The Grieving Process: Coping with Death

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There is no right or wrong way to deal with the loss of a loved one. The grieving process is rough—and it's different for everyone. It's not just a matter of coping with a loss, but coping with change—and that takes time.

Today on WellCast, we're dealing with a very difficult subject. How do you deal with the death of a loved one? How do you live your life in the face of a life-changing event? We don't have all the answers. Honestly, you'll need to work through your through the stages of grieving in a way that works for you. But we do have some advice to help you heal.

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In this twice-a-week show, we explore the physical, mental and emotional paths to wellness. With an emphasis on education, the show addresses both the latest trends and long-standing practices of wellness—everything from the efficacy of the gratitude experiment to the importance of sunshine and vitamin D. Follow along as your host, Kate, guides you through a bi-weekly journaling exercises that helps you apply what you've learned. The ultimate goal: one year, one show, one journal, one collective journey to wellness.

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I like going through the comments because it makes me feel that I'm not the only one going through a hard time


May the person you’re here for
Rest In Peace and be eternally happy in heaven ❤️ stay strong


I wish I could go back in time and appreciate them more.


It's so easy to console someone who has experienced a passing but when you experience the loss of a loved one the pain and realization that they're gone is unbearable.


I never understood the true meaning of "I'd give anything to have them back" until just recently. I love you so much, Dad. Please wait for me. 1-14-20 🖤


My whole body aches. I can’t stop crying and I don’t know when the pain is going to go away, I just want it to stop


To anyone who has lost someone they love, I want to offer my sincere and deepest sympathies. You are not alone on this journey. Whoever you are, there will always be people willing to open their arms to you and hold your hand through the grief ❤🙏


I lost my dad this morning. 14/06/23. I wish I appreciated him more. It feels weird with him gone. I knew it would happen. He said his hernia was in pain. And they never took him to the hospital. I’m gonna miss my dad.


I lost my mom July 14th, 2018
She was only 45
It was the hardest thing to deal with, it’s been 5 months now and it still hurts the same, I just wish heaven had visiting hours 💔


R.i.p everyone who died today and all previous days


I lost my dad a week ago.. I wish I would show my love to him more openly, I wish I would appreciate him more when he was alive. I do not know how am I supposed to live with these feelings of guilt, sadness. I really don’t know.
Rest in peace, dad. I love you so much. Until we meet😞😞😞


I just lost my dad, right before my 18th birthday. almost 18 years ago, I lay in the NICU, clinging onto life by a mere thread. My dad stood next to my incubator, watching me. through the many tubes and wires hooked up all over my body, I grabbed onto his pinkie with my tiny hand. He was there for me. Now I have no one. I just feel so terribly alone.


Rest In Peace mom. 5/4/19 I love you so much.


I am just sad lost my wife of 40 years of marriage. Loved her so much.
Miss my Baby.


I'm 19 and my family dog of 14 years passed away early this morning. I woke up and found her lifeless cold, stiff body laying on the floor. I honestly can't explain how upset I am. I've been screaming into pillows all day and my voice hurts. I cared about her the most and took care of her and now I can't help but feel guilty that I didn't notice the red flags quick enough near her end in order to help her, when I knew her better than everyone. I just want to see or feel her 1 more time. I didn't get enough time with her at the end and now ill never see her again.


My bird George died lat night, and I know I shouldn't compare it to those who have lost family and friends but I loved that little budgie


My father passed this morning. I’m 16 and he was 49. It’s so sad to think about all the milestones he won’t be around for in my life and my little sister’s life. I’m graduating high school this year and I know he was so excited to see me walk across the stage. Dad, I miss you, and I hope you’re okay.


My 12 year old brother passed away a week ago, he was my life, best friend, every fucking single thing I had in my life, when I feel down he makes me happy, and I used to upset him sometimes I hope I can Express my feelings to him, I said to my mom : i really feel bad for screaming at my lil bro, I well never do it again, came back to my dad crying telling us that my bro fell of 20m while he was in a amusement park, i thought it was a joke until I saw his body, feels weird sleeping alone, all I can say is that I loved this guy and i will always love him.


My grandma died. I was with her almost every single day of my life, but it just so happens that I wasn't with her when she passed. She went to japan to visit my nieces and nephews. 2 days after arriving she passed. I didn't even get to kiss her at the airport when they left.

I feel sick to my stomach, my knees feel weak, and I can't stop crying. I cried at the church, at the grocery store, I broke down at the dinner table, and at my room. She was my best friend, she listened to everything I said even though she had no idea wtf I'm talking about half of the time. She put up with all my shit and never once complained about me. I still dont understand how she's gone, in my mind she'd be downstairs when I wake up


I lost my daughter a few weeks ago. The pain is unbearable. I wish I could see her face and hear her laugh one more time. I will love her forever...
