Why the Force Itself HATES The Sith - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Revan’s philosophy of the dark side would probably be more beneficial to the sith. He believed true power came from not from trying to control the dark side, but by exercising its will


Anakin definitely did restore balance by the time he died. He helped hit the reset button on the Jedi Order, finished off Palpatine, and fathered the one who would reform the Jedi. Yoda saw it coming and went along with it.


When you’re a sentient cosmic energy source, there’s going to be some people you hate for abusing your powers


It's not that The Force hates the Sith... it's that the Sith can never win because their ideology goes against the long-term survival of species due to their selfishness.


So. This checks out. The Jedi (a true Jedi) walks with the force without wanting anything, without seeking anything. They live and move through the force. It means Jedi almost have no affect on the force and it’s nature, they are an expression of the force itself. A sith is ambitious. Greedy. Angry. Loving. They manipulate the force to their will and that brings it out of balance. There could be an infinite number of true Jedi and it wouldn’t make a difference, but adding even a single sith tilts the force out of balance.


In Rebels, it's suggested that the light side / dark side dichotomy is an artifact of how the Jedi and Sith view and treat the Force.

Bindu, a huge force sentient being, refers to the two sides of the Force as being simply different; but the Jedi and Sith "wield them as weapons". And other non Jedi, non Sith Force sensitive beings say similar things.


I actually think that the force is absolutely neutral and is without will. The Jedi and Sith just view it as they do.


One of the best explanations in regarding "the balance of the force" that I have ever heard! Well done!


"Because the force is like your ex, loves to control but god forbid you ask her to do something."~ Darth traya probably.


i do not think the force hates anything. Hate is a darkside trait / energy or feeling channeled through a person or being or Entity. The force binds us and is a balance of light and dark. There can not be one without the other. Light and dark will always co exist .


This is the best explanation I've ever heard for darkside users looking like the Force is tearing their bodies apart. It is literally attacking them, resisting being used against the Will of the Force.


[...]The Force can't be treated differentially, so it must be broken and made a beast of burden. It must be made to answer one's call[...]
-Darth Plagueis, The Wise


Basically the sith become ugly and age faster because they walk against the nature of the force in order to make a opposing force away from its true purpose. But the force itself is a mother who grants power to all her children you have free will. The universe let's you choose. It makes sense. Especially with the real world now.


A few questions occur to me: If it hates them why does it keep giving them power? If the Force is sentient, why doesn't it pull the plug on the Sith? It would be simple enough to either let their power fail at the worst possible moment or to overload them and cause them to fall down and go boom.

Either the Force is not that sentient, or it has no control over itself.


So I just thought of something. This whole time I and pretty much every other Star Wars fan have been under the impression that balance in the force means equal amounts of force users from both sides. While yes having basically 2 jedi and 2 Sith equals balance the prophecy might actually mean something different. Balance can totally mean no Sith and all jedi. For there to be any imbalance there has to be the opposite so without the Sith, the force is at balance with just the lightside. It isn't unbalanced and is basically one straight line with the lightside. Think of an equal arm balance scale, if there are just lightside force users then the scale will be balanced and i say this because it would be divided between the two arms, when you have Sith and dark side users it switches and becomes one side Darkside and the other lightside which is unbalanced. When there is only side of the force there is no divide, thus the prophecy of the chosen to bring balance to force is meant to vanquish the opposing side and thus bring balance to force. When Obi-wan says, "bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness" I personally think this is what he is referring too. You can still argue the point that the amount of force users from both sides being equal does equal balance and yes you are right but I guess what I'm trying to say is there is different types of balances.


originally, balance meant a lack of darkside to corrupt what is now called the light side. In the original trilogy, the phrase the light side of the force was said. It was just the force or the dark side of force. The term was created in books later on.


So by this logic, how would a force user properly aligned with the dark side come to be? If the natural dark side is born of disasters, death and age, then is there even a potential philosophy to be possible under such circumstances, without the abuses of the Sith?


These videos have the most interesting comments. I love reading discussions on the philosophy of the force in such an objective way. Sometimes the Star Wars community is the absolute best


Balance to the Force means no Jedi and no Sith. The Force is light and dark and neither side is supposed to overtake the other, yet both the Jedi and Sith were in violation of this. Anakin, as the Chosen One, his purpose of bringing balance to the Force required him to eliminate the Jedi and the Sith, which he did. Balance restored.


You came up with that definition I am pretty impressed!!! That makes the most sense out of anything I have ever heard by far.