Why Does James 2 Say “Justified by Works” Three Times? | Andrew Farley

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Throughout the New Testament, the Gospel is clearly announced. It declares that we are saved by faith and not by works. But did you know that James 2 seemingly contradicts this?

That’s right. Three times in a row, the apostle James writes the phrase “justified by works”:

“Was not Abraham our father justified by works…?” (v 21)
“Was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works…?” (v 25)
“You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone” (v 24)

I’ve literally seen some people sweep these under the rug, acting like they don’t exist. I’ve seen others do mental gymnastics to say that James is talking about works after salvation. But clearly James is indeed referring to the kind of faith that saves a person.

So, how do we resolve this seeming contradiction? Martin Luther went so far as to claim James should not be part of the Bible!

Don’t worry. I believe there is a simple answer, and it’s perfectly consistent with us being justified by faith, not by good works. It has everything to do with James’ definition of “works” in the passage. You see, James is NOT talking about a laundry list of good works. Instead, he’s simply talking about a real response to the Gospel.

When we open the door of our lives to Jesus (like Rahab opened the door!) or when we offer ourselves to God (like Abraham offered Isaac), then we are expressing living faith. This is exactly what Jesus meant when He said “the work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent” (John 6:29).

Living faith is what sets us apart from nonbelievers. Remember, James says even the demons could pass a theology test! But your response to Jesus at salvation was more than accepting theological facts. You actually opened the door of your life to Christ and offered yourself to God. Now that’s living faith!

In a recent call, I confronted head-on what “justified by works” means in James 2. Check out this clip and see how simple it is to resolve the “justified by works” dilemma when you recognize the living faith that saves!

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I've struggled with these verses all my life, and they've crippled my faith at times. I've thought, in despair, that I was not and could not be saved. This answer and this teaching is the most helpful I've heard on these verses. For the first time in a long time, I have a bit of hope. Thank you for your work, Dr. Farley. I believe this ministry is having a beautiful impact in freeing people from bondage to despair and legalism. You are in my prayers.


Thank you for your true to the text, biblical explanation of this potentially confusing portion of scripture. I appreciate the comparison of the "one time" examples of Rahab and Abraham's justifying work! This shows the consistency of Romans and James teachings.


Been wrestling with this verse since my Bible college days back in the early 80s. I don’t know of any Bible teacher that resolves so many questions simply by looking at the context in a deeper and proper way.

The Archbishop of Canterbury divided the Bible into chapters and verses in 1227AD which often times destroys the natural flow of thought, but I think if there was a Bible that had no chapter/verse divisions, rather simply basic prose as it was ORIGINALLY written, we would not be nearly as confused as we are today with many passages.

That’s why Andrew’s textual skill, and grace ministry in general is so incredibly important today more than ever. Dr. Farley is the closest thing to the apostle Paul himself that we have in our lifetime.


Best explanation of James 2 I have heard ever!!! Never saw it that way before brother Andrew..Thanks so much


Love the explanation! Well said, rightly dividing the word of truth! 👑🙏✝️🕊


Good explanation. Also noting that in Romans 3:28 Paul was speaking specifically against a reliance on works _of the Law_ versus the faith by which we are justified. James' focus was not on works of the Law, per se, and his point was that good works should evidence and perfect a living faith.


Loved her question, also. And it is a big deal! Loved the point you made that of "only once" ... not a lot of "work" there!!! Thanks for the context!


Faith is always Working with Love. They are inseparable.


James is just talking about since we are under the law of liberty, or the spirit and will never be judged or condemned, since we are free and fully forgiven, we have the implanted Word in us the gospel, show mercy to others. Have a profitable faith. How can it save him is talking about saving the poor man in his time of need. It’s useless to not do anything to help someone. Don’t be useless like a demon or a dead body. He is not talking about your vertical relationship with God but your horizontal relationships on earth. Justification by works is Not to prove you are saved but to allow God to use you so that He can prove to others that he wants to save them, love them and be their friend! When we bask in who we are in God’s grace, look intently into the law of liberty, then we will reflect His love through His Faith, to a watching world who needs to see that Jesus still lives and loves them. If you look at this as about your works, your faith, and proving you are a real Christian then you really have a dead faith and are truly missing it. You are still saved if you’re trusting Christ but it’s just religion you are practicing. You will simply miss out on the joy of letting God work in you to show others His love and you will become a miserable legalist always looking at your works instead of the finished works of Christ! Enjoy the gift!!!! Work from REST!


