Tim Challies on Faith and Good Works | Week 8 of “Justified by Faith Alone”

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Do Paul and James actually disagree on faith and works? Tim Challies addresses questions on the relationship between justification and good works as part of the final week of “Justified by Faith Alone,” a Ligonier Connect course with R.C. Sproul.
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I appreciate your effort here. As a non traditional Christian I am finding it hard to follow your reasoning. Perhaps it is a difference of vocabulary or perhaps a difference of concept.
My concept of Grace and works is that if you really have faith in Christ and his atonement then your works will manifest that faith in your life but if you works don't manifest that faith then that is evidence of a lack of faith in Christ. In other words to me just saying I have faith in Christ are empty word of there's not a corresponding change in behavior. Is that what you are saying? because if so that is not what I am hearing and if not could you be more clear without so much evangelical jargon since that perspective is honestly outside my experience.
