AC Jt seperation 4 years post injury

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In this video I show you a patient with an AC Jt seperation 4 years post injury. Check out how well he functions even without intervention and with the AC joint instability.
AC Jt seperation 4 years post injury
AC separation, Grade 3-5 after 4 Years Without Surgery
A-C Joint Separation (non surgical)
AC Shoulder Separation 5 Years Later
AC Joint Dislocation (Grade 3)
How I am recovering from my grade 4 AC Joint separation surgery (4 YEARS LATER)
AC Joint Separation recovery day 53
AC / AcromioClavicular Separation Kinesio Tape AC Joint
How I am recovering from a Grade 4 AC Joint Separation Surgery - Day 7
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AC Joint Injury (Shoulder Separation) | Does This Factor Set Your Shoulder Up to Fail?
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AC Joint Separation Recovery (Grade 3 Non Surgical)
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4 months ac separation recovery