The SDA Catholic Trinity - Nader Mansour

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The SDA Trinity today IS the Catholic Trinity. In this nugget of truth, Nader Mansour provides irrefutable evidence for this fact. This should alarm any clear-thinking prophecy students. Time to wake up, folks!

Rejecting the Trinity makes you a danger to humanity. More details here:
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I don't believe in that trinity anymore since I have been listening to your informative teaching my brother




We recited one of those creeds every Sunday in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America too. They really aren't very different from Catholics.


Amen Brother, I myself had an experience talking to a person who believes in the triune God afterwards I was like Wow this is really deeply rooted in all christian Churches


As a youngster I was( still am) a seeker of truth & searcher for answers to questions). Psrents often had our methodist pastor come over to answer my searching. I never would chant the creed where we would say “I believe in the holy catholic church”. Never knew ONE THING about catholics but why would I say that? What did it mean if i was a methodist? The pastor told me” well the word catholic here, is with a small letter C, so it simply means the universal church. WHAT? Even at a young age w/no understanding, I refused to say it. Not for 30-40 years did I know anything about Adventism. Am thankful to God for my annoying to to others, but questioning character, and to be shown the way, truth snd the Life!


Rejecting the Trinity makes you a danger to humanity. More details here:


Misquote. SDA and Catholicism don't believe the same thing. Read from the actual seventh day Adventist source ( the fundamental beliefs ).


Revelation 17:3 so he carried me away in the spirit Into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. (4) and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication: (5) and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. (6) and I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration. In the Catholic catechism 261 it states the "The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian Life" . Ellen G. White writes The term "Babylon" is derived from "Babel" and signifies confusion. It is employed in Scripture to designate the various forms of false or apostate religion. In Revelation 17 Babylon is represented as a woman - a figure which is used in the Bible as a symbol of a church, a virtuous woman representing a pure church, a vile woman an apostate church GC 381. The Mother of Harlots signifies the Mother church (Roman Catholic Church) and her daughter churches (Protestant apostate churches) and Abominations of the Earth.


I have been a SDA for years and never realized when the church say "Third person" they meant what they meant.
I only realized it recently and was VERY shocked to realize the church believes in the Trinity as the Catholics.
I have never seen the Holy Spirit as a separate "being"
Neither did the pioneers if you study it yourself.
But has ALWAYS seen it as God and Jesus' Spirit that is in all angles, people and created beings that lead us to God and in truth and give us life.

GodHead=Sabbath=True God
You cant mix these up.

If the Holy Spirit is a different "person" why isn't He mentioned in Rev 1:1 as a person?(He must have been 3rd in heaven in rank then?)
or in Rev 22:3 He doesn't sit on the throne with God and Jesus.If the Holy Spirit is a person surely in the end He will be on the thone as well as a'person' then to be honoured as well?
The Bible never mention that.
I hear you get voted out of chuch for not believing in the trinity?Yet they are ok with abortion in our official church letter.Maybe we should read our Bibles and SOP ourselves rather than listening to leaders in the church then Gods Holy Spirit can convince us instead of wrong teachings of men.
Always remember it was church leaders that crucified Jesus with Rome and leaders will lead you astray in the end times as well.


Check out the three Creed's and compare them. The Apostle's Creed is the most simplistic and widely accepted. The Nicene Creed is somewhat more detailed. The Athanasian Creed is a lot more detailed and was written to combat the doctrine of the two nature's of Christ which includes the human substance addition through Mary's substance addition. Compare the RRC's Athanasian Creed version and the current SDA version which keeps changing and is kind of all over the place depending on which SDA Church leader is trying to explain it to you. The official SDA Church statement leaves enough wiggle room that you could be a full blown SDA/RCC Trinitarian or the RCC Anathema, a Tritheist (believing in three separate Being's/three God's)! If the SDA Church ever gets to the point where it requires it's subjects to kneel down and say put a Pax on your Romana I'm out of here!


Anyone who has studied both the SDA version and the Catholic version of the trinity, knows for certain that they are not the same.

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Only God is divine.


May God the father through his Son, and ministry of the angels bless you Nader Mansour. You are bright light in this dark world. Praise God for you, and your breath-taking teaching of bible truth.

Have you ever had this thought?

As I continue to study, the war between Christ and Satan, seems to be a case of sibling rivalry. A son of God, was jealous over the Son of God.

And think about Satan's counterfeit. Well, one of them anyways. In heaven, it's all about a Father and his son's. On earth with the impostor, it's a Mother and her daughters, warring against a Father and his son's. In a sense, it's kinda like, which parent do we want to live with.


Holy Spirit questions....
1. Should we worship the Holy Spirit?
2. Should we glorify the Holy Spirit?
3. Should we sing to the Holy Spirit?
4. Should we pray to the Holy Spirit?
I see all of these practices in churches now.
Any input welcome, especially scripture.
Ellen White comments welcome also.


So you mean that the trinity, is not of the bible, ? Yes 100%. I dont believe trinity coz nowhere in the bible, , within 43 years of reading and studying the bible nowhere trinity there, , but only FATHER GOD AND HIS SPIRIT, , AND SECOND ONE IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD, SO THESE TWO BEINGS ARE ONE IN THE SPIRIT, , BECAUSE, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE MIND, , THE PRESENCE, , , , THE POWER OF THE INVISIBLE GOD, , , ,


YAHUAH'S in YAHUSHA'S name Blessings servant-OF-YAHUAH-IN-YAHUSHA Nader.


