The REAL Difference Between Calvinistic & Non-Calvinistic Predestination w/ @BraxtonHunter

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Dr. Leighton Flowers outlines the differences between what Calvinists believe about predestination and what Non-Calvinists believe.

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Everytime I hear a Calvinist, I know I am listening to someone who I shouldn't..


I think the Matthew 22 parable is actually the best story for this. First God elected/chose/invited the Jews, but he also chose to invite the Gentiles. Everyone is invited. Those who humble themselves and put in the wedding garments (grace) that God provides, those are the ones who get to partake in the feast/receive eternal life.


Calvinism has so many faces. It’s frustrating. I just started listening to a Reform preacher from Louisville, Kentucky and he’s brilliant. If he didn’t state he was ‘reform’ I’d never know it. He preaches with passion and compassion for the lost. The Piper camp, however, is so locked into its ‘determinism’ that I just can’t listen. It’s really confusing.


I just wanted to thank you again for what you are doing. You have provided an understandable and humble voice to the scholars on the non calvanism side and it has helped me a lot. I never saw the character of God that calvanism portrays but rather the the love and desire for all that provisionism reinforces and I appreciate that you are getting this message out. I would encourage you to rerelease some videos on the main proof texts. I know you already have covered them but I'm sure you have some new things to say and this would make them more recent for search results. May God bless what you are doing to counter the poor picture that calvanism paints.


Thank you Dr Flowers for being a faithful servant and rightly dividing the word. Your position is so refreshing and uplifting as opposed to the heavy oppression that I have felt when I was a younger Christian particularly when a Calvinist defends predestination…God is so good. I believe Calvinists are saved or at least I hope they are but the message they preach seems a bit arrogant/callused I guess and definitely hopeless. Delivered in love? Idk but I hope their eyes would be opened so they can obtain the freedom Christ paid for. Amen


Why is Predestination and Determinism so very central to Western Christianity? Is it really all that important? Aren't there other things, like being spiritually connected to Christ that are more important? Why so much time and energy on whether Christians have free will?

Highest respect for this channel!


You should say Augustinian predestination vs Pauline. Plenty of non-Calvinists still adopt Augustinian predestination which is not Pauline.


Calvinists are arrogant, proud and abusive to whoever has a different opinion than them. God's love, mercy and grace in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what they should be proclaiming.


Good rundown of solid Bible, there Bros. ☝️😎


Calvinist predestination is such an insult to an omniscient, omnipotent God. They say that without that predestination, then God is not sovereign. *I* say that God is sovereign over billions of free wills.


This was a good debate, and the full video of the analysis was also great. I am not Calvinist and really side with you here, but at the same time, I have a lot of respect for Redeemed Zoomer as a bother in Christ, and even though he is Calvinist he has a lot of good theology, looks at all denominations and treats them more or less fair. I think any Chirstian can find value with his channel, even if you strongly oppose his Calvinist view or predestination.


Jesus' critique of the Pharisees was for their exclusionary tendencies.
Calvinists can at times display the same.
Christ died for all people, past and present and future. That is the grace we need to take to the world.


Became Catholic thanks to this channel. Now I go to Society St Pius X, to the Traditional Latin Mass.


Predestinate in the Greek text is the word proorizó.

Pro is our word pre (meaning before) and horizo is our word horizon.

Horizon comes from horus meaning sun and zone, so horizon means sun zone.

Predestinate then means to predetermine for the light.

When Mary said to the angel that she "did not know a man", she used the word ginóskó, which is the same word that Paul used when he wrote "for whom he did foreknow".

Therefore, God predetermined the people he knew intimately for the light so that they would conform to the likeness of Christ.


They give a good review of that section, thanks for sharing.
It's important that we don't concede the concepts of predestination or election or sovereignty or decrees, to Calvinism.
Those terms are all clearly present in a biblical view, they just don't use the Calvinist definition.


A Question for the Non Calvinist: How do you get a desire to come to Christ if you have no desire to come to Christ ?


To mirrabilliss.
I heard the Gospel, and God has graciously given me the freedom to accept or reject it.
Just as I have the freedom to accept or reject other things.
Faith is not the gift, Christ's attoning sacrifice is along with God's grace in providing it.
Faith in the grace is a choice.


DamonNomad. I love you too, my brother In-Christ.


It's really very simple as to what God predestined: He didn't predestine people's DECISIONS as to whether they freely (per how He created us) either embrace Him or permanently resist and reject Him - He left that decision up to us (which is redundantly shown across Scripture!). But what He DID predestine was that EVERYONE who wouldn't permanently resist His wooing, those with OPEN hearts and minds towards Him who embrace Jesus, He would help and guide them to to the salvation that He made possible and certain for them through Jesus on the Cross. And, of course, God has ALWAYS foreknown those who wouldn't permanently resist him, who would eventually and freely choose Him - as those are the ones Scripture clearly reveals He has always desired to (and WILL) save. GOD is the one who saves, made it all possible, for ALL who will receive Him. But we must receive and commit ourselves to Him! Those who insist God's sovereignty means that we cannot choose Him are perversely defining what God, IN HIS SOVEREIGNTY, has the right to (and DID) mercifully allow us - which is our choice whether to receive or reject Him.


This guest thinks Election and Predestination are synonymous words. They are not, that’s Calvinist/Arminian error.
