Grief Expert Julia Samuel on the Secret to Coping With Death | Lorraine

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Julia Samuel talks about her long career caring for those suffering from grief. Victoria Milligan joins her and recounts how Julia helped her deal with the loss of her partner and daughter.
Broadcast on 07/03/17

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My son was murdered and this grief is overwhelming. He was 21 years old with a 2 week old baby. My heart is shattered. I miss him so much. I love you forever Ne'Ahmad Alfred💔


My son died last week. I cannot comprehend this. I know I have to be strong for my family but I’m just so heartbroken.


Grief is like a wound that heals daily but never really heals...And leaves a permanent scar.

At a moments notice it can reopen and feel like day one, but somedays it doesn't hurt at all.


The love of my life, my beautiful partner died in my arms Saturday, i thought she was sleeping on my chest. Rang an ambulance and started cpr until paramedics arrived. She was taken to hospital and put into itu, i hoped and prayed for 4 days that my partner would return, yesterday i was told she had catastrophic brain damage and that she wouldnt be able to survive it, the decision was made to stop life support and she passed today, i don't think I'll ever get over this, i miss her so much. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone and thats reason im still here, i want to go with her but realise i would only be passing my grief onto others. I must endure this pain and when im finding it unbearable i think what my partner would want and im going to make her proud and continue to honour her name. We will be together once more it just isnt time yet.


The only thing I can do with extreme grief is accept that it will never go away. I can share the pain with others, journal about it, or scream in a closet but it's still mine. Being somewhere between happy and sad became normal and I never know when my loss will make it all go dark again.


Something I remember from a couple years ago when I was trying to understand grief was that the person that passed away, wherever they are, they're resting, they're happy, and the people that suffer the most are those that lost them. But to always remember the passed soul is okay, and same will happen to us one day. So it can't be bad. Missing someone is the hardest


My dad passed 15 days ago and I cannot explain the pain I feel every single minute of every hour. It’s worse than dying. There is no comforting that.


I'm currently going through Grief now my husband passed away suddenly on 12th April 2024 found him passed away next to me in bed he was only 52, he was my husband my Everything My rock I miss him so much I'm broken 💔 😢


my mum died 2 weeks ago and i cannot bear the loss. i miss her every day. i wish i could sense her. i will never get over this. i don't want to be alive any more. i had no idea this would be ongoing pain. i thought it was a process to get through then it would be okay but nope. i will never be okay.


My partner is slipping away in hospital. She has a brain tumour. Only this year she was fine. This has come so quickly . I find this huge chasm which was us has appeared. We were together nearly all the time and the sense of loss is crushing.
Luckily I have much love and support from family and friends.


Dad passed away saturday i wasnt even in the country and found out sunday as mum didnt want me to know something was up while i was helpless away. Im having such vivid memories of all the times we went on holiday together. His voice. School holidays staying at his place. I feel guilty as he fell into hard times financially in the last part of his life and i didnt see him enough my own mentao health caused overwhelm to try and help. But still illness would likely still occur just wish had more recent memories rather than just from the past. Rung him friday before i went away we ended saying love you never thought these would be our final words.


The grief has ahold of me like a sharks teeth my heart is shattered. 😢💔


I loss my grandma today, something in me died today along with her. Its very hard cause she is someone soo special to me and there hasn't been a day that passed without talking with her, i regret not being there with her in her last moment cause im studying in another City. I wish i could go to the past and hug her and tell her how much i love her. I miss you so much bobok❤


It is six months since I lost my darling Gill. We loved each other so much and were so good together that we were one. Now she is gone I feel as though I am not even half. The emptiness is unrelenting, as is the finality - the realisation that there are now only fantasies of her, that she is never coming back, not even for a second, and I hope every night that I will dream of her.


Just lost my husband 2 week's ago. I'm overwhelmed at the moment with all the documents and all . That I'm feeling as if I'm going to breakdown soon. It's so much and the inconceration to my loss hurts. People are cruel and heartless in this regard. And it's making me feel as if I'm worthless and not deserving of what my husband has left us. Me and my kids cause of the way the brokers are making me feel. All this running around filling in forms and going to court for documents is starting to make me feel as if I just want to collapse.


My dad died yesterday from a heart attack, it was my birthday. I'm broken and alone in another country.


we need to focus on the truth. The truth is our loved ones are both flesh and blood but also spirtual....They dont leave! you have to connect to the spirtual side so you can still feel them. I lost my best friend my love my soul mate of 30+ years in a tbone accident. I was driving and hit so hard we both flatlined. I was revived he wasnt. i had to watch all that. pls try and connect with your spirtual side and realize they are with us. (Still...and after we die as well.


My elderly neighbor passed away yesterday night and I’m really going through it right now with my grief, she was apart of our family. She loved my son and loved everyone around her. She’s been a huge part of our lives even though it’s been only a few years. I keep looking out my window and expecting to see her sitting there on her porch and I can’t stop crying. I really miss her so much


My mum was cremated yesterday, my rock has gone, don't know how to stop the pain in my heart


I lost my beautiful mother 2 days ago, she was only 62 and I’m 31. I watched her die for 6 hours and she was awake. It was absolutely the most traumatic thing I have witnessed. I am haunted that she may have been aware, scared, and sad. A tear trickled down her cheek a few times during the process. It’s unbearable right now to think of a future without her and all of the things she will never do. It feels so wrong for a family of 4 to become a family of 3. I haven’t experienced any signs of her presence yet and it’s heart wrenching. Maybe I’m looking for the wrong thing or maybe her soul is still here. I don’t know what to believe.
