TED WILSON is a TRAITOR against the SDA church! [GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION - Vatican Flag]

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The GC grasps the hand of popery. The Vatican flag was paraded at the General Conference Session.

Do you know why Adventists Participate in UN and Ecumenical Meetings?

It has everything to do with the shared believe in one God made up of three persons.

"Unity is dear to the heart of God. The whole plan of salvation demonstrates God’s determination to unite His divided and dispersed family, which He created in His image. Unity is grounded in the being of God who is Trinity: a unity in Trinity . . . Seventh-day Adventists support Christian unity as they join the Triune God who is determined to gather people He created in His image. The purpose of the whole plan of salvation is the restoration of God’s image and the gathering of those He saves. Unity is grounded in God. It was for this purpose Jesus Christ came to earth to unite all the families of the earth.

234. "The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the 'hierarchy of the truths of faith'. [GCD 43.] The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men 'and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin'. [GCD 47.]"

Would you like to know what James White and Joseph Bates believed regarding the trinity?
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The everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth---to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people Revelation (14:6).


He is not the only one, there will be more.


to me it seems we have an adventist member from Vatican that is attending the GC Session. I do not see a problem with this flag. In fact, it looks cool. And I don't think this flag makes Ted Wilson as a traitor. FYI, there is no Fourth Angel's message in the Bible you seems to be a traitor.


It's in a parade of countries that are unreached by the church...it wasn't a promotion of anything. You need to get your facts before you go calling a good man a traitor.


This is what satan did to our Lord, Jesus. It blacknamed him. Brother, Ted stand firm, your Jesus will make you win.


If satan attacked Jesus, why not Pr. Ted.Let them do their work.What else the agents of satan can do?


Come on! If the Vatican City has people there (which I'm sure it does), then reach out to them as well!


When one serves God, even in a position at the top, one could expect that people will try and do all they can to take them down. Believe me, I am on the same planet and I have learned to let God do the judging of people. If you find one at fault we are advise to go to Him and address Him privately. God told us to pray for those who are struggling, not judge them out in the open. The one who openly, and publicly criticize someone, is the one I do not trust.


I could hardly believe this person has the courage to say this to the faithful servant of God. Brothers and sisters pray for each other, and also pray for those who oppose us. God's servants in other countries are also physically and verbally attacked. Let's keep on spreading the Gospel despite such opposition. Satan is the loser all the time and has very short time left; we are winners in Christ Jesus. Let's look forward for Heaven. God bless pastor Ted Willson and his family.


Is sad too to see all these religions going back to this pagan religion.


What a content.. such a none sence accusation... Angry uploader..


"Preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, except vatican."

Is that your message? 🤔


Guys sometimes we must just need to pray for our leaders is not an easy position that they are holding im telling is strong or else be talking else and many of you cant see it. Imaging if he opposes everything im telling you the whole would have already turned against us. He try by all to protect the church but you people dont know how dangerous and how the world look at us.


@Present truth, my dear brother. Jesus came to seek and save them that are lost. That includes those in Rome. Hatred has no place in God's kingdom. Even Judas was loved and allowed to be near to Jesus so he can save him. The flag is nothing more than a flag of a country that the church must reach. Go into all the World... Google the flag and you will see it is a country flag of the Vatican City. A place where there are sinners who need Jesus just like where you live right now!! Love you and pray for love. God bless you


I think the Trinity 'mark' of the beast on his forehead was very appropriate.I think he is quite proud of that ' mark' seeing that he studied at a jesuit institute and helped the church embrace the trinity theorie.


This video was made with the intention to particularly attack Ted Willson. But the Devil shall not prevail in any way.


Why don't you preach the world of God and stop attacking SDA Church you find the some thing about the Church to probe that your Church which is drwan from Adventistism is right than your former Church


This video creator needs to repent soon.


Yes, They always Find a “good” reason for what They do...


All flags represent country has No SDA Church ATM.
