How to Deal with Burnout | Adam Borland, PsyD

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If you’re feeling exhausted and sluggish, and even simple tasks feel overwhelming to complete—or you find yourself so stressed out that you’re quick to get angry or frustrated—you might be experiencing burnout. While frequently associated with a stressful job, burnout can affect many areas of your life and even cause health problems. Psychologist Adam Borland discusses the major symptoms of burnout, and provides some tips on how to both deal with this condition.

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Take all the breaks and deep breaths you like but the solution to burnout is to work less. Overwork is slowly killing us all.


I have felt like a slave at work since Covid - doing more, expecting more and more from systems, work faster, heavier work loads. Employers are treating employees like machines or vending machines now, rather than human beings it seems, with the increase of technology, and with expectations to do ten times more, in a shorter more rapid pace!


This is true. I’ve been experiencing everything that he is saying word for word.

I used to be the type of person that was extremely well organized. I had a strict routine that I would follow, including cooking, cleaning and laundry. Since experiencing burnout, my entire routine has been thrown out the window. I hardly cook or clean. I sleep all day over weekends. I feel completely exhausted after finishing a few menial tasks at work.

My day feels like it’s 48hours long, and yet time is moving so quickly.
I find my role extremely boring and mismatched with my capabilities. What I do does not require a person will a unique set of skills in order to execute; anyone can do it.


I'm so burned out, I'd rather be poor than work.


I’ve just had annual leave and was refreshed after feeling wiped out at work . However after one day back that was stressful felt exactly as I did before I went on annual leave . The difference was I recognised my issue might be my stressful job as off work I did not feel depressed. This video helped so much in distinguishing this further and what to do and I found it so helpful to look at how to protect myself from my stressful work and how to be more resilient. Thank you Adam and Cleveland clinic from the UK


Some people burn out and end up in a depression


I cant have routines bc i never know what my work might offer on a daily basis or IF I'm offered work. I dont know if this month ill ba able to pay rent even.

I feel like the minimum required of me to be able to pay rent, keep my home clean, take care of my child, put food on the table is 300%. If there was 2 or three people who was me, they would be able to manage. But i can't. There is just no time. I work after i put my child to bed and after leaving my child at daycare there isn't enough time for me to work to put food on the table. My kid spends way too much time at daycare. And after I've picked her up there is not enough time to buy food, prepare food and clean home and spend time with my kid. Ive tried everything to make it work but the equation is just not adding up. And now I'm at a point where I barely can do any of it anymore.


sometimes you get burn out, as a caregiver.


I studied music in college and have always wanted to be a musician. Now making music just feels like work. All I do is work. No relationships, no social life, barely any exercise, no sleep, poor diet, the whole gamut. It doesn’t help that I’m bipolar

Meditation used to be the most important thing in my life. I would meditate 30 minutes per day and remain mindful throughout the day

Burnout has killed that drive. I’ve stayed at the same level of seniority for years because I’ll get so burned out from one job and move to another. Rinse and repeat. Just spinning my wheels

I am an alcoholic and was sober for three years. I finally felt free from addiction. Then my bosses boss invited me to drinks and I relapsed for at least 6 months; drinking throughout the day and night and developing a nicotine addiction. I started missing meetings, falling behind on work, secretly drinking when with family, low self-esteem, etc. Also gained a ton of weight

I am now 7 days sober from alcohol and still getting withdrawal symptoms (cold sweats, flu like symptoms, depression/agitation, etc.) I know what it is like to be sober and how I previously barely thought about drinking. I am trying to get back to that place

Hoping to fix the cycle soon


Burnout is basically the working class syndrome. Pretty much why most people go through it.


I'm very burnt out!!! I'm never positive anymore. I used to happy go lucky. Than life struck. Now I hate everything.
