Full Active Recovery Day For Older Men (REST & RECOVER!)

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I know today might not be the most exciting topic, but I really want to talk to you about Active Recovery. Active Recovery is something that we should all be doing every week. It takes several days for our muscles to recover from an intense workout. We are intentionally trying to tear our muscle fibers down because the more we break them down, the more they repair and grow. So, what is active recovery? There are so many things you can do, so let’s get started!
You really just want to have some light exercise where you are increasing the blood flow in your body. You can do swimming, take a bike ride, mow the lawn, walk the dog..there are so many things you can do when trying to have active recovery days. For those of you with pets and maybe you get in a routine, they know when it is time for a walk. When I am done mowing my lawn, my buddy Mojo knows it is time for a walk. Active recovery will really help your muscle recover, especially when you have a lot of lactic acid buildup. I know when you are sore you might not want to do anything, but I highly encourage you to get out and do some active recovery.
Every little thing you do to actively recover will help you to get ready for the rest of your week with getting back to your workouts. Yoga is also great to do, even rolling on a foam roller is something you can do. Soreness in your joints can be caused just from your muscles being tight and sore. So stretching and actively stretching can help you relieve pain and joint soreness.
Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial for how to have active recovery days. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to rest and recover from your workouts and focus on your nutrition.