I pray this church and Ellen is given no power over me. In the name of Jesus Christ.


A quick update.
We have received some responses from our short survey.
The question was, “Is the One God who is a unity of three persons also a person himself? That is, will we see the one in three god in heaven when we get there? Does this triune god have the throne of his own besides that of the Father and of the Son?”
The responses are very conflicting and confusing. Please consider them for yourself.
1. A pastor said yes, the three persons make up one person. Asked to clarify how, the pastor has not come back to us yet.
2. A theologian said, they do not make one person, it is impossible to make one person from three persons. The Father is the unity of the trinity, and He is the One God. That raises many questions. If the Father is the One God, where is the triune God? How can the Father be a unity of himself and two others, to make one, if he is already the one?
3. Another person whose title is unknown said that the three persons of the trinity do not form one person. They are One God only in terms of having one purpose.
4. From our previous experiences, we have heard some say the One God of the Bible is the Godhead, i.e. just a divinity or deity, without further clarity on what that is?
5. Another theologian said that the One God who is a unity of three persons is not material or physical. That means the One God is an abstraction. In other words, he is a theory, or a concept in the minds of those who believe in him. We question. The Bible refers to the One God as “He” and he speaks. How can an abstraction, a theory or a concept in the mind be referred to as He? Does a concept speak?
6. Another person said the One God is a mystery, thus leaving the One God undefined. Sounds like a quick way for human wisdom to escape accountability for the confusion that human wisdom has created (akin to pleading insanity in court). We raise an issue with this unexplained mystery of human wisdom. The trinity doctrine, that is put together by human minds gives us the triune God. Thus, those who made the trinity doctrine must be able to explain it. In other words, we are not questioning the Bible, but the trinity doctrine, because the trinity doctrine is a product of human wisdom.
I don’t know about you, but this sounds like a lot of confusion. It seems there is no one with a clear understanding of what this human creation called the triune god is? To those who say it is a mystery we question. Why should human wisdom create a doctrine which it cannot explain and cannot understand? Is that not a reason to discard the doctrine and return to that only which the Bible says, that the is One God, the Father, who has Only One begotten Son. The One God, the Father has and is also a Spirit? No three equal persons making up confusion?
The Rock Fortress Ministries.


In this context, it is important to me that people understand how I relate to someone whose understanding of “truth” is different from mine.

Let’s start with an examination of the word “conversion”. Most people in our society (United States) use that word in one of three ways. 1. To refer to a person making a first-time confession of faith in Jesus, 2. To refer to a change in a person’s denominational affiliation or 3. To refer to a change in the way a person describes his religion.

To me, none of those things is conversion. I prefer to use the word “conversion” to refer to the miracle whereby a person’s trust is transferred from what he thought he could do to save himself from sin or its penalty to what the Lord does (has done, is doing, and will do) to save us. Professed Christians who are still trying to earn or deserve salvation are not converted by this definition BUT, in most cases, I don’t know - or pretend to know - who is converted and who is not. While it is true that only converted people are truly Christian (in one sense of the word), I treat professed Christians as Christians until or unless they say something that indicates that they are trusting in their own efforts or their own supposed goodness. In that circumstance, I would oppose their election to an office in the congregation of which I am a member but, in over sixty years, I can remember only one time when I mentioned evidence of that. The person in question was an ordained pastor.

I consider myself a protestant in the sense that I subscribe to the doctrines of justification by grace alone through faith alone, the primacy of scripture and the priesthood of all believers. At the same time, I treat people who consider themselves protestants as protestants - even if they quote post-biblical sources as authoritative or imply that spiritual authority is received from or through the officers of a religious organization.

I believe the purpose of the return of Jesus is to resurrect the people who have died in faith and to take living believers with them to the mansions he has gone to prepare. I consider anyone who shares that belief to be an adventist in the lowercase sense of the word, regardless of that person’s denominational affiliation or lack of affiliation.

I avoid referring to myself as “trinitarian” because that word emphasizes the threeness of the creator without a corresponding emphasis on his oneness. I prefer to refer to the creator as “triune” because that word emphasizes both his oneness and his threeness. I don’t consider anyone to be less Christian than I am, less protestant than I am or less adventist than I am who fails to emphasize the threeness of the creator or who believes the Savior of the world hasn’t existed from all eternity past or who believes the Holy Spirit is not a person. There are probably more than a dozen doctrines more important to me than the doctrine that the God of the Bible is triune.

At the same time, I want to avoid giving even tacit approval to any preacher or blogger or video producer who places more emphasis on the triune nature of God (or any other explanation of the nature of the creator) than on basic protestant principles as listed above.

There are probably half a dozen doctrines that I believe and teach but the overemphasis of which I call “Getting the cart before the horse.”


Beginning at 3:16, you refer to “fulfilled prophecy”. To which prophecy - or prophecies - are you referring?


glory to God I read and saw it before it's too late.... thanks for sharing pastor Nader
