Justified by Faith Plus Good Works? | Andrew Farley

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Lord Jesus
Come into my life
And use me ❤️☺️🙏


I think the biggest problem people have with justification is that they don't know what the word means.

Think about justifiable homicide. The person who takes a life justifies himself by explaining the circumstances of the event, and the judge justifies the person to declare him innocent of a crime. The judge isn't saying that the *killing* was okay; the judge is saying that the *person* who killed is okay, in spite of the killing. The person who justifies himself is only offering his testimony. The judge clears his name.

When James talks about being justified by works he is saying that the work (putting Isaac on the alter, for instance) is the person's testimony. It is an act of faith because that person ALREADY believes God. God accepts that person's testimony and formally declares him innocent of wrongdoing. The works James is talking about aren't works of the law. They are the good works that God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10) They aren't works done to "earn" salvation.

Like forgiveness, justification takes two to tango.


Please pray for me that I come to the fullness of the Gospel of Christ Jesus


it’s by faith plus nothing minus nothing. it’s through faith by grace not works, if it was any work even one it wouldn’t be by faith.


That's good brother!! I like that! God be praised! Been teaching the same thing!


Abraham was justified by Faith before GOD but was Justified by Works before Men. ❤


Faith Without obedience does not save. The only way to overcome sin is by the power of the Holy Spirit which we recieve when we are Born Again.
Scripture says:
Colossians 2:11: "and in Him (Jesus) you were also circumcised with a circumcision performed without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, "
Jesus removes the flesh nature and we lose sinful desires. Not many people believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to be righteous and to live righteous. If one is not born again they cannot enter God's kingdom.
Ezekiel ch 44-9
"This is what the Sovereign LORD says: No foreigner uncircumcised in heart and flesh is to enter my sanctuary, not even the foreigners who live among the Israelites."
Those who struggle with sin do not have the Holy Spirit. They are still under the law because they deny the power of the Holy Spirit and they will be judged by the law. They are trying to control their sins on their own because they don't believe that Jesus removes the flesh nature when he baptises us with the Holy Spirit. They deny that the we can live without sin through the power of the Holy Spirit, who is able to free us from the bondage of sin itself. Their unbelief in the power of God to deliver them is one reason why they will not receive salvation. The free gift is not given to everyone simply because they asked for it. They have to believe.


The decision has no place in the discussion of justification. The simple reason is this, " Man is justified by faith in Christ lest any man should boast..." and" by faith ye are saved lest any should boast.." and again " Faith is the trust in things unseen..." As we see here and elsewhere faith and justification an salvation do not depend on anything we might do such as some work of charity or decision on our part but by God's grace through faith and the work of the Holy Ghost in us. Jesus puts it well when he tells the parable of the wheat, some is planted on hard ground on the edge of the road and is eaten or comes up quick and killed by the noon day heat, other seeds on rocky ground where it burns of because soil is poor and shallow, some amongst thorns and weeds where it grows for awhile but eventually is choked out by the thorns and weeds. But then other seed lands on good ground where it produces much good grain. It depends not on what we do but faith worked in us by the holy Ghost justifying us by grace through faith in Christ Jesus .


But Scripture speaks about the fruit of the Holy Spirit which will be evident in a true believer.


Christ be with you
Sorry that is not true
For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. (rom 2:13)
come to Christ