First of all, by many experiences with scriptures, Ive decided that when a QUESTION is in the Bible, it is not always a secret statement, but a QUESTION. Those verses are questions, like v 2.14


I think the key to this is understanding that works according to the Law cannot save you.

If one simply follows the Law, then how can you know God?

Therefore, only belief in God and doing what He has asked is righteousness.

We are saved by grace through faith though what faith do you have if it bears no fruit?


Juanita! Reminds me of a song by the Tokens


Abram was counted righteous by belief years before Issac.. read it!! The example offered by James is not in Gen as He says! Gen 15:6.. Also I believe James letter was the first letter to the Church and Paul's letters a few years later were so clear about Salvation being a Gift.. there was a little confusion back then.. Acts 14 and 15 shows there was a difference of opinion till All the Apostles convened and concurred about faith in Christ work being accounted for justification/ righteousness. I do like Andrews take on it but I can see why M Luther didn't think it should be ... much confusion amongst the brethren..


This is the only time I see you make a mistake here. It's true that Abraham was declared righteous in one moment. But that moment was when he believed God when God told him that he would be blessed with many children and would get a nation and that the whole world would be blessed through him. 'Justified' in James 2 means 'shown'. In another place in the Bible it says 'wisdom is justified by her children'. It doesn't mean that wisdom is declared righteous by her children. It means it's shown. About Abraham.. Romans 4:9-10 says: 9 Is this blessing only for the circumcised, then? Or is it also for the uncircumcised? For we say, Faith was credited to Abraham for righteousness. 10 In what way, then, was it credited ​— ​while he was circumcised, or uncircumcised? It was not while he was circumcised, but uncircumcised. -- Romans 4:9-10 (CSB)


I think Christians are expected to do good works after believing in Jesus .


I don't hear you ever talk about the audience of the book of James!! ...


While I agree that we are saved by faith, that explanation makes no sense. Us opening and offering ourselves to Jesus is spiritual but Rahab opening the door and Abraham offering Isaac were physical works.


Even the demons had faith in God, they knew Jesus was coming to torment them an destroyed them.

Matthew 8:29
And suddenly they cried out, saying, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?”

Lucas 4:34
saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!

They had faith in what Jesus was going to do to them, so what they did? They trembled.
Even their faith had an action of works.
What was their works
from having faith?
in what Jesus was going to do to them.
What was their works? They Trembled

James 2
19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

We all also know that Abraham and Rehab where saved by faith alone, before they applied works of faith.
" I say works of faith"
Their works of faith wasn't what saved them from hell.
They applied faith in God when God told them what he wanted them To do. They had faith that their works was the right thing to do. Even if it meant sacrificing his son issac.
Same with Rehab, she was sacrifing her life by opening the door to the spies.
The believed God without any questions asked.
That's how we need to put our works of faith. Believe everything in his word without questions asked.
Trust the lord with all your heart. Believe what he says!!
That is faith with action.

Romans 1:17
God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith.

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar?
22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God.

25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?


James was likely talking about works before men. Cause in romans paul says if it were by works Abraham would have something to boost about but not before God. It says save him but save him from what?


Respectfully, I disagree with Farley’s explanation here.
We know a few things about James.
We know this is James, the brother of Jesus, not the apostle James, so this book is not apostolic.
The book is Christ-less but I do agree that it’s in the canon for a reason.

We know that James was the leader of the early church and we know from the book of Acts, Galatians, Corinthians, Hebrews etc that that church that James was leading was in error, holding on to Moses, they kept running back to the law and Paul had to constantly rebuke them. We saw it with Peter and we saw it with James

We know that when James was written, he hadn’t received the mystery of Christ revealed through Paul. This coupled with the fact that we know he was in error from Acts 15 and 21, that this book is a clear picture of the error believers were in by mixing law and grace.

This clear picture of the early church’s error shows us our need for the mystery that Christ revealed through Paul, that it is no longer of Moses law, that it is only of Christs Grace.
