Requiem - Coping With the Loss of a Parent | Adeline Woltkamp | TEDxValenciaHighSchool

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Losing a beloved parent as a teenager feels like your whole world is crashing down, making it difficult to connect to certain aspects of the way your life was before. Loss can be all-consuming, compartamentalized, or pain you learn to live with - true grief is different for everyone. But for everyone, it CAN be difficult to re-establish your groove with acquaintances, friends, and loved ones once your perspective shifts and your life is changing. This talk touches upon reaching out and relying on the love and support of people and communities, in whatever form it may come, during difficult periods. This TEDx talk is dedicated to Anthony Woltkamp, who passed away on October 20, 2018.

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Lost my dad almost one month ago. Still doesn’t feel real. To those of you who unfortunately relate, I’m so sorry. We will get through this. Head up folks


Lost my dad 7 weeks ago and am still in shock. It’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.


I lost my Dad to cancer at 18; I just lost my mother this Mother’s Day to cancer - she was 60.

For those of you who are also here for the same pain - I wish I could hug each one of you. May this pain get better for all of us.


My mother passed away yesterday. It was quick and gentle, but the loss I feel is undescribable. I'm happy she's free and my heart is at peace, but she was like my best friend and I feel like I'm missing half of myself. Nights are the worst because that was our time, as we were both night owls and that was our time to chit chat and bond. I was her caretaker during her illness, by her side day and night and was there as she passed. I feel so lost now.


Lost my mum in 2021, I have allot of respect for the speaker, you can tell she's still grieving but she kept her composure. Very brave.


I lost my dad 13 years ago and his loss affects me more now than it ever did before.

The day after he passed, we were cleaning out his truck... in the cupholder was the fortune cookie that he refused to open (days prior when our family went out to dinner).

I insisted that he open it at the restaurant but he kept it instead. I opened it the day after his passing, it read:

You Are Heading to a Land of Sunshine


my dad died a few hours ago i can’t stop crying i feel so lost

edit: thank you for all the kind words, it means to world to me. it’s been almost 7 month since my dad passed away and it was extremely hard to go out through my days without crying and reminiscing on the beautiful memories we had together. it’s gotten a little easier to live from day to day but the void is still very much there.


My mom passed away 2 days ago. I love her. I miss her. I’d do anything to see her again. But I never will. This is the worst thing I’ve ever felt I love her so much.


My father passed. I am 17. Condolences to all who went through this grieving


My dad is not only dying, he is also dying slowly and painfully. He is at the terminal stage of a pulmonary disease and it's killing me to see him suffering everyday. He doesn't deserve to die like this. He is such a good man. Life can be very cruel.


Lost my dad this morning, i have in my entire life never met someone as sweet and pure, he never lied, stole, or did anything wrong to someone else, cancer took him, may he rest in peace forever and evermore


My dad’s death happened so quick and out of nowhere. I still can’t believe he’s gone forever. He had so many years in front of him. And we currently don’t know the cause of his death yet. I don’t want to live anymore. I was already at a low point in my life, and now I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore.


My father passed away last night I am going to miss him so much


Lost my dad at 15, Just turned 18 a month ago. Trust me when i say It never gets easier, but you just have to keep going.


I lost my mother in May of last year. I find it harder to come to terms with it every single day. Imagine seeing your best friend living and breathing that morning and then losing them a few hours later. I still can’t wrap my head around it. I miss you so much, Mommy. To those of use going through loss, keep going! We have angels watching over us. ❤️🙏🏽✨


My dad passed a few hours ago, it feels so unreal


I woke up this morning (March 9th, 2022), to find out that my father had passed. I cried for hours, and many people came to mourn with me and my brothers. I didn't go to school that day, and it didn't feel real, but I know I will see him someday. I didn't realize it until he was gone, but he was the most major person in my life, and he guided me through everything. He was so kind, patient, successful, and he never did anything wrong. Life will never be the same without him. He died in his sleep, and it was unexpected. I am only 12 years old, and my two younger brothers are 7, and 9, so they don't quite understand. Maybe I don't either. All I know is that he is in a good place.


Reading all these comments help so much. I feel very alone in my grief, but reading everyone’s feelings reminds me we really are one human family, and none of us is really alone. It just may feel like it sometimes. I lost my mom 2/1/22. Rest in power, MamaLama. You were the best mom/friend/life coach/cheerleader anyone could have. I will always love and miss you ❤️


My dad died today. I've never cried so much. I'm devastated


My dad passed away at 61 due to a blood clot in his lungs just a day ago. Too young for me to lose my favorite person in the world. I lost him and didn’t get to properly say goodbye. He was gone so quick. He wasn’t just my father. He was my best friend. I’ve never been more shocked and depressed in my life and I don’t know how I’ll go on without him. I have no idea it doesn’t make any sense.
