Depression vs Burnout in Autism - How To Tell The Difference | Patrons Choice

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How do you tell the difference between depression vs burnout? Is it even important? How do depression and burnout that effect what you should do about it?



My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30.

Yes, I know, I don't look autistic. That's exactly why I started this blog, because if I didn't show you, you would never know.

As the name suggests, this channel is devoted to giving you insight into the world of Aspergers.
This blog started off being just my story, but I've learned SO MUCH about my own condition
from meeting others on the Autism Spectrum that now I make sure to feature their stories as well.

I've come a long way in my own personal journey.
Now I'm sharing what I've found so you don't have to learn it the hard way too.



You can expect me to get to the point with concise useful information.
I focus on what is most important and don't shy away from difficult topics.

The best way to learn about Autism is to see it in real life ( i.e. via the stories of many, many people on the spectrum).

In this channel I endeavour to show you what Autism and Aspergers look like in real people and to also give you some insight as to what's happening on the inside.
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Topics Include:
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- Aspie Tips, coping strategies, and advice on common issues
- Learning Emotional Intelligence (this is my special interest!)
- Autism in real life: stories from special guests

Everything I do is and endeavour to go deeper and take you 'behind the scenes' to understand what may, at first glance, seem 'odd'.
oh, and I love busting stereotypes and turning preconceptions upsidedown :)



I discovered I have aspergers at the age of thrity.
It has been my life's mission to understand these funny creatures we call humans.
My special interest is a combination of emotional intelligence, psychology, neuroscience, thinking styles, behaviour, and motivation. (I.e. what makes people tick)
My background is in engineering and I see the world in systems to be analysed.
My passion is for taking the incredibly complex, deciphering the pattern, and explaining it very simply.
My philosophy is that blogging is an adventure best shared.



I also run autism friendly online emotional intelligence training. So if you like my direct, systematic style, and would like to improve your own emotional intelligence skills, check it out here:



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Рекомендации по теме

Proper Autistic burnout is long-term, in fact is it characterised by pervasive, long-term (typically 3+ months) exhaustion, loss of function, and reduced tolerance to stimulus. For some people, burnout can last weeks, months or even years. Serious burnout can also result in a loss of executive function and life skills, which very sadly in some cases can take years to return or they may not return at all if the burnout is severe. I've been in burnout for 15 months now, and I'm still not able to socialise as it's all a bit too much. I'm not depressed :) Just wanted to give a more detailed view on burnout.


Whenever I go out and do something fun I nearly always feel awful and sad when I get home, which I think must be burnout


I had depression for 2 years following a long burnout period, and the thing that got me out of it was working on a farm and with animals for a year, very intense long physical workouts, it was wonderfully hard and refreshing. I am a short weak city girl, I would never have met this opportunity in my normal life, but I seeked it out myself !


Wow.. when you were talking about burnout and fantasising about carrying bricks, it really resonated with me. I’m an educated person, with ‘fair’ intelligence but the job that appealed to me most (mainly cos I can zone out doing it) is washing pots in a restaurant. The thought of working in an office makes me so anxious. I honestly think I would slowly die doing it. But the physical-ness (is that even a word?) of washing big heavy pots in a busy kitchen just works for me. And I am doing a masters degree! I just feel happier doing this sort of job. It could be carrying bricks, or gardening, or warehouse work. As long as it’s more physical and less brain power, then yes, I would want it more than office work, or sales, or any job that involves using a phone, which makes me feel sick and have mini panic attacks.


Thank you for this. I have reoccurring nightmares of repeating neurotypical high school. I've been severely depressed and burnt out after college. It's been 5 years since I graduated but I can't move that much. Most of my energy goes into making myself food and showering.


Im having my first burnout whilst knowing I'm autistic.

You're so spot on with depression draining all want or desire to do things whereas when you're burnt out you'd trade a limb to be able to just push through, engage and get back on track. You sit there wishing you could get back into life but you can't. You just crash. Even though you really really don't want to.

With depression it's like everything's there if you want it, but you couldn't give a toss because you have 0 interest in life. You want to waste away and not engage ever again. You don't think about the future or try to. You don't care about anything even special interests.


My burnout depression went through stages, but it started showing itself in 2012, and I still suffer consequences from it with reduced stamina and impeded memory and concentration ability. I lost a sense of purpose and meaning that I haven't gotten back. I'm still mourning and it feels like I will never be able to live my life in color again. Whatever I need to do to get better is what makes things worse, but i also can't stand living a life not doing anything either, so I challenge myself, but it takes a huge toll on my emotional regulation, and my mood swings have become more and more intense, to the point where I was diagnosed with borderline disorder, and went through therapy for it, and it didn't help.


Been wondering why I've been so tired all the time, even though I get enough sleep and all that. Then just last week I started incorporating more breaks into my schedule and focusing on more 'mechanical' or physical activities where i can just turn off my brain and focus on the motions. I've been feeling soooo much better. The visual way you presented this made a lot of sense to me. It's clear and easy to understand. Thank you!


