Ice Water Treatment For Achilles Tendinitis, Ankle Sprains and Plantar Fasciitis

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Before using this treatment make sure you've had your injury assessed by a medical professional.

This video is designed for the treatment of mild achilles tendinitis, swelling from ankle ligament sprains and tendinitis in the plantar fascia.

Take a bucket, bowl or cooler box
Half fill it with water
Add Ice cubes or ice blocks
Leave it for 10 minutes if you want the water to be really cold
Immerse the foot / feet in the water for 6-8 minutes

The first 60 seconds may feel really uncomfortable if the water is close to freezing point. You may experience a very heavy ache in the lower leg and this may extend into the hamstrings and glutes. If you get past the first 60 seconds then things gradually start to feel more bearable. Keep your feet moving to avoid warm water collecting on the surface of the skin. After 6-8 minutes, remove the feet and either place them in a bowl of WARM water (not hot) for a few minutes to bring bloodflow back to the toes (or dry off and put on a pair of socks and allow the feet to warm up over the next 60 minutes).

This treatment will help with reducing:-
Inflammation in tendons and ligaments
Pain in the ankle area
Swelling following a sprain or strain

Use this ICE WATER treatment in conjunction with other prescribed therapies such as K-tape support, electrical therapy and physical therapy.

Ice the foot / feet twice (or 3 times) per day in the acute stage of injury and reduce to once a day when things start to improve.
Рекомендации по теме

I have had ongoing problems with Achilles for the last couple of years. I am always diligent with rehab but have found calf stretches ect. during recovery only get you back to about 90%. It’s stuff like this ice treatment that has allowed me to get back to sports pain free.


I've started doing this just with cold water I'm noticing a major difference in my recovery I recommend this all day


I do it daily after workout.. and it feels so so relaxing ... my gosh❤


Thank you! I am incorporating this into my rehab efforts. I might start doing it after runs once I recover.


As a current G league player, to all hoopers (basketball players) watching, age 25 years and above ice foot bath/ice bath every day after training/games is a must! For a long healthy career. In fact to all athlete there no way around it, it's a must.


Chicha Kamal ki jankari very nice. Very helpful video thanks.


Thank you!!! It hurt so bad I thought I was trippin haha


Ok bc of your video i touched it out with breathing through it and grabbed my phone and started texting my wife to take my mind off of the pain. Thanks hope this gives me some relief, I can not walk at the moment bc the joint is inflamed. Also did not know my foot can turn so many colors lol


Thanks for the info. I was trying this out and it was very painful, so I needed some guidance just to know I wasnt gonna damage my foot trying to tough it out.


Thank you! I tried this today for the first time ever and I can't believe I didn't start earlier. My swelling went down just a bit immediately but I am really looking forward to doing this very often. Is there a limit to how long one should do this over a period of time or can I do it essentially as long as I need it?


the aches up my leg are worse then the cold water


May i do this even without an injury? Just as a form of recovery after workout.. Thanks


I dumped about 40 cubes in cold water. I could only resist at 10 second intervals for 5 minutes. Maybe I have a lower pain threshold than most.


I soaked my feet in ice before watching this video as recommended by my Chinese Doctor, did not expect it to hurt this much, found this video to see if its normal.

Seems it is, thanks for sharing this sir!


I’m gonna try keeping my socks on
That may cool it gradually
The dr says I have plantar fasciitis
My inside heel hurts


Does this help with plantar fasciitis?


I had a totem pole break in the ankle and I cant keep my foot in the ice longer than 30 to 45 seconds hurts so damn much


I felt it when I put my feet in there . I was In sooo much pain. Like I cringed, sooo bad. I was having pain In my heel, Soo bad, they say this can help, I hope to see the benefits of this.


On recovery journey from an achillies tendon rupture. Have noticeable ankle edema right now, can I try this modality to reduce swelling?


I have all the above. Even with a bone spur on the back of my foot below my Achilles. It's so painful to soak in ice water. It burns when I take my foot out like I'm getting frost bit lol
