhill from there. She was either ignoring or blocking and it was obvious… still feeling sick


Thank you the silent treatment is where I am. I see it as a form of manipulation. I’m actually happier making decisions without him.
Plow through no drama.
