Все публикации

Resistance band exercises | take it on holiday with you!

Resistance band strengthening for rhomboids and mid trapezius muscles

Fixed Shoulder Stretch | Using a Belt or Heavy Resistance Band | Upper Trapezius | Levator Scapula

Quadriceps flossing with a foam block and tennis ball | self massage | break down muscle adhesions

Flossing Adductors with a tennis ball on a foam block | Magnus | Longus | Gracilis | self Massage

Shin muscle massage with a tennis ball on a block | Tibialis Anterior | Extensor Digitorum flossing

Calf muscle flossing with a foam block and tennis ball

Hamstring flossing with a foam block and tennis ball

Tennis Ball and Foam Block flossing of the Quadriceps, Hip Flexor, TFL, Rec Fem with knee flexion

Latisimus Dorsi Self Massage Pin and Stretch Trigger Point Therapy Massage

Glute Max & Piriformis Tennis Ball Self Massage On The Floor

Hamstring Flossing with a ball | self massage | reduce adhesions | Break down scar tissue

Ice Water Treatment For Achilles Tendinitis, Ankle Sprains and Plantar Fasciitis

Soft spiky massage ball | Fascial Release | Anterior Scalenes and Omohyoid | SCM | Self-massage

Neck & Shoulder Tennis Ball Massage Against A Wall | Tennis Ball Shoulder Massage | Pin And Stretch

Tennis Ball Glute Stretch | Glute Stretch Standing Up | Glute Stretch Against A Wall

Glute Max Stretch | Seated With Twist | Elbow Knee Hug |

Floor Angel | Thoracic Extension | Rhomboid Activation | Pectoral Stretch

Brugger Stretch | Thoracic Extension | Pectoral Stretch | Rhomboid Strengthening

Achilles Healers Sports Therapy in Whitefield

Quadratus Lumborum (QL) and ITB (Iliotibial Band) Stretching

Standing Quadriceps stretch with glute squeeze

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) stretch with fixed sterno-clavicular joint

Soleus Calf Stretch with a bent knee