Getting Past Burnout and Comparison | Meal Prepping For the Week

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It is so easy to get burnt out with day to day task and with life in general. Spend the day in the kitchen with me as I meal prep for the week and talk about getting past burnout.

Biscuit recipe - Coming soon



Thank you for joining us on our journey as we restore our forever farmhouse and begin our homestead!

DISCLAIMER: Some links may be affiliate links meaning I make a small percentage of qualifying sales at no extra charge to you.

DISCLAIMER: My husband and I recently bought a neglected 34-acre farm with several barns, buildings, and a two-story farmhouse. Our plans are to restore the farm and farmhouse to its former glory all while adding our own individual style and design. We decided to vlog the entire renovation process for our own personal records and for future generations. We are in no way experts in renovating nor do we claim to be professionals. All Lewis Acres Homestead videos are for entertainment purposes only. We recommend you always consult professional experts when completing any home renovations and wear proper protective gear.

I am not a professional I am only sharing what I have learned and my opinion.
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I think the life your living is very authentic, its a better path for having peace and fulfillment.


I never tire of seeing your beautiful kitchen!


I love your sink, I hope some day you can get it reglazed. I have my grandparents iron wedding bed. Their house was torn down after my grandmother died and I was devastated because I lived across country and didn't get a chance to get anything. An uncle found out and went to the dump to retrieve the bed for me. I absolutely love it and remember many cousins piled up under quilts and jumping on it in the summer.


I liked what you said about not comparing yourself to others, we all do the best we can. I used to watch a girls homestead channel and she moved to a big house and had garden architects and landscapers and she had a baby who you never see even if she is canning for 12 hours, so you know she has a nanny or something. She has every piece of kitchen equipment under the sun. The comments made me sad, all the young women saying they want to be like her.


"Do what works for you" I COULD NOT AGREE MORE! 🙌


I love that you made a round cake and beautiful too. We referred to them as a “Proper Cake”, because 9x13’s were only for potlucks.


Love this! Also, I think it’s so wild how you said “catching up on baking, ” as that’s one of your regular tasks. Everyone’s lives are so different and it’s so fun to see you living yours!


I really enjoy your channel and the way you present it!❤


Do you save your tea bags? I squeeze out by hand all the tea liquid. Then I set the tea bags to dry out. Then when I have time, I cut with scissors the tea bags open and put tea leaves in jar with lid. When the jar gets full, I mix with garden soil. It helps your garden.


I loved this video. You are so talented in the kitchen for a 25 year old! When I grow up I want to know as much as you do…I’m 59!🤦🏼‍♀️. Live seeing these videos!


First time here and am in awe of your beautiful kitchen!!😮❤
I think I’m old enough now (50)
That I’ve learned to be inspired by others but not to compare myself to them. There’s just some things that are simple not in the cards for me or my family, yet I can lean into those things that others have more knowledge about and that spark my desire to learn and go from there.
Again though you have a gorgeous kitchen and collection.


I wanted to share a cooking tip 🙂. When emptying mixture from a mixing bowl use a spatula to scrape out the inside of the bowl. This makes sure all of the mixture makes it into your cake/recipe and the mixing bowl is super easy to clean as there’s hardly if any mixture left in the bowl. 🌸


Peace and joy is why you do everything❤


I enjoy your videos so much!! Sometimes I just put them on while I am working and it makes the time past in such a pleasant way. I'm an old lady and do everything the old ways that my Granny taught me. You have such a beautiful home and I love the way you respect the past. Thank you for sharing your videos!


I’m in love with you’re kitchen. Thanks for sharing.


My mother made biscuits everyday and she used lard. I never saw her measure a thing. I need to work on my biscuit skills. 😊 That cake was beautiful and I bet it was delicious!


I came across your vlog and in awe of you and your farmhouse living. Love it!


Great video as always! Your bowls are beautiful! The cake looks scrumptious!


Love watching your channel! Such inspiration by our youth! I love it!


Very full day & very impressive, you have way more energy than I have. I think your system of a full day in the kitchen is a great plan. It's good to do a lot of baking on the same day, the oven is already warmed up. All the prep ahead of time, for the week, good idea!
Every time I see you working your kitchen, I just fall in love with the yellow cabinets all over again, they are so lovely!
