Why The Force Itself HATES the SITH - Star Wars Explained

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Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

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The funny part is Vader's name is actually the word for father in Dutch, only that they pronounce it differently. This is especially funny because when Lucas initially made the character, he didn't plan to make him Luke's father, and made that decision later. He was accidentally given a name which literally translates to father, even before it rightly applied.


From what I can tell, these names also describe how these people die. Maul was killed by a lightsaber, tyranus was killed by demand of a tyrant, plagius was killed by the plague he created, sidious was killed as a result of his own insidious actions catching up with him, and vader died performing his duty as a father.


Sidious - Translates to “insidious”, it refers to something or someone working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner, which is more than fitting for Palpatine.

Bane - Translates to being a source of ruin and destruction hence; he is the bane of ones existence.

Vader - Translates to “invader”, which refers to a force that invades and attacks something in order to take control, it is especially fitting how he was tasked to lead the great invasion of the Jedi Temple.

Tyranus - Translates to “tyrant”, which refers to an oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.

Maul - Translates to injure or viciously attack in order to cause severe harm.

Plagueis - Translates to word “plague”, which means widespread affliction or calamity, especially one seen as divine retribution.

Revan - Translates to “revenant, ” which refers to one that returns after death or a long absence.

Nihilus - Translates to the Latin word “Nihil”, which means "nothing" or "nothingness"; hence nihilists, who do not believe in anything and deny existence.

Caedus - Derives from the Latin meaning, caedo, caedere, cecidi, casurus, which is a Latin verb and means, "to kill/to cut/to sacrifice."


“I do not serve anyone beyond myself”
Vader: Well…


I've noticed this trend. I'm waiting for "Darth kills them all", or "Lord Blows them up".


When I was little I always called Darth Sidious "Hideous Sidious"


The Force: I hate you.
Sith: That's cute, now do my bidding.
The Force: Without question.


But not all Sith receive their names from the Force. Bane took his name from his own father's insults, Xannah took her true name to show that this is who she really is, and Cognus took her name from her own special ability. And there were many time that it seemed the Force wanted Bane to succeed, such as his discovery of Xannah right after he tricked the Dark Brotherhood into wiping itself out, and how often ancient Sith Holocrons fell into his lap.


Finally something that I haven't thought of herd of. What a wild concept


I’m starting to see why Kreia hated the Force so much.
It’s a confusing paradox


'The force hates the Sith'

That's clearly a lie told to people from the Jedi controlled media.


(Palpatine when he learns the force hates him)

Palpatine: "Good, good."

Palpatine wants to make the Force his new apprentice lmfao


I loved in the Darth Plagueis book. Damask explains that anyone can use the Dark Side. Only when the Dark Side views one as an ally can they achieve true power.


Perhaps the Force isn't a single entity but rather a pantheon of higher beings who are in conflict with each other.


if this is true, then the force should start calling siths with loving nicknames.
imagine: darth cutie pie


I think you said it yourself in the line from the book Rise of the Sith.
'Sideous reached into the Force, but also into his own wisdom.' He was no doubt thinking about the future, about what he needed to take control of his new empire, and it would involve invading a great many worlds to strip them of they're traditional freedoms. Sideous would control the macro-empire and Anakin would be his enforcer, his in'vader on the mirco-scale. Remember, Sideous was preperaing the galaxy for invasion and had ambitions outside the galaxy. Someone who could terrorise entire populations to obeying was priceless to him. His Vader!


Dudufilms force explained video comes to mind while watching this vid


It's simple the sith need hatred to fuel them in the force the force they use is full of hate therefore it hates


I'm not sure if you've dome this before but can you do a video on the nightsisters/brothers?


I'm not sure if I would believe this; I feel it gives the Force an unnecessary "good alignment" it doesn't need, or shouldn't have. You don't have to like Darwin, but there is some truth to the idea; nature isn't nice, kind, or coddling. You need to strive to survive, and sometimes favor yourself over others. Some societal rules aren't thus because they are "right", or "just", but because they reinforce the structure of society, which also has advantages we crave, and choose to exemplar, even knowing that they might not be optimal. Saying the Force is inherently good, or good-aligned, tends to feel more like an element that only works because it is a written work of fiction, and the author had the opportunity to declare cin this verse, this is how it works", as opposed to something that legitimately makes sense. It also beckons the question then does the Dark Side serve a purpose, apart from what a group we associate with it, but who has been entirely refused by the Force, because of their ethos? Is there a way that it is MEANT to be used, or is it all just a convenient perversion, because Good is always meant to (eventually) triumph? I like a fun snippet of Doctor Who where a visiting 1st Doctor tries to explain why he does what he does, and he explains that kindness, benevolence, and "good" are not the natural way of things; the universe doesn't reward these traits, and you have to choose the less convenient path, deciding that the end result is what you actually want, even if it might not be the best outcome. There couldn't be a balance of the Force if it didn't intentionally have two sides, and if the Dark is MEANT to be there, something has to use it, and give it influence, and I personally find it kind of difficult to believe that then we've just never gotten to see these elusive beings, or that the corrupt Sith have just eclipsed them. What the Sith do is certainly wrong, but I question whether the Force that exists us really upset that it is compelled to take part, or if it is just the individuals are bad, and this is their method of imposing their will.
