Was Abraham Justified By Faith Or Works?

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More proof that non-dispensationalists can't read plain English!

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Amazing! Praise God, Bryan. Was just wondering this very thing last night. Thank you for clarifying.


Your right on the pulse of the great deception that is growing brother great message, pay attention people MAKE SURE you have your salvation figured out, your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will teach you!




Amen it can't be any clearer then that.


Buzz words:
What do these words mean? Look in Webster's 1828 Dictionary:

show (shew)

Now read all of James 2.
1. What kind of justification is it?
2. Who are the works being shown to?
3. If they are not shown, why do they not profit, or why are they dead?
4. What does having works/perfect faith save you from, while you are showing it?
5. How can you justify your faith to others, without works? We are imputed righteousness by our faith, but how can we express the righteousness which is of faith, to others, so that our faith may profit?


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Videos on faith an works


Are you saying that James chapter 2 is about the time of Jacob's trouble? I'm not sure if you are contending that or not but James is merely pointing out that if someone says they have faith, like REAL faith, then there ought to be works as an evidence of faith. James makes the point in verse 19 that even the devils believe in God...one can extrapolate from this that even the devils believe that Jesus died for mankind's sins and that Jesus is the Messiah. In fact, even high-level satanists/luciferians believe this...are they saved? Of course not. James here is talking about TRANSFORMATIVE faith. If a person has TRANSFORMATIVE faith; i.e. faith that results in forgiveness of sins and impartation of the Holy Spirit then that person ought to have works. James is making the point that it has ALWAYS been about faith+works, or rather: faith expressed via works. Paul put his faith in Christ and then...he started having a whole bunch of works. Same with all the apostles: their faith spawned works. The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that the Christian LIFE is an amalgamation of faith and works and that is the point James is driving home. James chapter 2 is not about the time of Jacob's trouble or anything like that, he was addressing Christians FROM HIS TIME pertaining to their own walk with God, and what he said still applies to Christians today.


Works was a requirement of the law to earn righteousness, Abraham was given righteousness because of his faith 😮. It is heresy to claim works was necessary


Bryan...here is the prophetic reference you mentioned.
Genesis 22:8 (KJV) And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

I know you are extremely aware of it and it’s significance....”but”, you kept saying it transposed; like the perVersions.

I only brought this up because it’s such a great prophecy.

Love you brother,


P.o..box 1807
ukiah California 95482
Brian can you send me a Bible from the ministry please


Also, read Acts the Apostles including Paul kept the feats and Paul made sacrifices. Paul said specifically that it is important for Him to keep the upcoming feast!


There are two kids of works. Works of the Law and Works of Faith. We are NOT justified by works of the Law.

We are most certainly justified by WORKS OF FAITH. This is called abiding in Christ by KEEPING His commandments fulfilled by LOVE (Galatians 5:6).

1 Corinthians 7:19

Psalm 37:27, Romans 5:1 (saving faith = verse 5), James 2:8.

1 John 4:7. Those born of God do not commit sin (1 John 3:9). In other words they do not walk after the flesh (willful sin). They may have sins of ignorance, but they do not willfully commit sin because they are filled with God's Holy Spirit (LOVE). Love does no ill to his neighbor, and also looks for ways to do GOOD to his neighbor in need. Faith WORKETH by LOVE. As born of God christians, we must walk according to the Spirit daily (deny our old man of sin and carry our cross following Jesus), because Jesus LEADS us to ETERNAL LIFE. Salvation is CONDITIONED upon us FOLLOWING AND OBEYING JESUS, enduring to the end, NOT turning back to willful sins that God has FREED us from. (Hebrews 5:9)
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next question what is grace? arent you given grace when you break the law? why need grace if there is no law? then obviously the ten commandments havent been done away with!
more= isnt jesus in the temple in heaven? wasnt the one on earth a shadow of whats in heaven? isnt there a tabernacle? and whats inside that tabernacle? are the ten commandments in there?


False.... I can give you scripture upon scripture just from the new testament but I'll just give you three points and some scripture. 1. The word dispensation is not found in the Bible no where. It's a made up word that wasn't used by the early Church at all. 2. Based on the Bible what are we Judged according to? Our works, as in what we do not what we say we believe in. Matthew 7:21 makes this same point, you can confess Jesus all day long but with out obedience he does know you and you don't know him. 1 John makes this same point in stating if you don't obey you don't know him. 3. James statement was to new covenant believers and said plainly can't a faith without works save you? No it can not and that it was unable too.
Read 1 John all the way through and read Roman's all the way through. Not pieces but as a letter, the way it was meant to be read. Romans 3:31 we establish the law, not abolish but establish it. The same law as the old testament just a new marriage!