I wish you could please tell me how to recharge the battery, fully. I keep only getting partly charged after staying in doors for several days and spending time with my animals. I go back out in the world and try again only to need another week staying at home with my animals. I never feel 100% ready.


In my case, I always get confused between depression, burnout and just autism. Because I somehow always experience all of the symptoms you've mentioned but I also experience short moments of joy often every day and I can, in addition (for example) do things that delight me for a few hours or even half of the day and then feel as tired, empty, pessimistic and short of motivation as before.

I've been really trying to figure out where to categorize this behavior but no matter what people explain to me or what I read about the differences of burnout, depression ect., I just can't pin it down.


You’re saving my life dude 🙌🏼I don’t know where I was if I didn’t find your channel 🙏💙my recent diagnosis is due to a heavy burn out, I’m an adult and I live by myself...really THANK YOU PAUL 🥺🤗


I discovered I have Aspergers four months ago and your videos have been helping me a lot in learning more about myself and how to cope with it


The analogies like mask, wall and batteries are so familiar. I wonder if others keep track on how people drain or charge your batteries, avoiding drainers when you’re low and making an effort for others to whom you owe?


After suffering from depression, burnout, high blood pressure, anxiety, unemployment etc for more than a decade and turning 39 of age recently, I've been finally diagnosed with combined Asperger and ADD today...this is such a relief! I really need to thank you, Paul, because you actually "convinced" me that I could be on the spectrum. For a long time, the "common clichés" about autism like "I don't look like an Aspie", kept me from thinking I could be, until I saw your videos (especially the one where you tell about your childhood) and thought: "Hey, if you're on the spectrum and I can identify so much with your experiences, I should reconsider..". Glad I did.. Kind regards from Germany


Just want to let you know this video really helped me recently. I went back and watched it a couple weeks ago because I couldn't figure out if it was burnout or depression anymore. I realized I was in fact depressed and went back on my anti-depressants. Feeling better now, and on my way to recovery! Thank you!


this is so helpful for contextualizing my depression (mis)diagnosis and how big of an impact school actually had on me. i was having perpetual burnout from school and generally existing in a world made to ostracize autistic people while having no idea i was autistic. i was diagnosed w major depression in middle school and put on ssris (they didnt help because that wasnt the issue) and given a talk therapist when what i needed was dbt and .. for school to not be setup against neurodivergent students the way that it is. ive always had a lot of issues with academia but since quarantine and being able to distance myself from school ive been able to see just how much it was draining me without me realizing it - because it was just my normal. being able to work on projects that interest me with almost all of my time has made me able to do other things i usually wasnt able to do that i chalked up to depression, like cleaning the house and cooking food and showering. its really amazing how much its all intertwined


Very well explained! I am sure that this video will help a lot of people!
but one technical advice with current real batteries. Never let them go to 0 and charge to 80, no more, only go to 100 of you really need it sometimes, this will be better for current Li ion batteries.
Your comparison is good to the old Ni MH batteries but don't do it on your current smartphone.
Sorry, I had to correct this.


Regular yoga, strength training, cold showers and meeting good friends are my sources of energy. Took me a while to figure out that I have to balance out mental work load with physical work load to stay in "working condition" for as long as possible.


I have autism...i recently started a channel and with your inspiring videos I bought a Gopro and since then I have been going out and filming and vlogging...i feel as if behind the camera I can filter the world...edit my self and the world around me...

I wanted to thank you for giving me the courage and teaching ...

It has really made a impact on me...i watched most of your videos and at times I have watched you so much I gain the manners and speech patterns that you have...i mimic you...

Just not the accent...i live in Tennessee ...

When I do that it takes me a few days to adjust


I suspected I had High Functioning Autism (HFA) and was recently diagnosed about a month ago. I can really identify when you speak of burnout. For me, I think my job has caused my burnout. I have done the same thing for almost 13 years but have never been promoted (nor do I want to be) and nor do I want to do what I am doing anymore. I want to do hands on work with computers in cyber-security. Currently I do a lot of office work - taking screenshots of things, interviewing people about their computer and business processes, etc. I love working with computers in my spare time and don't think I have depression because I am always up for learning IT stuff. Think I am about 4-5 months away for beginning to apply for hands on IT jobs (I am currently also going to school), but saying going though the constant burnout of my (current) job is burdensome is an understatement. I am not in the financial condition to just be able to quit my job and find something new (and it's hard to find a job without having one). I am thankful for the job and source of income. Do you (or anyone) have any tips on managing this long term, constant, burnout? Due to the HFA I don't really have any friends and the family just thinks I could make friends if I was just "social". Being alone and the (constant) burnout is very very very difficult. Any tips, particularly in dealing with the work burnout, would be most appreciated!
