5 Stages of Burnout

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Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Are you feeling emotionally drained? Find out if you are burnout.


Featuring @YumiTsui
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Shoutout to my neurodivergent people that get burnout from people


im the level where you feel burnedout from living and just want to go away definitly


Is there a particular meaning behind no longer being able to feel a sense of accomplishment but instead a vague sense of relief that the problem is over and that it's time to move on to the next one?


It's true, every time I notice that a little thing makes me easily upset, I take a vacation. By the way, a very nice selection of frames, they perfectly match the contours of the face.


It's thanks to vids like these I finally accepted I was burnt out and my lack of motivation and depression that had been ongoing for over a year was real. Like a phoenix who went to ash but couldn't get up on my own, like the ashes were too heavy. I got sick of feeling like crap and I finally reached out to a wellness coach last week who specializes in ADHD and had my first session 2 days ago. I feel hope and motivation again for the first time in over a year, and after just one session with completing one day of the tasks she gave me. I'm finally going to rise from the ashes, no matter how long it takes, it's so much better than feeling like that again.


I’m on stage 4 of burnout right now and I don’t even know what to do because no matter what I’ll always have a ton of schoolwork until the year ends.


Was a CG for the same company for over 10 years. Then I had burnt out. my life dramatically changed since then. It’s tough. Still trying to recover from it.


I have dealt with stage five burnout for years, i was born with clinical depression and I was heavily abused until I was around 13 when i finally started to break free from the abuse, im no longer being abused but the emotional and mental disorders caused by it is permanent, i don't expect to ever feel truely happy again and I have accepted that something will always be missing in my life, ive come to terms with my clinical depression, severe insomnia and crippling anxiety, i may also have schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder amnesiac type, but they aren't diagnosed yet, i have every symptom of psychopathy and sociopathy, i know im not ok and that i probably never will be, yet even with 15 attempts im still alive, take this comment as a sign to cut out toxic people from your life before they do to you what was done to me.


I'm currently dealing with burnout constantly uploading videos weekly and monthly being an disabled recording artist, content creations and podcast host


I suffered hardcord burnout.. when i used to wake up my ribs hurt .. fatigue was everywhere... Worst i developed severe depression.... Fortunately by the grace of God and kindess of God, i was blesses to have right people on my side when i needed them. ❤ I can definitely say i came out bravely from severe depression and finally i feel normal again. I am now recovering and feeling free from that dark phase of my life. However it did taught me a lot. Thank you God ❤🙏🕉️


I wish if only I had someone to lean on and tell my problems


I'd love to see your dogs happy faces again. And I know I'm not alone. Thanks for speaking to us. Wisdom, life, mental health. They're all a continuum.


So cool! The animated series is fun to watch and great to learn from but watching live coaches explain these symptoms that rob ourselves of the progress we work so hard at. Thanks for the helpful message.


im really happy ive seen this video because im definitely at stage 3. this opened my eyes.


Please people get help if you actually think you're having burnout. I watched my ex bf go through it. It almost took his life, ruined our relationship and in turn almost ruined me. Please. Take this seriously.


I'm working for a tech company as a coder and I have to work 12 hours a day. I'm experiencing the most severe burnout symptoms. Everyday feels like survival. I don't even have the energy to talk to girls anymore. I'm also searching for a new job at the moment and studying for that. The is the worst I've ever felt in my life


i have been feeling this the past couple of months. everything just seems like it piles up and it is so overwhelming. But I decided to take more time for myself rather than people please 24/7 and go go go. I want to help everyone, but things in my life are making it harder to do so. So much stress, but I am getting better with it i think.


im fucking 13 and am having a burnout right now, oh how great life is


I don't feels anything anymore and everything seem empty.
The only thing i have that make me feel alive are my siblings.


I searched up car burnouts. But this is good too lol
